View Full Version : Anxiety: distraction is good?

03-08-2014, 12:36 PM
Heeeeeello guyz! :)

I've always thought that distraction is good. But is it? Isn't it just a tool used to escape the problem and not deal with it properly? When I'm having some kind of attack, I immediately start playing games and all my symptoms disappear. Maybe it's just a solution for the moment, but bad in the long term. Idk.

A year ago, I'd rarely touch my computer. Today, I've upgraded it to a hardcore-gaming PC and I'm almost on it 24/7. 6 hours a day, if not more. It's not healthy I know, my parents, brother, cousins and gf is nagging on me to go out and do..."stuff". But really, almost all my friends is also on their PC constantly. So we've created some kind of "community" and that's why I enjoy it. I forget all the problems, including my anxiety. Don't get me wrong tho. I'm not afraid to go out or anything. Actually I do go out sometimes (because I must lol); to school, to gym, hang out with friends etc. Also, let me add that I'm really really lazy.

However, the question here is: Is distraction a good or a bad tool?


03-08-2014, 01:14 PM
Heeeeeello guyz! :)

I've always thought that distraction is good. But is it? Isn't it just a tool used to escape the problem and not deal with it properly? When I'm having some kind of attack, I immediately start playing games and all my symptoms disappear. Maybe it's just a solution for the moment, but bad in the long term. Idk.

A year ago, I'd rarely touch my computer. Today, I've upgraded it to a hardcore-gaming PC and I'm almost on it 24/7. 6 hours a day, if not more. It's not healthy I know, my parents, brother, cousins and gf is nagging on me to go out and do..."stuff". But really, almost all my friends is also on their PC constantly. So we've created some kind of "community" and that's why I enjoy it. I forget all the problems, including my anxiety. Don't get me wrong tho. I'm not afraid to go out or anything. Actually I do go out sometimes (because I must lol); to school, to gym, hang out with friends etc. Also, let me add that I'm really really lazy.

However, the question here is: Is distraction a good or a bad tool?


it is good but not when u have dr and spend the day on pc games man.u need to get in touch with reality not some games.

03-08-2014, 01:23 PM
Real life distraction is good, Ie involving yourself in your hobbies, and going about life. That encourages your mind to put panic attacks right at the back of the subconscious. When anxiety is right back there, you'll feel very good.

Online distraction;it can be useful, but it's not as effective. Doesn't quite do the same thing. You don't move on so much, or so quickly, as your mind doesn't quite interpret it the same as real life, but it's still better than sitting and thinking about anxious stuff. Plus having fun is always better than feeling miserable.

What you describe happens to a lot of people.

A good balance is 80/20, and is best to be at least 70/30 :)

03-08-2014, 01:24 PM
it is good but not when u have dr and spend the day on pc games man.u need to get in touch with reality not some games.

Idk. It's weird because my dr/dp goes away completly, I don't even think about it.