View Full Version : Feeling like im losing my mind

03-07-2014, 08:05 AM
Yes, it's me again and I am an absolute wreck. I have got myself so worked up about the most insignificant crap that I don't know which end is up. You no I've been on and on about the palps then the headaches dizziness and such, now I laid down last night and (I've had breast augmentation 3 yrs ago) I start getting these bubbling gurgling sensations never felt anything like it, hate to be graphic but I was totally freaked out thinking my breast were leaking or collapsing, of course when I told hubby this he got really aggrevated with me and says WHEN IS THIS NONSENSE GOING TO END???? So here I am feeling totally isolated with a pissed off and aggrevated husband who thinks I need to simply get a grip, I agree I do but every tine I get over one scare the next one is behind door number 2, 3, 4, 5.......I called my doc he thinks breasts are ok but I go see him in three weeks. Now I'm terrified of laying on my back. I'm so mad I can't even stand myself right now , please advise me people please!!!!

03-07-2014, 08:11 AM
Yer friggn boobs aren't leaking!!!
Trade that bullshit protonix in for some omeprazole from Walmart for $8 and quit worrying about it...
And when you go see the doc, get back on some anti-anxiety meds and a beta-blocker too you twerp!!!....

Smile and have a good day!

Enduronman.... :)

03-07-2014, 08:27 AM
Yer friggn boobs aren't leaking!!! Trade that bullshit protonix in for some omeprazole from Walmart for $8 and quit worrying about it... And when you go see the doc, get back on some anti-anxiety meds and a beta-blocker too you twerp!!!.... Smile and have a good day! Enduronman.... :) :) in still on Prozac wondering if I need to up it. Why am I worrying my life away? Why can I not see what I am doing to myself and my family, it's no different than a drug or alcohol addiction. I'm really discouraged with myself right now, but I'm so glad y'all are here to help. , my husband thinks I'm a nut sack , but I think he still loves me :)

03-07-2014, 08:31 AM
Without meaning to be crude, how big did you go? Was it a big increase in size?

You will improve. Like you say, often it can feel like as soon as you get over one thing, another just comes right along. I think it's true actually. That is what seems to happen. That's why it's so important not to treat the anxiety worry as being special, because, it isn't really, otherwise when you'd gotten over it, that would be the end of it all, but, as so many find out, that's rarely the case. Usually something else just takes it's place. Or it comes back.

That's why people develop systems really, to cope. Some calling them coping mechanisms, others call them techniques, etc. They then just apply these therapeutic ideas to whatever their anxiety flavour is, and it treats it, or at least controls it.

With my OCD this was especially true. I found the 4 R CBT system very helpful. It helped me get on top of my breathing OCD, then intrusive thoughts came along, and the same method helped me get on top of those. A few more came along over the years, and the same system helped all of those. If I'd have treated each issue as it's own special, valid concern, I think I would have ended up in the mad house - exhausted.

Of course I was quite lucky that one technique helped. Some have to develop several techniques or coping mechanisms to keep their issues under control or to get over them.

I think we need to get you some of your own :)

We need to give you some techniques that you can use for various segments of your condition, that will help you stay ahead of it.

Let's work towards this.

What would you say your biggest concern has been over the past month? Let's start there.

03-07-2014, 08:42 AM
They are 350 cc, so basically I went from a c cup to a dd cup. It's not really that big but looking back I should have went smaller. In back of mind I always fear anxiety started because of foreign objects in my body because they both occurred within 6 months of each other . But how many people have this augmentation done every day. I freak out thinking I've poisoned myself!!!! My absolute biggest fear right now is death, leaving my kids and my husband, they will move on, get a better mother and he will get a sain wife!!! That's where I am today, begging for help

03-07-2014, 08:55 AM
:) in still on Prozac wondering if I need to up it. Why am I worrying my life away? Why can I not see what I am doing to myself and my family, it's no different than a drug or alcohol addiction. I'm really discouraged with myself right now, but I'm so glad y'all are here to help. , my husband thinks I'm a nut sack , but I think he still loves me :)

Yup..you need to talk to the Doc SERIOUSLY about these fears Blessed... and this worry of death and such too. An A Typical anti-psychotic may actually be of hugggggeeee help to you but first discuss the increase in Prozac because usually these fears would disappate.... How long have you been taking this Prozac btw????.....:)

03-07-2014, 08:56 AM
They are 350 cc, so basically I went from a c cup to a dd cup. It's not really that big but looking back I should have went smaller. In back of mind I always fear anxiety started because of foreign objects in my body because they both occurred within 6 months of each other . But how many people have this augmentation done every day. I freak out thinking I've poisoned myself!!!! My absolute biggest fear right now is death, leaving my kids and my husband, they will move on, get a better mother and he will get a sain wife!!! That's where I am today, begging for help

Do you have a therapists or a councelor yet????.....:)

