View Full Version : Weird question

Niicole Lynne
03-06-2014, 02:53 PM
Kay... I might be completely messed up
But I need to ask

Lately, since iv been taking my medicine and doing my therapy, I really haven't been having panic attacks or having bad thoughts. Sometimes I still feel anxious but nothing I can't handle.
Now when it comes to my fear
I know I'm still afraid of it
It still bugs me
But as I said, the panic attacks and sick feelings seem to have "mostly" subsided

This should be a good thing right?
I dno... Iv been feeling off lately almost like, not having these attacks and thoughts and feelings is wrong and it isn't me. It's almost like I miss it without really missing it. It just feels like something is missing
I guess I'm just wondering if I'm crazy or if anyone else has experienced this

I don't want my panic attacks or obsessive thoughts back at all but I still feel like I should be panicking and thinking and it feels weird not to be

03-06-2014, 02:59 PM
That's how I felt when I started my meds! I don't feel normal yet!!! But I was scared because I couldn't remember what it felt like to not be anxious!! So if you ask me, it's totally normal.. We get so use to living with our fear so when it's gone, it's different for us. I can't wait to feel your feeling! :)

Niicole Lynne
03-06-2014, 03:01 PM
That's how I felt when I started my meds! I don't feel normal yet!!! But I was scared because I couldn't remember what it felt like to not be anxious!! So if you ask me, it's totally normal.. We get so use to living with our fear so when it's gone, it's different for us. I can't wait to feel your feeling! :)

Thanks Brookelynnn :)

03-06-2014, 03:04 PM
Yeah, you're good :) Don't worry about any of this, it all resolves itself with time. If what you're doing is working, STAY OUT OF THE PROCESS AND FOR GODS SAKE DONT OVER THINK THINGS. Sorry I shouted. LOL. We just love to think we have to get involved in the process somehow. We love analyzing. What does this mean? Is this good? Am I ok? How do I feel? Am I making progress? Am I normal? That's all standard anxiety stuff. Stuff you'll find on your way out of darkness. Let it happen. The best thing to do, is for the next 6 months, let anything happen to you.. Anything. And be ok with it. Accept the weirdness, cos it may make you feel crazy when one morning you wake up and feel too depressed to eat. But strangely, most of the weirdness isn't bad, it's good. It's a sign of healing. You're gonna go backwards sometimes, that's ok. You're gonna feel numb sometimes, that's ok. You're gonna feel odd sometimes, that's ok. Youre gonna doubt yourself. You're gonna feel a little weird without your anxiety, that's ok too! Hope I don't sound preachy, somebody shouted the exact same thing to me a couple of years ago :) Circle of life. You'll do it to another soon enough. Now go cheer up Eman by telling him your treatment is working!

You are Exactly where you need to be right now.

Niicole Lynne
03-06-2014, 03:10 PM
Yeah, you're good :) Don't worry about any of this, it all resolves itself with time. If what you're doing is working, STAY OUT OF THE PROCESS AND FOR GODS SAKE DONT OVER THINK THINGS. Sorry I shouted. LOL. We just love to think we have to get involved in the process somehow. We love analyzing. What does this mean? Is this good? Am I ok? How do I feel? Am I making progress? Am I normal? That's all standard anxiety stuff. Stuff you'll find on your way out of darkness. Let it happen. The best thing to do, is for the next 6 months, let anything happen to you.. Anything. And be ok with it. Accept the weirdness, cos it may make you feel crazy when one morning you wake up and feel too depressed to eat. But strangely, most of the weirdness isn't bad, it's good. It's a sign of healing. You're gonna go backwards sometimes, that's ok. You're gonna feel numb sometimes, that's ok. You're gonna feel odd sometimes, that's ok. Youre gonna doubt yourself. You're gonna feel a little weird without your anxiety, that's ok too! Hope I don't sound preachy, somebody shouted the exact same thing to me a couple of years ago :) Circle of life. You'll do it to another soon enough. Now go cheer up Eman by telling him your treatment is working! You are Exactly where you need to be right now.

Thanks Jesse!
I really appreciate your comment :)

03-06-2014, 03:14 PM
You're welcome. There was formatting I swear, but when I edited the message, the app removed it all ;)

03-06-2014, 03:31 PM

You have turned around at such a quick rate of speed here,,,,omg.. I remember our chats when you first arrived too. I love seeing these successful stories and positive results.. That smile in your avatar is a real one!!!

Have an awesome day friend!

Enduronman.. :)

03-06-2014, 04:56 PM
Nicole you're doing great! You are adjusting to your new normal. Hang in there and be kind to yourself.


03-06-2014, 05:02 PM
I often feel the same things you are describing Nicole

Jesse you are so awesome and inspiring! Thanks for always being so positive and helpful :) you always know just what to say!