View Full Version : Anyone else take .5mg lorazepam?

03-07-2014, 06:32 PM
My doctor put me on it because I have bad anxiety at night and can not fall asleep. However, I've been dreading work (having to stay somewhere I feel trapped) and was considering taking one before work in the morning. But now I'm afraid if I do it will make me sleepy and feel like a zombie all day. Advice?

03-07-2014, 06:41 PM
it will make you sleepy, I take it once the panic attack hits, and a few days ago I took while in work, it was not really good day. I had problem to focus on computer...I am used it for years. For a newbie in this med it should be used as a short up to two weeks help for insomnia. You need to talk to your doc about anxiety, and insomnia, Maybe Antidepressants would be an answer for you?

Welcome to the forum,,,people will post :))

03-07-2014, 06:53 PM
I'm pretty med sensitive, and was even taking a sedative antidepressant but .5 lorazepam never made me sleepy. I wouldn't expect it to make you too tired, and it especially won't make you a zombie.

Why not break the pill, take one half, and the other a little later if still needed? They work quickly.

03-07-2014, 06:53 PM
My doctor put me on it because I have bad anxiety at night and can not fall asleep. However, I've been dreading work (having to stay somewhere I feel trapped) and was considering taking one before work in the morning. But now I'm afraid if I do it will make me sleepy and feel like a zombie all day. Advice?

Welcome BrittC!

Try to use the meds for the reason you were given them. Self medicating for other reasons is rarely a good idea.

Let's look at the other thing you said....dread going to work...feeling trapped. What is it about your job that makes you feel trapped? Do you not like the work you do?

I think if you resolve this issue you might find some relief before you spiral down into the black hole of dispair.

We are here to listen and offer unbiased suggestions. We all have such differing life experiences that someone may be able to give you a key to help you help yourself.

Again, welcome! You aren't alone.


03-07-2014, 06:57 PM
I didn't like this drug, I was on .5mg and it was still too strong for me. I used to take it twice a day, and when I'd take it during the day I felt awful because it was hard to enjoy my days all lazy and messed up. However, at night a few hours before bed I loved lorazepam, it was working miracles for me. So yeah, I'd stick to just taking it at night, maybe find some early morning relaxation techniques or natural supplements that wont interfere with your lorazepam to take in the morning before work.

03-07-2014, 07:03 PM
Welcome BrittC!

Try to use the meds for the reason you were given them. Self medicating for other reasons is rarely a good idea.

Let's look at the other thing you said....dread going to work...feeling trapped. What is it about your job that makes you feel trapped? Do you not like the work you do?

I think if you resolve this issue you might find some relief before you spiral down into the black hole of dispair.

We are here to listen and offer unbiased suggestions. We all have such differing life experiences that someone may be able to give you a key to help you help yourself.

Again, welcome! You aren't alone.


I think I start to feel anxious before work because keep thinking in my head that its going to be an 8 hour day and what if I cant make it through the day without having a panic attack. And just knowing I have to be there and cant leave. And If I do leave due to a panic attack I feel like I would be embarrassed.

03-07-2014, 07:07 PM
it will make you sleepy, I take it once the panic attack hits, and a few days ago I took while in work, it was not really good day. I had problem to focus on computer...I am used it for years. For a newbie in this med it should be used as a short up to two weeks help for insomnia. You need to talk to your doc about anxiety, and insomnia, Maybe Antidepressants would be an answer for you?

Welcome to the forum,,,people will post :))

Thanks for the welcome! I am also on the antidepressant citalopram but I feel like its not helping me and I have been on it for months now. I guess I need to pay a visit to my doctor to get the right medication.

03-07-2014, 07:21 PM
I think I start to feel anxious before work because keep thinking in my head that its going to be an 8 hour day and what if I cant make it through the day without having a panic attack. And just knowing I have to be there and cant leave. And If I do leave due to a panic attack I feel like I would be embarrassed.

For starters.....many many of us have left work because of panic attacks, don't be embarrassed. Would you be embarrassed if you got a migraine headache and had to leave, or stomach flu and had to leave before you threw up on someone or something? Of course you wouldn't!

Panic attacks are as real as any other illness.

So.....strategy you can try which helped me. Before you go to bed, write down why you are anxious at that moment. Acknowledge it and forget about it. It will still be on that piece of paper later...

Guided meditation to help you go to sleep. Centres yourself and helps calm the annoying chatter in your brain when you need to get sleep.

Break down your work day into small chunks, an hour at a time, even a half hour. For every time you make it through a half hour, pause and congratulate yourself! You did it!!! Now on with the next half hour...and so on. Every time you acknowledge your success you are one baby step closer to taming the anxiety and panic beast.

Believe that you can do it.....


03-07-2014, 08:36 PM
My doctor put me on it because I have bad anxiety at night and can not fall asleep. However, I've been dreading work (having to stay somewhere I feel trapped) and was considering taking one before work in the morning. But now I'm afraid if I do it will make me sleepy and feel like a zombie all day. Advice?

I personally don't know.. I was going to be put on it so I asked a friend of mine who takes it.. She told me she takes one in morning & one at night. But it makes her tired so she has to fight it during the day.

Do you work tomorrow? You could test it out before hand on a day you have off.

a l i c i a
03-07-2014, 09:46 PM
My doctor put me on it because I have bad anxiety at night and can not fall asleep. However, I've been dreading work (having to stay somewhere I feel trapped) and was considering taking one before work in the morning. But now I'm afraid if I do it will make me sleepy and feel like a zombie all day. Advice?

I'm prescribed it and I love it. When I first started taking it I would take half of it because I was a little scared to take it. Half use to be enough to calm me down but now I need the whole thing. One pill made me a little tired but not too tired to be at work. I'm the same way. I get anxious just thinking about going to work. Maybe try taking half before work and see how you feel. If it's still not enough I would take the other half. That's what I would do anyway. :)