View Full Version : difficulty breathing

03-08-2014, 12:30 PM
I've been having shortness of breath on and off for a few days now. Its absolute killer cause the second you start feeling like you cant get a full breath of air its like panic city.

My stomach feels like theres a football in it. Feeling so bloated and just feeling unwell in general.

Im thinking its a bout of IBS again. Anyone else get breathing difficulties with stomach anxiety issues?

Breathing exercises do help if im able to focus on it. I have ADD so focusing on anything is difficult. Except anxiety and health issues of course. Thats ALL my mind can think of..

03-09-2014, 12:36 AM
If I eat too much or I lay down shortly after I eat a large meal, I get this. I also get this when I'm anxious and oddly enough, right before my period for some reason. It's like you said, a football, right in the center of my chest. I feel as though I can't take deep enough breaths or like I'm being choked. It comes and goes, but when it comes it is easily the most disturbing feeling. It's hard not to go into full blown panic when that happens. I like to focus on doing something like cleaning or using my energy on something for a few minutes until it passes. Plus I get a rush of adrenaline with it so it helps to do something physical. Before you know it, the feelings gone. And then I try to reassure myself further by saying,"you survived, you're still breathing, if you truly were having a respiratory problem it wouldn't have gone away like that." It kind of helps!

03-09-2014, 08:43 AM
What youve said is exactly what I have. And its also when ive been lying down too much or eaten too much. And also always before im due my period .it does always go away but as its happening its so terrifying. The more it happens the more I try to take deeper forceful breath which makes me hyperventilate making the whole thing x10 worse. Best thing to do is do some light exercise so the breathing is more natural and even.... hating this.

03-09-2014, 08:54 AM
The best way to help that is just get moving, exercise, tightening muscles, anything to just help you stop focusing on your breathing is key.

03-09-2014, 11:27 AM
What youve said is exactly what I have. And its also when ive been lying down too much or eaten too much. And also always before im due my period .it does always go away but as its happening its so terrifying. The more it happens the more I try to take deeper forceful breath which makes me hyperventilate making the whole thing x10 worse. Best thing to do is do some light exercise so the breathing is more natural and even.... hating this. I tend to get extra anxious before my period :/ but also the hormones produced at that time cause a slowing of your digestive system too which can cause that full feeling. I just try to keep busy until my brain focuses on something else. It sucks!