View Full Version : Depression only at night?

03-07-2014, 01:46 PM
Wazza!! :)

This is so weird. My depression hits me at night always, even though it's been a really great day. During the day I'm social and fun, but when I'm about to go to bed I feel really depressed. My gf always wondering if I'm on my period -.-'

I'm getting enough sleep and my life is great. Everytime I get this depressed I distract myself by playing games. I don't know if that's so good tho. Maybe I'm getting sad because it's dark? Maybe some seasonal affective disorder? I get it often when it's winter time. What the h*** is this? :|

03-07-2014, 01:59 PM
LOL , Male PMT hey .

Just chemicals shifting . Bit like if you had hormone problems .

Will past over time .

I still get this , last a few minutes now at most .

Remember its not the real you and just let it flow .

Oh thank god it'll go away. Yeah, like I get all emotional and depressed, just like a woman on her period. I NOW KNOW HOW EVERY WOMAN FEELS. Horrible, lol. Oh well :|

03-07-2014, 02:00 PM
I get this sometimes too but I generally do something to occupy my mind, until I'm tired..
Type here, watch the weather, write,,,writing is awesome therapy.
Try no to just sit there and think, sit there, think, and write it down so you don't replay it again...it helps.

or it may be Andropause?...NOOO!!! LMAO!!! You're too young...lucky

Enduronman.. :)

03-07-2014, 02:21 PM
thats coz u are tired my friend. how can u stop being depressed at night? just think the nice thing u have done all day :).

03-07-2014, 02:36 PM
Idk. I got me a good 12 hour sleep. Actually, I've not slept this good since I got all this. Oh well, it's not bothering me too much, but it's definitely annoying me. I feel like a crazy hormonal women for real haha

03-07-2014, 06:34 PM
is it not sadness? When there is silence we often dwell on sad things, maybe you are sad, not depressed?

03-07-2014, 06:53 PM
You're probably not depressed, it would be hard to be fun & social at school if you were. If you are depressed, it's probably just moderate depression which is completely normal with anxiety. I recommend a lot of physical activity, there's solid evidence that excercise is good for fighting depression. And since you aren't too depressed, it will definitely help you combat getting further depressed if you start getting active.

For a while I was too active because it kept me so busy, but I don't believe that's a good idea because then you end up getting extremely fatigued and thoughts usually go off the wire for me when I'm overly tired, an hour a day should suffice.

I used to hate night time with a passion, just the thought of it used to trigger my anxiety, and especially because it's winter it gets dark so quick and it's so gloomy during the day as well. When it's sunny outside and not freezing cold almost none of my anxiety symptoms phase me.