View Full Version : why depression...why now?

03-07-2014, 03:12 PM
I seriously don't understand.. I know I'm a good person. I don't get how I spend so much of my time alone. Starting to get super depressed. You guys know I'm a pretty happy person. I feel numb to the world and like I don't give a shit. I don't have any anxiety in this mindstate which I suppose is nice. But I have no emotions either.. any ideas on why? After all my hard work. I don't normally suffer from depression

03-07-2014, 04:19 PM
This isn't always a bad thing. Meaning, it isn't always something that will stay, or that will cause you problems.

It depends on your history, and where you're at recovery wide.

To get better, you need to go through various stages of chemical/hormonal rebalancing.

Most of them won't be too comfortable. Although they'll probably be quite subtle.

When I first took SSRIs, I couldn't feel a thing. Like, I could probably have seen my own mother drop from a cliff and felt quite 'meh' about it all. It was quite a vile experience really. But over time, all my emotions came slowly back to me.

To my relief!

I had to go through that process of chemical and hormonal realignment. The meds sped it up, and made it a little more dramatic, but I had to go through that period regardless of whether I was on them or not.

Anxiety is such a shock to the system, it taxes the whole nervous system so much, that at times you'll get cut off. You'll get these depressiony periods. Things will seem closed.

The same way here in London, they shut the Underground subway for a night, to work on repairs. It's a real inconvinience, but, that's just the best and safest way to work on a complex system; without distractions.

And the whole thing is similar to when medical patients go into induced comas. You've done the study, so you know what I mean :)... They often induce brain trauma victims into comas, to slow down the amount of processes the brain has to perform, so that it can direct more attention to healing.

You're probably gonna go through processes like that yourself. You're gonna find you'll get cut off from emotion sometimes, as it's quite a natural response to emotional trauma.

I like to think of these moments you're in now as emotional Coma's. I think that's a good way of describing them.

Sometimes it's just your system needing a break, sometimes it's a sign your healing.

03-07-2014, 06:07 PM
I think it is temporary set back. oh maybe Jesse is right about the realigment of hormons....probably. I hope Alaina that you will be yourself soon, :)