View Full Version : Why during the day? (Mostly)

03-06-2014, 03:50 PM
Why is it I feel mostly anxiety that brings on depressed feelings during the day? First thing in morning and in evening after work is times that I start to feel normal. It's like negative thoughts have less impact most evenings. Also I can do my 3 times a day meditation and they actually give me a chance to feel completely calm and normal even sometimes for minutes to a hour after. I can have really bad symptoms during the day but my meditation can cut through it but soon as I come out of relaxation it doesn't take long for it all to come back.


03-06-2014, 04:22 PM
I am actually usually "normal" at night, probably because my partner is home. When I am at home alone in the mornings while my daughter is at daycare I feel so low and anxious. Impending doom and all that jazz. I have not started benzo's yet but have been given some.

03-06-2014, 04:50 PM
I typically have my worst anxiety either in the early morning or around 2-4 pm ... I am usually calm at night too. Not sure why.