View Full Version : Alcohol and Anxiety

03-06-2014, 04:47 AM
Hi guys, newbie here...

Just wondering if anyone else gets severe anxiety after a night of drinking. It's mostly my social anxiety that kicks in big time and I literally worry myself sick about what I said, what I did, if I was obnoxious, if I talked too much, etc. For example, I went out with my family last night and drank a bit (make that a lot) too much and even though my husband said I was fine, I've been up since 2am obsessing.

Does this happen to anyone else and of so how do you calm yourself down? I'm desperate to try anything at this point.

Thanks for reading.

03-06-2014, 05:11 AM
Heck yeah. It's why I stopped/slowed down social drinking. I'm happy to have 1-3 drinks over a few hours, but any more is NOT worth the social anxiety the next day.

What's done is done. I've seen plenty of outrageous or just silly behavior from drunk people since I stay mostly sober. It happens. Honestly I think most people forget the drunk person's behavior quickly unless it's repeated several times. Sometimes it becomes a joke that friends repeat and laugh about, and that's not so bad either, if the person laughs about it too.

You're fine, I promise - just try to avoid it next time! :)

03-06-2014, 07:03 AM
Alcohol and anxiety isn't the best combination. Try to avoid it as much as possible.

Like mentioned above, I don't think people will remember the person's behavior if it's not repeated several times. I don't think anyone will judge you, you were drunk. Just blame the alcohol lol.

I think you should trust your husband :) Wish you the best!

03-06-2014, 07:05 AM
Alcohol has always been a nasty double-edged sword for my anxiety. It takes the edge off in the evenings, but if I overdo it I feel miserable the next day. It also seems to rev my heart rate up and keep me from getting good sleep. All things that have been well documented in any number of medical studies. But sometimes the evening anxiety is just so bad that I can't help but have a few beers.

I'm currently working on really cutting down on the alcohol, because I know it will make me healthier and lower my overall anxiety. But it's hard to just give up that instant, almost benzo-like relief.

03-06-2014, 08:42 AM
Hi guys, newbie here...

Just wondering if anyone else gets severe anxiety after a night of drinking. It's mostly my social anxiety that kicks in big time and I literally worry myself sick about what I said, what I did, if I was obnoxious, if I talked too much, etc. For example, I went out with my family last night and drank a bit (make that a lot) too much and even though my husband said I was fine, I've been up since 2am obsessing.

Does this happen to anyone else and of so how do you calm yourself down? I'm desperate to try anything at this point.

Thanks for reading.

YES It happens to me, its the worst and its why I quit drinking (again) I was in a horrible cycle of drinking too much, and most definitely acting like it, then waking up in tears and hating myself...taking Ativan to settle down, regret for a day and then believe it or not REPEATING my behavior. What a joke I was. I quit. I am not capable of having "a drink" so I walked away completely. I loved, yes loved, having drinks and forgetting to worry but it was only temporary and the repercussions afterwards are the worst. I know people talk about my drunk behavior and I have people who avoid me because of it, and yes I have those that love me because of my "funny drunk self" but I hate myself for it and obsess like you are saying you do....its the worst and so not worth it. You are not alone at all.