View Full Version : OCD breathing

03-05-2014, 05:55 PM
I had ocd all my life and recently I started ocding about breathing. It really stinks. My question is this, I did alot of research and come to the conclusion the worst could happen is hyperventilation. However, if I try to control my breathing and mess up the pattern, am I suffocating myself by changing the pattern or is it because I notice it, I breathe faster and I hyperventilate from panic. I'm hoping when I get bad and am grasping for air its not self induced but from panic. I will admit before I get that way I get real panicky. Any help would be awesome. Thank you.

03-05-2014, 06:04 PM
Ah the caudate nucleus. The lovely part of the brain responsible for so many people's OCD joys.

Your brain has just become stuck. I know how much it sucks, this was/is one of my big things. I feel it creep up on me a little when I get stressed, but the CBT for it is very, very good and keeps it away.

You need to get your brain in a state where you can transition between things easily again. At the moment it's stuck on something, and it's kind of like a rusty gear box whereby you try and change focus, but it just jams and locks harder.

I'll PM you with a great place to start, and what I believe may be the answer.

03-05-2014, 07:41 PM
Thanks jessed. I would of pm you back but I need 10 posts before I can. The link you sent me didn't work. I appericate your response. Pm me the link again and do you think what I said above is from panic or because I change my breathing? Thanks.

03-08-2014, 12:56 PM
Thanks jessed for the link. I appericate it.

03-08-2014, 01:37 PM
I had ocd all my life and recently I started ocding about breathing. It really stinks. My question is this, I did alot of research and come to the conclusion the worst could happen is hyperventilation. However, if I try to control my breathing and mess up the pattern, am I suffocating myself by changing the pattern or is it because I notice it, I breathe faster and I hyperventilate from panic. I'm hoping when I get bad and am grasping for air its not self induced but from panic. I will admit before I get that way I get real panicky. Any help would be awesome. Thank you.

I get obsessive about my breathing also. I feel as if I'm not getting enough air and I get lightheaded. It's hard to do anything. I wonder if it's all part of anxiety or something else. Let me know if you find any useful info