View Full Version : Faint feeling (underated expression(

03-07-2014, 07:05 PM
Hi all havnt been on here in a while. Just had the most odd symptom and it's totally thrown me.
I have anxiety disorder and the last few days have been high anxiety.
But this evening I was ironing some clothes feeling "ok" and suddenly my heart started beating SOO Hard for like 10seconds and I got this weird feeling in my head like pressure each side and fell to the floor. I didn't get dizzy but my ears were buzzing and if I hadn't dropped to the floor I'm sure I would've passed out/fainted.
Is this anxiety? It's never been part of my "list" of symptoms.
I'm pretty scared as it's new.

Any answers wud b really appreciated.

03-07-2014, 07:07 PM
Hi all havnt been on here in a while. Just had the most odd symptom and it's totally thrown me. I have anxiety disorder and the last few days have been high anxiety. But this evening I was ironing some clothes feeling "ok" and suddenly my heart started beating SOO Hard for like 10seconds and I got this weird feeling in my head like pressure each side and fell to the floor. I didn't get dizzy but my ears were buzzing and if I hadn't dropped to the floor I'm sure I would've passed out/fainted. Is this anxiety? It's never been part of my "list" of symptoms. I'm pretty scared as it's new. Any answers wud b really appreciated.

PS should've said- it's the fact that it was SO out of the blue and hit me hard that freaks me too.

03-07-2014, 10:20 PM
I get this feeling all the time.

03-08-2014, 01:23 AM
thanks for your reply rhar - how does it affect you? Is it an anxiety symptom?

03-08-2014, 02:46 AM
Yep. This freaked me out the first time I got it too. But it's completly normal. You won't faint, even though it feels like it. What you are describing is called heart palps. Scary symptom but it's not dangerous or harmful. Just don't give it too much attention. Have you seen your doc?

03-08-2014, 09:17 AM
Hi AliasEQ thanks for your rely. Ive had and have palpitations all the time but never had that feeling of fainting in my head before. it was like pressure in my head (as if I stood up too fast but way worse)- does that sound like something that would be anxiety related?

03-08-2014, 02:10 PM
thanks for your reply rhar - how does it affect you? Is it an anxiety symptom?

I get it a lot. It causes me to panic.
I get a weird dizzy/swimming head feeling with mine. I've had it now for almost 2 years. It's a lot better than it used to be.

It also makes me feel off balance and unsteady.

03-08-2014, 02:17 PM
Hi AliasEQ thanks for your rely. Ive had and have palpitations all the time but never had that feeling of fainting in my head before. it was like pressure in my head (as if I stood up too fast but way worse)- does that sound like something that would be anxiety related?

Have you been to a doc? Yes. I did get this. A really irritating headache + faint feeling = Horrible. Anxiety does everything to scare you. Go to a doc and get it checked just to be sure tho.

03-08-2014, 07:06 PM
The scary thing about these is it does feel like you'll faint, but many say not possible as your blood pressure goes up during an attack, and your bp would be low if you were to actually faint, it's just the temporary depersonalization feeling that is making you feel this way. *sigh*