View Full Version : Confused with medicine

03-07-2014, 12:01 PM
I am having anxiety for a few years now. I have taken Prozac for almost a year and before that lexapro. I think the medicine does work but it is more for depression. My anxiety is bad to the point that I can't even speak how do I talk to my psychiatrist? I told her to stop prosac she did not look happy and even got a little IMPATIENT with what I was telling her

03-07-2014, 01:18 PM
Thank you :)
I have talked to my therapist but basically he says that I should speak to my doctor about it. The doctor wanted that I try buspar but I am not sure what to try anymore. I don't think depression is my problem but anxiety

03-07-2014, 01:56 PM
I am a Pro med supporter..I think that they have there place in society and in our systems too, when we need them. That's why they're there.
I'm not so sure it's a good idea to stop taking the Prozac because there are a few people here with anxiety also, that it has helped greatly..Dweeb,,Ashlee are a couple.
Lexapro is generally a great medication for both depression and anxiety both..
Buspar is also helpful to some as well, Kris takes this I believe and probably some others too. With success. It is GREAT for GAD without panic.
I would probably say OK Doc, let's try the Buspar because they ALWAYS start with that anyway then they go from there depending upon how bad your anxiety is...
On to the benzo's like Xanax or Klonopin if the Buspar does not help you..
I'm glad to see that you also see a therapist too...or is it a Psych????


Enduronman.. :)

03-09-2014, 09:50 PM
I am a Pro med supporter..I think that they have there place in society and in our systems too, when we need them. That's why they're there. I'm not so sure it's a good idea to stop taking the Prozac because there are a few people here with anxiety also, that it has helped greatly..Dweeb,,Ashlee are a couple. Lexapro is generally a great medication for both depression and anxiety both.. Buspar is also helpful to some as well, Kris takes this I believe and probably some others too. With success. It is GREAT for GAD without panic. I would probably say OK Doc, let's try the Buspar because they ALWAYS start with that anyway then they go from there depending upon how bad your anxiety is... On to the benzo's like Xanax or Klonopin if the Buspar does not help you.. I'm glad to see that you also see a therapist too...or is it a Psych???? Welcome! Enduronman.. :)

Hi :) sorry for getting back now I had some issues :(((
I am taking Prozac 20 mg and buspar three times a day. I am not sure why I feel like I will not have hope of getting healed I'm not sure why I feel this way. I feel so negative, I am not sure why I feel so sad and depressed that it stops me from social life

03-13-2014, 07:04 PM
You are so great I really listened to your advice. I did what you said I am on Prozac 20 mg and also buspar .5 about three times a day. However my anxiety makes me stutter to the point that in my head I feel inferior bc I fear my English and my accent is bad. I am from Europe moved to USA very young but what stops me from speaking English ? I speak it perfect but I am intimidated to the point where I can't PRONOUNCE NOTHING

03-15-2014, 09:43 AM
I too take prozac 20mg and cannot increase because of side effects and tried
To add buspar as well. Not much help really. Tried zoloft, paxyl, celexa and effexor xr in the past. Doc might decide to add effexor 37 mg
To prozac since they don't work on same neurotransmitter. If i take a high dosage of serotonine reuptake, i get more depressed and anxious. Our metabolism is diff from one to another and we need to listen to our bodies