View Full Version : So much shit to do

03-05-2014, 08:26 PM
So I'm in high school and this month I've been bombarded with a whole boatload of stuff to do. I have to write to essays for a scholarship application to which the school I attend. A research paper. Homework for all 6 of my classes. Also I have to choose my classes for my junior year, plus my parents on me about EVERYTHING I do because they're afraid I'm going to cut again or even worse. I'm just annoyed and completely overwhelmed. I feel like the only person/thing that can make me feel good is my boyfriend who is really supporting me through my whole healing process.

03-05-2014, 09:10 PM
So I'm in high school and this month I've been bombarded with a whole boatload of stuff to do. I have to write to essays for a scholarship application to which the school I attend. A research paper. Homework for all 6 of my classes. Also I have to choose my classes for my junior year, plus my parents on me about EVERYTHING I do because they're afraid I'm going to cut again or even worse. I'm just annoyed and completely overwhelmed. I feel like the only person/thing that can make me feel good is my boyfriend who is really supporting me through my whole healing process.

Your avatar doesn't fit your thread title

You look like the all American (or some other country) girl and cursing doesn't look like something you would do

Did I just judge you? I hope not because I meant no such thing

You are supposed to feel that way as you prepare for college

If you are overwhelmed, but not getting physical symptoms or dwelling on certain thoughts, you are golden

If you feel that it is beyond that and that it may warrant being a disorder, you have found the right place to get help

Great that you have someone to support you

if you need the support from people that know what you are going through, we can get you fixed up in no time

Welcome here. Nice to have you

03-06-2014, 05:06 AM
Hi Lindz;

As I recall from another post of yours you are in your mid teens. First of all that's tough, but we all survived it relatively unscarred. You can too!

As for all the stuff you have to do, break it down into manageable chunks. 1paper, 1 application or whatever! The list as a whole is too overwhelming. Don't flip between the stuff, start something, work for a set amount of time if it's complete in this time great, if not put it aside and schedule another chunk of time to work on it. The chunks add up to a completed project.

What you are developing are time management skills, and with dedication and focus your todo list will shrink quickly.

As for your parents, they obviously love you and are "on" you because they want nothing but the best for you. I know, sometimes it doesn't feel that way, and parents don't always go about it the right way.

One step at a time young lady, you will get to where you want to be.
