View Full Version : living in constant fear

03-06-2014, 03:18 AM
Does anyone else live in constant fear of dying everyday? Every thought is about health! Nothing seems to make it go away! Waking up every morning thinking 'i wonder what new worry i'll have today'

03-06-2014, 04:36 AM
I totally understand! Been there. So I'm going to tell you what many here have said here.

Refocus, refocus, refocus! It's not easy... But with time you will learn how to do it well.

When I went through my worst episode of this is when I came up with the screen name Needtogetwell, it was and is my way of reminding myself of the things I need to do to be and stay healthy.

Find something that is uniquely you and go from there. We can give you all the support and compassion in the world, but it is not going to get better until you decide that you are going to do and beat this monster, whatever it takes!

Here's to better days and peace of mind!