View Full Version : Do you always think the worse?

03-07-2014, 09:22 AM
I know I'm not the only one here that does this but sometimes I feel like I am the only one!

For a month I've been under a lot of stress cause I've had an imbalance problem and have been told by my friends and family over and over that it's probably a sinus infection or an ear issue. Urgent care was no help at all. Diagnosed me with ear wax build up. Didn't check my sinuses at all after naming symptoms that could be a sinus infection. So I've been waiting weeks to see my primary doctor. And next week finally the day arrives where I can see my doctor.

Anyways, starting last week I noticed that I had a pain to come and it was on the side of my head over my right ear. I didn't want to get too worked up but it would annoy me every night as soon as I would lay down and it would come and go then go away after a few seconds then return. It then starting triggering anxiety and that's when I would start thinking the worse. An hemmorage, brain tumor, and would not be able to lay steal cause I was afraid I would have a seizure then I would have panic attacks. It's been like this two nights this week where I would feel it at night and wouldn't be able to sleep cause every time I feel it, it puts me on an panic frenzy!

I hate thinking the worse and what ifs. I try to talk to my best friend about it but she's pretty sick of hearing it and keeps telling me that's it's probably just my sinuses. I do the worst and constantly google! I got to stop.

Any of you ever let a pain, or any other physical symptom get you so worked up like this?