View Full Version : New but not new to panic attacks

03-05-2014, 07:15 PM
New and worried. I'm a young woman somewhere in the world that has panic attacks very bad. I have a bunch of other issues but lately it has been hard to breathe. This happened for the first time when I was 12. It went away for awhile, but now it's back. I always think something is really wrong, and I p-a-n-i-c. Worse than anything. I'm in college and it makes it harder because I start to get shaky and nervous. I know I'm panicking when my hands go numb, and I think I can't breathe.
I always think the worst, that something is really wrong, when physically I am fine. I get scared, really scared. I know that it always turns out okay, but it's so scary every day when this happens to me. I used to tell people but mostly they don't understand, they are cruel. They think I'm doing it on purpose, when I'm not! I feel this way and it feels so real. I'm not scared of movies or anything like that, the only thing I'm really scared of is my anxiety. I want to get better, but I've tried everything. I'm on two medications for anxiety alone. It feels like this feeling happens and there's not much I can do until it's over.
I have been on other forums but thought I would try this one. I hope someone understands. Thanks.

03-05-2014, 07:35 PM
Welcome! I'm new here too, but certainly no stranger to anxiety. I've had crippling anxiety since my mid-teens (I'm 26 now), and panic attacks since age 24.

Have you tried medication? Therapy? There's always a combination of treatments out there for everyone. Some people respond better than others. My anxiety is truly foul and the only thing that has kept it in check is massive doses of benzodiazepines. I have tried every antidepressant known to man and I exercise, meditate, eat healthy, and have cut out caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol completely. That holistic stuff barely scratches the surface of my anxiety. But I manage. Therapy has actually helped a lot.

I don't know, just some parting words of wisdom: Panic attacks never killed anybody. They always go away. They come more frequently if you "anticipate" them or "check yourself" to make sure you're not having anxiety symptoms. So don't do that. Learn to watch them happen, non-judgmentally, and wave goodbye to them as they pass (as they always do).

Keep fighting.
