View Full Version : Recurring Symptom

03-07-2014, 12:25 AM
Hello again, folks!

I come to you with a bit of a problem. It's been all day today that I've been experiencing the feeling of my adrenaline pumping when it shouldn't be. It's been on and off, mostly when I get up and walk around, I can feel my adrenaline start to pump. It happens when I'm lying down but not as full-on as when I'm up and about. I'm wondering if this is part of the anxiety disorder, or if perhaps I should have myself checked out. Has anyone felt this before? It should be worth noting that things have been pretty tense around here. I'm just thinking my anxiety is doing its own thing without checking with me first.

When my anxiety first started, random adrenaline spikes were a core part of it. I'm beginning to suspect that I'm reverting back to that stage of the anxiety. Again, I'm only wondering if anyone's experienced random adrenaline spikes, and how did you teach yourself to control them? They're making me sick to my stomach :S

Thanks for the help!

03-07-2014, 01:53 AM
I get adrenaline rushes during social situations. Meds such as beta blockers, benzodiazepines and clonidine can stop these nasty rushes. Adrenaline rush is anxiety's best friend.

03-07-2014, 02:16 AM
I just take a pill...stops all that.


03-07-2014, 04:17 AM
Hello again, folks! I come to you with a bit of a problem. It's been all day today that I've been experiencing the feeling of my adrenaline pumping when it shouldn't be. It's been on and off, mostly when I get up and walk around, I can feel my adrenaline start to pump. It happens when I'm lying down but not as full-on as when I'm up and about. I'm wondering if this is part of the anxiety disorder, or if perhaps I should have myself checked out. Has anyone felt this before? It should be worth noting that things have been pretty tense around here. I'm just thinking my anxiety is doing its own thing without checking with me first. When my anxiety first started, random adrenaline spikes were a core part of it. I'm beginning to suspect that I'm reverting back to that stage of the anxiety. Again, I'm only wondering if anyone's experienced random adrenaline spikes, and how did you teach yourself to control them? They're making me sick to my stomach :S Thanks for the help!

Hi Smokewater,

As said before these spikes seem to happen to is with anxiety issues. When it happens to me it feels like I want to jump out of my skin.

Walking and moving around helps me too. Also, (my favourite topic from yesterday) refocus, refocus, refocus. Think or do anything that will take your mind off the feelings'

Pills help too, when it's really bad for me I take half of a Valium for relief.

Controlling them is tough, sometimes we just have to ride them out.

Hope this helps!