View Full Version : Up at 3am again... Argh

03-07-2014, 05:02 AM
I've now been up for over an hour and can't go back to sleep. I've had a lot on my mind which doesn't help. So I'm just here to talk it out... Not looking for advice just talking this out.
Financially since December I'm not doing as good as normal since I broke my foot, and it's getting really irritating now. I keep wondering 'what is wrong? What am I doing wrong?' Because I've never been in this position. It's more annoying me than stressing me.
And my foot is supposed to be about healed but clumsy me stubbed my toes on that foot, breaking a toe.. Yeah what luck! But I felt a shock go through where the break was and it has been aching sometimes... Don't want to but may have to see a doctor and get X-rays. Just another inconvenience.
And the day before my birthday one of my uncles passed away.. Just on the weekend. He was battling a tumor in his back then a severe infection and it took over him. He was a big inspiration to me: he was in Greenpeace and in the 1980s spray painted baby seals so they would not be clubbed for pelts and cut open fishermens nets to free dolphins. I recall the move to dolphin friendly tuna and my family only buying it.. Now most tuna is dolphin friendly. Did you know that fishermen did not just kill dolphins trapped in nets... They killed them hundreds at a time in the grinders!!! Horrific!!
He even won an Emmy in 1988 for a documentary.
But with this I feel like I want to be vigilant myself in the fight against animal cruelty which I support. On Facebook Procter & Gamble keep annoyingly popping up in my feeds and I've been boycotting them for like 17 years now. Yes they do animal testing on mice, rabbits, cats, dogs, monkeys.... Just horrible.
If you want more info go to peta.org.

So... That is the tip of the iceberg. I'm able to control my anxiety not to peak, but it's annoying enough when it's even minimal and prevents me from a full nights sleep. Wishing tomorrow was the weekend. 2 more hours I normally wake up.
So please sleep come for me just a couple more hours!

Oh and right now trying a new aromatherapy compress for sleep: cold water with a few drops of lavender and valerian root essential oils... : soak a cloth and place in forehead. It does seem to at least help me keep more calm.

03-07-2014, 05:11 AM
You're badass. I respect that you care for animals *fist pump*

I know what you mean about being reluctant to go get more X-rays and stuff. It's always a pain going through the whole medical process.

Hope you manage to sleep soon BQT

03-07-2014, 05:54 AM
Lol not badass.

And still no sleep... Arghhh.

03-07-2014, 07:38 AM
I am right there with you with the insomnia.
I know how utterly wretched it feels.

You will have to suffer for now. But it will pass. You WILL sleep eventually.

Your body is repairing itself while you are in bed. Even if your brain isn't asleep. Try to enjoy the relaxing world of night.

Insomnia is bad. But there are a lot worse things, too...