View Full Version : why me?

03-07-2014, 09:50 PM
*please excuse my bad grammar and use of slang, im home alone and just used 6 beers to help me thru the night

well a few hours ago i had another one of my "teenage girl breakdowns" and that got me thinking "why the hell did God choose me?"

im a really religious teen who's dedicated to God, but im at the point where i can't handle everything. and no I'm not another one of those teenage girls on tumblr who act as if their boyfriend breaking up with them or a fight with their mom is the end of the world and is therefore automatically depressed. i actually have been through enough shit in my 15 years of life as an Asian teenage girl to say that i have problems. lool...

basically what I'm tryna ask is if you've ever wondered and thought to yourself "why the fuck did God choose me to live this troublesome life?" have you ever wondered why you of all people were chosen to live/be born with such a wonderful/shitty/happy/sad life?

03-08-2014, 04:56 AM

No, your just a teenager girl that loves God, drinks beer and loves to say fuck!

You've mentioned the word God, as many times as you have written lines.

I recommend the following forum for such a dedicated God fearing teenage girl such as yourself.

Less of course you'd like to renounce this God and pop on into my thread, where I would be more than happy to accommodate any further questions.

Best of luck ...