View Full Version : admitting the real fear

03-05-2014, 11:52 AM
It sucks when things you want to/ should be happy about, just overwhelm you. I think I put too much pressure on myself. My Husband's job requires us to travel sometimes and be around large groups of people. People that have expectations of him, and since I'm apart of that package, I feel I too am being graded. I just want to be that "perfect" supportive little wife that seems pleasant. Yet on the inside I'm really a neurotic, borderline bi polar train wreck that is cautiously watching for the uni bomber.
So we have a weekend long convention coming up in a few weeks, and I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for what's to come. I would really love to be able to relax. I can never seem to enjoy these things, because I'm constantly anticipating the worst. I'm sure I come across as frigid... but what can I do?
I have on the other hand tried these holistic chews for anxiety and stress, and they seem to help. So that may mean I'll be one step closer to behaving like a balanced human being. We'll see.. any tips on handling these situations?