View Full Version : Grrrr!

03-06-2014, 07:10 AM
Woke up extremely anxious this morning, not sure why I had such a great day yesterday, except for my drive to school! I am at work trying not to let it bother me and keep busy, but I get obsessive thoughts about what could be wrong with me, like do I have cancer?, am I gonna live?, does anxiety come with obsessive thoughts like this, it's super scary!!

03-06-2014, 07:14 AM
Yes, obsessive thoughts are a classic symptom of anxiety. I convinced myself that I had lung cancer for about three years in college. Looking back, it seems ridiculous. But I think it was my stupid brain's way of sort of sublimating a lot of other anxieties in my life into health-related anxiety. I imagined I had all these chest pains and everything.

I'm not sure what snapped me out of it. I guess I just, sort of philosophically, decided to stop worrying about my health. I mean, we are all going to die. And we are all going to get sick. Don't live in fear of that inevitability--just accept it and use it as a mandate to live each day to the fullest. Savor every healthy moment and every day on this planet for the beautiful gift that it is. Don't waste it worrying about when you're going to get sick.

And, for the record, there's about a 99.999% chance that you DON'T have cancer and that you AREN'T dying. You have an anxiety disorder. That's all. :-)

03-06-2014, 07:33 AM
Oh my god!!! Lol I know for the longest time when I get a headache or chest pains I'm like oh no! I have a brain tumor or an aneurysm! Or I'm dying of a heart attack! I'm only 26! I know I'm not having a heart attack but I get scared! These obsessive thoughts are sometimes way worse then the physical aspects! I wish everyday I could feel normal for just 5 minutes!