View Full Version : Why do you think many of anxiety suffers have stiff back and neck?

03-08-2014, 07:56 AM
Hi all,
I've always suffered from stiff neck, shoulder and back since really young like 12yr-old, and they are ongoing issues still now.
I've read at many web sites mentioning that they are the popular symptoms for anxiety-challenged people.
I used to work as a graphic designer and now a medical translator, I have to sit in front of PCs for hours, sometimes over 10 hours a day, and often times it gets unbearable.

I've noticed right after I've developed anxiety issue, that my anxiety gets worse when my back shoulder gets stiffer,
and my neck feels like it's being choked, stomach filled with acid and gas, intestine not moving at all.
This also happens when I wake up most of mornings... my body is very stiff and stomach feels nauseated, it's such a challenge to start a day...(==)

Do you have same symptoms like these?

I also have this weird symptom. I can see my blood veins or rather inside of veins, can even see tiny white blood cells moving and attacking the intruders(intruders are most likely bacteria, they look like balls with many hands, seriously...it's such an amazing view, though) when I'm in a dark place with slim light, or when I look at walls with white wall papers. (I had my eyes checked at a hospital, but they couldn't find anything other than my visual power being pretty low.)

I went to see doctors to check my brain because I can hear heart beat in my right ear and these are also symptoms for a serious brain problem, but the doctors only found that I have a very large vein in my right brain without any clog or anything to cause such thickness. In fact, the doc said he's never seen anything like this.

Then I came up to an idea, what if these weird symptoms all came from years of bad blood circulation from neck, shoulder, back stiffness?
Brain is an organ which needs a lot of blood to keep its cells alive. The thick vein's adjusted itself after years of low blood supply from bad circulation from muscular stiffness?

03-08-2014, 09:13 AM
The spine is where the main nerve center is all wound up..anxiety overworks the nerve center...:)
we're like an electronic device,..a computer..we get "overloaded" too...
Have a great day!


03-08-2014, 09:25 AM
People carry stress in their neck and back as well

And we all know we are stressed

So much chronic back and neck pain could end if people would just stop tarting them as injuries.

The Healing Back by Dr John Sarno.

Helped me completely eliminate lower back pain after 6 years

03-09-2014, 10:25 AM
[QUOTE=Enduronman;169782]The spine is where the main nerve center is all wound up..anxiety overworks the nerve center...:)
we're like an electronic device,..a computer..we get "overloaded" too...
Have a great day!

Yeah, muscle around the spine are the largest muscle in our bodies.
If it gets stiff and disturb circulation, it can hinder our stomach, intestine, heart and even brain.
Though, most of doctors don't connect muscular condition with internal organs, there are serious diseases caused by muscle and other orthopedic area, because like you said, they are all connected.

you too have a nice day!

03-09-2014, 10:33 AM
That is 100% correct..Try some magnesium and see if that helps to relax the muscles abit to relieve some of the neck and back pains..
Yes, the back muscles are the largest muscles in the body I agree and then the quads/hamstrings are next I believe...
I loved weight lifting at one time..my core was solid....grrr...I miss that.
We are all going to have a better day today friend, I feel it coming!!

Welcome by the way...

Enduronman.. :)

03-09-2014, 10:36 AM
Hey, thanx for introducing me the book.
It's great you were free from long years of pain now.

Though in my case, the pain is not from damaged nerve or discs, but simply from stiffened muscle by chronic repetitive movement. But they are also not easy to cure since these muscles are located deep. Shallow massaging can not reach there. But, I might find good hints from the book.

After I take serious massaging on my lower back, my anxiety and choking feeling get really better.
I wonder ...

03-09-2014, 10:47 AM
I've tried magnesium and it does help relaxing muscles.
The problem is, I lack consistency to keep taking supplements...:(
I'll restart taking it again right after this. Thanx for reminding me.

You used to weight lift?
It can really strain your muscle, can't it?
Do you think it's unlikely to connect muscle strain and anxiety?


03-09-2014, 11:00 AM
Considering you stated that you had to sit for 10 hours..sitting is harrrddddd on the body.
Yes, I lifted for 5 solid years non stop, it was the best thing that I couldv'e ever done to strengthen the core and it also helped greatly to relieve anxiety too...
It causes a release of chemical endorphins that you can only get, during strenuous activity..weight lifting and exercise...They are natural pain killers.
If you do anything, just try to exercise abit...walk, jog, lift some light weights..you don't have to squat 535 pounds to feel better but I learned the hard way..a hard lesson..
My joints ALLLLL gave out...I have a cartilage tissue disease now because of it..toooo heavy toooo much...I will be getting back to it, after the physical therapist says so..

Enduronman... Chris. :) :)

03-10-2014, 10:15 AM
535 pounds is a killer!!
I wouldn't have my elbows if I try that. They would be crushed!
I bought a 5 kg small dumbbell but I hadn't touched it, yet. lol
Hope your joints heal well.

Yeah, maybe all I should do is to strengthen the core muscle and help my body to sustain long hours of sitting, also it will help circulation.
I jog time to time, but the problem is, the day after I jog, the whole body feels like it's pounding everywhere and some symptoms gets worse.
Maybe it's from bad circulation, too. Maybe I should start from walking.