03-07-2014, 09:10 AM
About 6 months I guess

03-07-2014, 09:12 AM
I was going to this lady but was not of much help I live in very small town so not a lot to choose from . Do y'all think I'm really off on the head??? That's a dumb question, just trying to make sense of all this mess

03-07-2014, 09:17 AM
Well, actually we are all really off in the head in one way or another but having these constant (irrational) fears and thoughts that fills everyday tells me that the brain has a chemical imbalance that isn't being helped much if at all, by the Prozac but it is a great medication..I'm guessing that your dose may be too low now especially after 6 months at the same dosages.
I don't think that there's really a damn thing wrong with you, but your mind just won't accept that so some stronger medications would be in order to help calm you down so you can enjoy the life that you have...with nothing on the surface wrong with it other than what you create.. :)


03-07-2014, 09:25 AM
Thank you so much, I may call my doc and go up to 20. Thank you for always being there .

03-07-2014, 09:35 AM
Yes friend!!
And yes, 10mg of Prozac for 6 months is toooo littttllleeee....
It's time to step up to 20mg,,,for a couple months now..
You WILL feel better about everything too..
Prozac is one of the best meds out there!!!

Have a great day Blessed! Sending Blessings!!


03-07-2014, 09:39 AM
Thank you so much, I may call my doc and go up to 20. Thank you for always being there .

You're not on 20?

And you wonder why you feel bad? ;)

I don't think you're out of your head no. I think you have some obsessions that need easing a little, and a few of the characteristics of a very stressed and tired mind.

I wanted to let Eman talk meds with you first before I talked CBT, as the meds will probably take a lot of the edge off when you get the right dose.

I mean, you're not our of your mind, simply because of the fact that you're having cognitive distortions. People that have cognitive distortions are very unlikely to be nuts :)

A few CD's that I see in your fear.... I see filtering - you picking out the worst part of your life as a wife and mother and having a fear focus around that. I see catastrophizing - having a hidden fear of dying and your husband and kids finding a better person after you die is a sure way to keep, your amygdala on overdrive and compulsions alive.

I also see obsessions, on certain bodily functions, which would make sense as you've said you've had these kinda of problems in the past. But I'll talk to you about the F method at a later date, maybe your therapist will.

Getting the right med will make thinking changes more effective. That's why I let him talk. A calmer mind is often more receptive to changes. It's easier to work on when your mind is slower and less of a mess.

You've just got to untangle everything, and change a few things around Blessed. If I can see things wrong with you in 2 minutes, and others can too, just imagine what your mind sees spending 24 hours with you.

That's what you are, you're a tangled young lady right now, but not a nuts one, not by any means.

You will need to work slightly harder than others on your mental work. It will probably mean being aware of your mind for most of the day, but I see nothing that shouldn't respond to some good effective psychotherapy :)

03-07-2014, 09:40 AM
Can't top Eman....he said it plain and simple.

Don't mean to be curt about it but until you decide that enough is enough and make the decision to help yourself, do what you have to do, you're going to be a mess with these all consuming fears!

I really and truly want to help you but you need to be part of the solution. There's no magic pill or advice, it won't stop without some hard work from you.

03-07-2014, 09:43 AM
You're not on 20?

And you wonder why you feel bad? ;)

I don't think you're out of your head no. I think you have some obsessions that need easing a little, and a few of the characteristics of a very stressed and tired mind.

I wanted to let Eman talk meds with you first before I talked CBT, as the meds will probably take a lot of the edge off when you get the right dose.

I mean, you're not our of your mind, simply because of the fact that you're having cognitive distortions. People that have cognitive distortions are very unlikely to be nuts :)

A few CD's that I see in your fear.... I see filtering - you picking out the worst part of your life as a wife and mother and having a fear focus around that. I see catastrophizing - having a hidden fear of dying and your husband and kids finding a better person after you die is a sure way to keep, your amygdala on overdrive and compulsions alive.

I also see obsessions, on certain bodily functions, which would make sense as you've said you've had these kinda of problems in the past. But I'll talk to you about the F method at a later date, maybe your therapist will.

Getting the right med will make thinking changes more effective. That's why I let him talk. A calmer mind is often more receptive to changes. It's easier to work on when your mind is slower and less of a mess.

You've just got to untangle everything, and change a few things around Blessed. If I can see things wrong with you in 2 minutes, and others can too, just imagine what your mind sees spending 24 hours with you.

That's what you are, you're a tangled young lady right now, but not a nuts one, not by any means.

You will need to work slightly harder than others on your mental work. It will probably mean being aware of your mind for most of the day, but I see nothing that shouldn't respond to some good effective psychotherapy :)

Wise young man here...:)
Great post!!


03-07-2014, 09:49 AM
Thanks. You how the anxiety hunters do it!

