View Full Version : I'm gonna post a serious thread. on...self confidence.

03-06-2014, 09:53 PM
Hey y'all, just had some questions...or wanted to see what your thoughts were on self confidence. As a kid..I didn't have any...and I didn't start to have confidence until...I was about 22 years old. That lasted up until...now. I've actually lost weight to a very desirable weight for my height.. I eat healthy, quit smoking. I just can't seem to stop thinking it all isn't good enough. I'm starting to feel better about myself on the inside...but it is affecting how I feel about how I look on the outside. I look in the mirror and I constantly pick myself apart.. it kind of perpetuates a cycle where I feel like I need to go buy new clothes or makeup...to feel better. But I never feel better. They say to start on the inside.....but... lol is this like a mid midlife crisis. What's going in with me?

03-06-2014, 10:05 PM
anxiety, we can not find happiness inside us, so we go and spend money on something (I like doing it) and for a moment we take our mind off the agitation....
Self esteem I had never had it, Today I still do not have it.
I am learning to accept myself the way I am and it is hard work, start it early Alaina:)) you are perfect:)