View Full Version : Can Anxiety cause Bladder Problems??

03-05-2014, 09:11 PM
Hi, I am new here. I am a 29 year old female and I live in the United States. I have struggled with anxiety for most of my life and in the past few years it has grown to be an immense problem for me in many areas of my life, including my recent health. Hopefully someone has some good advice for me. Here is the story:

About a week ago I thought I felt a UTI coming on so I went to a walk-in clinic. I've had UTI's in past years that were quite painful but cleared up in about 3 days with antibiotics. I wasn't having pain but it seemed like I could never fully empty my bladder and I constantly feel the urge to urinate - and I mean 24-7, except for at night while sleeping (I often take very light sleeping pills). The clinic didn't really find anything in my urine sample except for some blood. They gave me a 3 day dosage of bactrim. The next day they called and said I did have a bladder infection. I told them the bactrim was not helping with the urgency at all. They told me to call back on Friday if there was no improvement.

Friday I still saw no improvement so I called back and they issued me 5 days of amoxicillian. I also started taking a probiotic supplement and an organic cranberry supplement twice a day, as well as drinking a lot of water. Got a stupid yeast infection cause of the antibiotics but that is besides the point.

Anyways, by Monday I still do not feel like anything is helping me. I am having extreme anxiety and paranoia and panic and depression because I feel like I will never be able to pee and empty my bladder like a normal person again. I decided to go to a regular clinic and see whatever GP was available. I explained my problems and the GP showed me that I had a strain of strep in my bladder, not the typical e-coli. Not sure what that means, does anyone know?

I gave another urine sample, they took vaginal samples to test for STD's, other infections, etc. Took blood to test for diabetes. Right away they did the dipstick for the urine and said everything looked normal so they were not going to give me more antibiotics. I asked what to do about the full bladder and constant urgency and the Doc. said to give it a few more days and to drink less water and if there was no improvement I might need to see a Urologist (spelling?)

I was done with the amoxicillan as of yesterday. Now I am still taking probiotics and cranberry supplements twice a day, as well as drinking 1 tbsp. of Cystex Cranberry twice a day - that has d-mannose and vitamin c and is supposed to promote good urinary health and help keep bacteria out. I also just added today taking Pumpkin Seed oil supplements since another person on another forum said that helped her immensely.

I am wondering - should I see a urologist if this full bladder/urge continues on for a few more days and doesn't improve? I almost wonder if it is something cause by anxiety - I have just started a romantic relationship with a man and it is getting serious very fast and it is a bit overwhelming. I have been looking up many articles about how anxiety can cause odd symptoms in the body, including bladder problems. I did schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist but that is not for 3 weeks.

Please, someone, anyone if you have any advice for me I would appreciate it so so much. This has only been going on for a short period of time but I am becoming fearful that my bladder problems are never going to go away and my life is over!!!!!!

03-05-2014, 09:15 PM
You are to young to have this problem. Please before you start on home remedies except cranberry juice, go to doc. I would say it will solve in a few days, but it never hurt to see the doc.

03-05-2014, 09:34 PM

Just curious - I am too young to have what problem?

Also, I have seen a few doctors already as I did state in my post.....

03-06-2014, 04:48 AM
Spicy, you already know the answers, which is great.

You addressed the physical problem, the UTI.

Now you need to address the stress level. You mentioned that your new relationship is moving fast. Slow it down, be comfortable and enjoy the wonders of a new relationship.

Anxiety and stress do strange things to the body, not feeling like you can empty your bladder is just one.

Work on what's stressing you out and I am certain you will feel better.


03-06-2014, 05:39 AM
Yes. Especially if you have IBS, diarrhea, it can get all infected up in there even if you uhh "wipe" well, gross, I know.. but, females get them way more frequently, and many are unaware of it til they possibly get sick. You should try getting that stuff Cystex to prevent UTI, I've been meaning to get that myself, they have it at drug stores.

03-06-2014, 06:19 AM

Just curious - I am too young to have what problem?

Also, I have seen a few doctors already as I did state in my post.....
Sorry I thought about something else, did not read the post well. No no you doing everything the way you should. I know when I am stressed, I go to bathroom all the time.... I think when we are anxious we get overactive bladder.;)) I hope it will change, when you feel better:))

03-06-2014, 09:02 AM
Hi, I am new here. I am a 29 year old female and I live in the United States. I have struggled with anxiety for most of my life and in the past few years it has grown to be an immense problem for me in many areas of my life, including my recent health. Hopefully someone has some good advice for me. Here is the story:

About a week ago I thought I felt a UTI coming on so I went to a walk-in clinic. I've had UTI's in past years that were quite painful but cleared up in about 3 days with antibiotics. I wasn't having pain but it seemed like I could never fully empty my bladder and I constantly feel the urge to urinate - and I mean 24-7, except for at night while sleeping (I often take very light sleeping pills). The clinic didn't really find anything in my urine sample except for some blood. They gave me a 3 day dosage of bactrim. The next day they called and said I did have a bladder infection. I told them the bactrim was not helping with the urgency at all. They told me to call back on Friday if there was no improvement.

Friday I still saw no improvement so I called back and they issued me 5 days of amoxicillian. I also started taking a probiotic supplement and an organic cranberry supplement twice a day, as well as drinking a lot of water. Got a stupid yeast infection cause of the antibiotics but that is besides the point.

Anyways, by Monday I still do not feel like anything is helping me. I am having extreme anxiety and paranoia and panic and depression because I feel like I will never be able to pee and empty my bladder like a normal person again. I decided to go to a regular clinic and see whatever GP was available. I explained my problems and the GP showed me that I had a strain of strep in my bladder, not the typical e-coli. Not sure what that means, does anyone know?

I gave another urine sample, they took vaginal samples to test for STD's, other infections, etc. Took blood to test for diabetes. Right away they did the dipstick for the urine and said everything looked normal so they were not going to give me more antibiotics. I asked what to do about the full bladder and constant urgency and the Doc. said to give it a few more days and to drink less water and if there was no improvement I might need to see a Urologist (spelling?)

I was done with the amoxicillan as of yesterday. Now I am still taking probiotics and cranberry supplements twice a day, as well as drinking 1 tbsp. of Cystex Cranberry twice a day - that has d-mannose and vitamin c and is supposed to promote good urinary health and help keep bacteria out. I also just added today taking Pumpkin Seed oil supplements since another person on another forum said that helped her immensely.

I am wondering - should I see a urologist if this full bladder/urge continues on for a few more days and doesn't improve? I almost wonder if it is something cause by anxiety - I have just started a romantic relationship with a man and it is getting serious very fast and it is a bit overwhelming. I have been looking up many articles about how anxiety can cause odd symptoms in the body, including bladder problems. I did schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist but that is not for 3 weeks.

Please, someone, anyone if you have any advice for me I would appreciate it so so much. This has only been going on for a short period of time but I am becoming fearful that my bladder problems are never going to go away and my life is over!!!!!!

Absolutely. I had this happen to me last summer, I would go to the bathroom 6 times an hour, and couldn't really go. I had flank pain and every other symptom of a uti. I finally got the nerve to go to the doctor, I hate going because I think they are going to tell me I'm dying, but I went. My doctor said he didn't believe me about my symptoms, he said it was in my head because I've had uti's before but I was not sounding sure....we did a test, it was negative. He did however give my script and said if I wasn't feeling better in a few days to fill it, but once I knew I wasn't sick.....my symptoms went away. It was all anxiety. With all that being said if you do not get relief soon, please follow up with your doctor :)