View Full Version : Facebook

03-06-2014, 02:34 PM
Does anyone else struggle with social networking? I've just deactivated my account and people actions on there have really clouded the last few hours for me. As anxiety and self esteem tend to come together, I was wondering if anyone else is affected by being on things like Facebook. It would really make me feel better if they were. Thanks.

03-06-2014, 03:00 PM
Certainly social networking has it's black holes we fall into from time to time. We are by nature social creatures and strive for acceptance from our peers. Unfortunately Facebook and the like have become forums for torture for those with low self esteem.

In my humble opinion Facebook etc. has a place in society but should come with a wArning for those who struggle with personal identity issues.

If you are truly happy with the person that you are, the nonsense of Facebook should not affect you so severely.

Something to work maybe!

03-06-2014, 03:04 PM
It's really silly things but I guess the equivilant of rejection in the real world. I was deleted by one person and blocked by another, with no reason or explanation. It's an addictive medium I think for someone with anxiety.. As we can have a tendency to crave approval from others and worry what people think etc so facebook is a way to seek that, but then it's also a way to make u feel a million times worse.

03-06-2014, 03:34 PM
It's really silly things but I guess the equivilant of rejection in the real world. I was deleted by one person and blocked by another, with no reason or explanation. It's an addictive medium I think for someone with anxiety.. As we can have a tendency to crave approval from others and worry what people think etc so facebook is a way to seek that, but then it's also a way to make u feel a million times worse.

Hi Hannah (great name by the way)
I really see your point there anxiety and low self esteem makes us blow everything way out of proportion.
I think perhaps a little break away from Facebook might help you!
I often take a break from there as I used to get so wrapped up in it and take everything personally.
I made a new Facebook and only added people I really wanted there, I still get the occasionally bad feeling on there but I just switch it off and have a moan to the hubby about it, and I soon forget all about it.

03-06-2014, 03:42 PM
I have made a profile with nothing on it, mainly because I had to in order to be able to keep running my business page on there.. I'm contemplating making that my main profile and, like you say, only adding people I really want on there. I think I do need a break from it for now tho as it definitely hasn't been a good thing for my recently or every for that matter.

03-06-2014, 03:51 PM
I have made a profile with nothing on it, mainly because I had to in order to be able to keep running my business page on there.. I'm contemplating making that my main profile and, like you say, only adding people I really want on there. I think I do need a break from it for now tho as it definitely hasn't been a good thing for my recently or every for that matter.

That sound like a really good idea Hannah!
Yeah if you really need a Facebook it's best to just have the people you care about on there, people that won't drag you down!
Who needs to no what the person the went to first school with and haven't seen for 10 years is having for dinner anyway lol :-)

03-06-2014, 03:58 PM
The only reasons it's ever come on handy for me are my business and keeping in touch with close friends who live miles away.

03-06-2014, 04:03 PM
Does anyone else struggle with social networking? I've just deactivated my account and people actions on there have really clouded the last few hours for me. As anxiety and self esteem tend to come together, I was wondering if anyone else is affected by being on things like Facebook. It would really make me feel better if they were. Thanks.

Most definitely......facebook is the devils spawn imo It feeds insecurity.

03-06-2014, 04:07 PM
The only reasons it's ever come on handy for me are my business and keeping in touch with close friends who live miles away.

If you go back to it that's how you should keep it. Just focus on the good things in life and the good people in your life.
Oh and is twitter not an option for your business?

03-06-2014, 10:59 PM
I'm not sure how to reach multiple customers via twitter also I've got hundreds of cards with the Facebook page on. I've been having nightmares about it all night. Stupid huh?

03-07-2014, 03:22 AM
I'm not sure how to reach multiple customers via twitter also I've got hundreds of cards with the Facebook page on. I've been having nightmares about it all night. Stupid huh?

Not stupid no? This is clearly a genuine worry for you at the moment!
The trick is to just not to let it get to you!
I would get on your Facebook and just delete everyone you don't need to be there!
Hope you have a better day today :-)

03-07-2014, 05:35 AM
Hopefully, tho I'm back to work after two weeks off now which is a whole different worry. I still haven't been back on Facebook.

05-07-2014, 03:11 PM
Stay off facebook - its evil and bad - for us special people. It is a world of vile self promotion I cannot stand it. And yes I take everything personally too. I read somewhere that facebook is a complete no no for anyone with depression. So i stayed off it for a few days.. instantly felt better. Until someone tagged me and made a hurtful joke that is... soon it will be deleted.

05-07-2014, 03:21 PM
Hey Hanna, I Have 4 accounts total.... I have my Personal Locked to only Family and Close friends, I have a Business Page, with the actual business feed. (2 accounts Total) and then I have a play around account were I just go out and find funny things on the internet to share with people.

The Personal account only has like 12 people on it and that is to stay connected with Family and close friends. Share personal photos that I only want them to see. Other than that its invite only and not searchable.

The work account is purely to show work, nothing personal that I would not share with a random stranger. Mostly to just show my "Good Side" to my clients and so forth.

Social media is an extremely delicate piece of our society now. It can help build connections and business and ruin you the very next day. I use the rule of thumb, if my mom saw what I put on the page would she approve or not. This is what keeps me out of trouble. I tend not to say anything negative nor air dirty laundry.

05-07-2014, 03:49 PM
I totally agree re airing dirty laundry, I now only use it for my business page or sharing things that grab my attention (funny pics etc) I just this evening found out I'd been deleted by a few people, and it's affected me.. Making me want to deactivate it again. Every time I find I've been deleted with no explanation I get upset and anxious.. Yet I can't bring myself to leave it..