View Full Version : I'm posting an update

03-07-2014, 11:24 AM
Sooo here's the scoop a lot has happened and continues to happen (not so good) in my personal life BUT I'm making huge strides in the right direction.

By December I had hit a new low, by January I was well versed in wallowing and in February I took charge!

I weaned off my meds and stopped smoking. That almost got a few people hurt :) That was all I could take for February.

This month I quit drinking (I REALLY like my wine) and joined a local gym and have been going daily, I use to work out at home and when I teach but I wanted something just for ME. I force myself every day to go and I work out hard and amazingly enough every night since I've started I SLEEP!!!! (I even drooled once, YEAH ME)

Another goofy thing, totally girly but I'm into my false eyelashes they make me feel pretty...oh so pretty... I jest. Anyways, I'm starting to feel really good about myself. Wow. Did I just type that?

I have used the search bar and read a lot here lately. I've searched every issue I've ever dreamt of and every worry and its here! It makes me realize its the anxiety not ME. I'm not defined by it unless I allow it to define me.

I enjoyed very much the candid advice I read in a post about "owning" your fear, even embracing what you fear and I tested it out. Guess what.........its fricken hilarious to do! Example: I started to panic the other day about being rude, or so I thought, to a teacher at the Catholic school and started to dream up all these horrible scenerios and how she must think I'm a bitch etc.

THEN the post came to mind...embrace it, own it, test it....so I said to myself "Well you ARE a bitch, and you were rude. You meant to be rude, she's a bitch too. So what. Move on." And I burst out laughing. I'm shaking my head because it seems to simple. We are so worried about what others think and feel about us that we beat ourselves up and it makes me mad that I've wasted so ooooo much time and effort on these fears.

I'm doing great today, that's all I can ask for. Here's to hoping tomorrow is as good :) I hope you all can find something that makes you stronger and lose something that makes you feel bad....even for a day!

03-07-2014, 11:30 AM
Sounds like a great success to me!!! Congratulations for accomplishing ALL that too!!!...
Here's to a great day for you!!! (tips my coffee of course)..

Enduronman :)

03-07-2014, 11:31 AM
Awesome!! I love this!!

Have a great day :)

03-07-2014, 11:34 AM
Sounds like a great success to me!!! Congratulations for accomplishing ALL that too!!!...
Here's to a great day for you!!! (tips my coffee of course)..

Enduronman :)

ha I'd rather tip wine! I think in April I'm going to give up my ass, see if I can lose that :)

03-07-2014, 11:35 AM
Awesome!! I love this!!

Have a great day :)

How are YOU today? :)

03-07-2014, 11:38 AM
How are YOU today? :)

Actually just waking up!! I felt extremely tired this morning at 8 so I headed back to bed! So far I'm doing okay :) thank you for asking!

03-07-2014, 11:39 AM
Two things I like a lot in this post;

1. 'It's not me, it's my anxiety.' - Love that. So important in more ways than I can write in the 90 seconds until my foods ready.

2. Having fun with your anxiety/Being accepting - I always imagine it as black mail. I imagine Anxiety as black mailing a person. It holds you to ransom. That's what it feels like.
When you let it do whatever it wants, and start to play games back -- no more ransom cheques to pay to your condition ever again.

Great update :)

03-07-2014, 11:46 AM
P.S do you have a pic of your fake eyelashes? I'm sure everyone wants to see ;)

I'll trade you an eyelash pic, for a silly Halloween pic of me!

03-07-2014, 11:59 AM
P.S do you have a pic of your fake eyelashes? I'm sure everyone wants to see ;)

I'll trade you an eyelash pic, for a silly Halloween pic of me!

I don't know how to post a picture? But if you tell me how I will :)

And its soooo true, I AM playing with my anxiety today, it makes me feel pretty powerful over it.

Like just a minute ago I really wanted wine, thought I was going to cave and then started thinking I was a loser and I wasn't going to be able to stick with it. And I told myself "So what if you don't, your trying." Hmmmm not much after that, just crickets.

03-07-2014, 12:00 PM
Two things I like a lot in this post;

1. 'It's not me, it's my anxiety.' - Love that. So important in more ways than I can write in the 90 seconds until my foods ready.

2. Having fun with your anxiety/Being accepting - I always imagine it as black mail. I imagine Anxiety as black mailing a person. It holds you to ransom. That's what it feels like.
When you let it do whatever it wants, and start to play games back -- no more ransom cheques to pay to your condition ever again.

Great update :)

I'm hoping I can continue, if not I've had a great week and I'm sure bumpy days are ahead, but today I'll celebrate.

03-07-2014, 12:09 PM
To upload a pic, click the third icon from the right. Where the arrow points :)