Gonna need a new seat in the van now for Anxiety Huntress Pam!

03-07-2014, 10:13 AM
Thanks. You how the anxiety hunters do it! Gonna need a new seat in the van now for Anxiety Huntress Pam!

Like that!!! May use it!!'

03-07-2014, 10:17 AM
Yes!! A new Anxiety Huntress!!! :)

03-07-2014, 11:16 AM
shit y'all i'm on almost 200 !!!!! mg of luvox and i can finally almost see the light! things are getting really good! no more obsessions and anxiety!

03-07-2014, 11:30 AM
Yes, it's me again and I am an absolute wreck. I have got myself so worked up about the most insignificant crap that I don't know which end is up. You no I've been on and on about the palps then the headaches dizziness and such, now I laid down last night and (I've had breast augmentation 3 yrs ago) I start getting these bubbling gurgling sensations never felt anything like it, hate to be graphic but I was totally freaked out thinking my breast were leaking or collapsing, of course when I told hubby this he got really aggrevated with me and says WHEN IS THIS NONSENSE GOING TO END???? So here I am feeling totally isolated with a pissed off and aggrevated husband who thinks I need to simply get a grip, I agree I do but every tine I get over one scare the next one is behind door number 2, 3, 4, 5.......I called my doc he thinks breasts are ok but I go see him in three weeks. Now I'm terrified of laying on my back. I'm so mad I can't even stand myself right now , please advise me people please!!!!

First, your husband is being a jerk. (don't hate me for that, but he is) so don't worry about what he thinks of you or how you feel.

Second, if your doctor thought you were in danger of your implants leaking he would not "see you in 3 weeks" ;) You are fine.

Third, I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous of DD!!! I wish I had the guts to do it, I would in a second and I would get big huge hooker boobs to go with my fake eyelashes :)

Don't be mad at yourself, you have anxiety .... where is the crime? Really, honest question, what have you done SO bad that you are mad at yourself? We all have fears, worries etc. we just vocalize ours because we need support, if people around you can't support you and comfort you THEY have the problem.

03-07-2014, 12:03 PM
shakes head again , in fact i think i need to get a helmet for when its hitting the wall . When are you going to step up to the plate Blessed and decided that you are not going to live like this any more . I have some news for you. YOU are the only person that is going to fix this . IT like you said , your a addict and unless you start to take control of that then nothing will ever change . This has nothing to do with your boobs ,about dieing , going mad , nothing to do with living in a small town and not being able to find help . These are all bullshit excesses ,anxiety, the same excesses a drug addict will have for not quitting . So yes go and take more drug , up the dose and that will fix the problem . Guess what no its not . This has nothing to do with the drugs , this is all about the fact that you will not change . You took a drug and it worked , it was clear to see that in the way you changed your thinking but you didnt change anything else and the drug bottomed out . This is the same thing that will happen again and again and again until you start to take control of things . So again i ask when are YOU going to start controlling this and not let it control you as any addict does . You cant say you have not been given the tools , you just ignore them thinking that you can just think or drug your way out of this . STOP trying to heal yourself over night , take your pill and deal with all the shit that is causing all this and stop running from it are you agreeing that I need to increase my dosage to 20? I want to get better more than anything I'm this world, I know it don't seem that way but I do. And my husband is truly supportive but I can understand why he gets so inpatient with me cause I ask the same reassuring questions over and over . I've got to get my mind right!!!

03-07-2014, 03:00 PM
shakes head again , in fact i think i need to get a helmet for when its hitting the wall . When are you going to step up to the plate Blessed and decided that you are not going to live like this any more . I have some news for you. YOU are the only person that is going to fix this . IT like you said , your a addict and unless you start to take control of that then nothing will ever change . This has nothing to do with your boobs ,about dieing , going mad , nothing to do with living in a small town and not being able to find help . These are all bullshit excesses ,anxiety, the same excesses a drug addict will have for not quitting . So yes go and take more drug , up the dose and that will fix the problem . Guess what no its not . This has nothing to do with the drugs , this is all about the fact that you will not change . You took a drug and it worked , it was clear to see that in the way you changed your thinking but you didnt change anything else and the drug bottomed out . This is the same thing that will happen again and again and again until you start to take control of things . So again i ask when are YOU going to start controlling this and not let it control you as any addict does . You cant say you have not been given the tools , you just ignore them thinking that you can just think or drug your way out of this . STOP trying to heal yourself over night , take your pill and deal with all the shit that is causing all this and stop running from it

Is Forwells a "hunter" too?

Wow remind me to stay on that ones' good side.

Strong medicine but a healthy dose of reality is often strong!

03-07-2014, 03:01 PM
shit y'all i'm on almost 200 !!!!! mg of luvox and i can finally almost see the light! things are getting really good! no more obsessions and anxiety!

Excellent cat! That light is just gonna get brighter and brighter for you!
