View Full Version : Forum - Negative or positive?

03-05-2014, 10:47 AM
Hi guys! :)

I've noticed that recently there's been lots of "negative" threads on the forum. I myself have been posting some negative threads. But isn't this a forum where experienced people are supposed to answer these negative threads and help other people out?

On the other hand negative threads can be triggers for some. I've also noticed that the same questions are asked from almost every new member. It's usually: "I'm panicking, please help!" or something similar. I've noticed some people getting tired of these threads and they suggest the new people to search instead, because there's already another post with the exact same title. It feels better to post a thread yourself, about YOUR exact problem. It's always the same problem but it's a different situation. Aren't people supposed to ask these questions here?

Should you come in here when you're feeling good? Spreading some positive energy can be good, but reading negative threads/posts can trigger anxiety. What do you think?


03-05-2014, 10:54 AM
Alias after answering one hundred threads ie Panicky, help or whatever people tend to get tired. I see an option of copying my answers to the 101 threads or stop posting. The search option is the one every forum uses for the very good reason.
:Instead of posting new thread post in the old one, I believe me people will answer....The owner of this site is soo nice he tolerates it. In other sites the same threads would be merged.....my two cents :) I hope you feel better today Alias:)

03-05-2014, 11:17 AM
I always try to spread some positive poooo around here if I can..I haven't been of much help the past 5 days or so....grrrrr

To positive energy!!! YAY!!!

Enduronman.. :)

03-05-2014, 11:25 AM
I don't think duplicate threads are a problem on here one bit. I believe I stated before, I think if someone needs to come and vent about an issue, sometimes just doing that is enough to help them. I find it annoying when forums are so anal about duplicate threads and combine them into one with like a thousand pages.. I know I am much less likely to participate in an extremely long thread like that myself. and, also tagging on an enormous post like that is also less personal and helpful to the panic sufferer that could benefit from a more personal answer to a question they asked themselves.

Multiple threads only bother people who spend way too much time hanging out on the forum anyway.

03-05-2014, 11:31 AM
Alias, you need to take the name of one person on this forum, maybe their email address or something, or you could use the PM system, and use that person as your 'guru'.

Maybe Eman will volunteer, or you could use a couple of people if you wanted.

Straight answer, do I think the forum is beneficial to you right now? No. You need time for your subconscious mind to get over this anxiety business. Even me, for 6 months of the year I leave the forum. Take care of your subconscious and it will take very good care of you. But it's still nice to have somebody that knows their stuff give a little advice, or listen to a venting now and again.

Good luck bro. You're close..

03-05-2014, 11:33 AM
Hi guys! :)

I've noticed that recently there's been lots of "negative" threads on the forum. I myself have been posting some negative threads. But isn't this a forum where experienced people are supposed to answer these negative threads and help other people out?

On the other hand negative threads can be triggers for some. I've also noticed that the same questions are asked from almost every new member. It's usually: "I'm panicking, please help!" or something similar. I've noticed some people getting tired of these threads and they suggest the new people to search instead, because there's already another post with the exact same title. It feels better to post a thread yourself, about YOUR exact problem. It's always the same problem but it's a different situation. Aren't people supposed to ask these questions here?

Should you come in here when you're feeling good? Spreading some positive energy can be good, but reading negative threads/posts can trigger anxiety. What do you think?


I agree with you that it seems mostly negative. I have not been around much since the big fall out last week, it was VERY trying on my nerves.

I also agree that it should be fine if people post their own thread to get info or support and the fact that senior members are "sick of it" or tired is a real turnoff to me as a newbie.

So now I just read and lurk and have given up on the whole idea of building any sort of "friendships".

03-05-2014, 11:38 AM
"So now I just read and lurk and have given up on the whole idea of building any sort of "friendships"."

Same in my case really. This doesn't seem the best place for that, though some are alright here like forwells..the rest, I can't be sure of at this point, why bother? :/

03-05-2014, 11:41 AM
"So now I just read and lurk and have given up on the whole idea of building any sort of "friendships"."

Same in my case really. This doesn't seem the best place for that, though some are alright here like forwells..the rest, I can't be sure of at this point, why bother? :/

oh my...

Have a great day!!...


03-05-2014, 11:43 AM
"So now I just read and lurk and have given up on the whole idea of building any sort of "friendships"."

Same in my case really. This doesn't seem the best place for that, though some are alright here like forwells..the rest, I can't be sure of at this point, why bother? :/

I do really enjoy the search option though and have gotten some great help that way, so if one door doesn't open, try the window :)

03-05-2014, 12:02 PM
My two cents as a new member - I think people turn to this place when they want to vent, call out for help, or not feel alone. Some people only use it once, like an intervention, some rely on it for years by the look of it. I think people often create new threads to describe their situation because they want someone to say "I hear you" and I think that if you say to that person "why don't you just use the search bar?" then you might be in danger of losing sight of how terrifying and important that first post can be for people, and how new and real it feels to them. I think it's fine to ignore those posts if you are tired of them, as long as you don't trivialise peoples feelings and fears. We should all have empathy as we have all been through similar.

That being said, I totally understand why older members might get a bit tired of seeing the same thing again and again - after all, we are all tired of feeling these feelings again and again.

But I wouldn't expect a reply from every member! I don't even know lots of people on here/haven't interacted with them, it doesn't bother me because my opinion is that people should get what they can from this forum but everything has limits.

Personally I massively appreciated the replies I got when I first arrived here, and I hugely appreciate the older forum members who manage not to get sick of things and still take the time to help newbies. For that reason I've tried to answer a couple of posts where i can, to help others. But I would never judge those who don't either, we are all human, all dealing with difficult stuff...we need to focus on what's right for ourselves!

So my answer is, yes, I have found this forum very helpful and am sure I will continue to for some time. When I no longer find it helpful to me, I'll move on and that's ok :)

03-05-2014, 12:06 PM
Alias, you need to take the name of one person on this forum, maybe their email address or something, or you could use the PM system, and use that person as your 'guru'.

Maybe Eman will volunteer, or you could use a couple of people if you wanted.

Straight answer, do I think the forum is beneficial to you right now? No. You need time for your subconscious mind to get over this anxiety business. Even me, for 6 months of the year I leave the forum. Take care of your subconscious and it will take very good care of you. But it's still nice to have somebody that knows their stuff give a little advice, or listen to a venting now and again.

Good luck bro. You're close..

I did use cimi and Eman as my "gurus" :D And they're great! I was having problems while I was on my vacation and I couldn't use the chat from my mobile. So I posted threads instead.

I tried leaving. But I don't feel as if I have all the tools I should have yet. But you're right, my subconsious mind need to get over all this. I will leave around summer as the circumstances will be better for me. Thanks :)

03-05-2014, 12:08 PM
I'm fairly new to the site. I posted a couple "is this normal" questions. I hope they weren't perceived as negative. I have found this site so comforting and helpful. Being new to the site and anxiety in general, it has helped answer a lot of questions. Dahila, E-man, Jessed03 (and a couple others too) do such a great job of reassuring and answering posts. I try not to read the negative posts, it gets me thinking that was and then I just get panicky!
My two cents are....this sight has been very helpful for me and I'm so glad I found it! I'm sure the senior members get sick of newbies asking the same questions, but it was very reassuring to me. Thanks again for the help you've all offered me through your words. Learning how to live with anxiety and panic attacks has been one of the scariest and hardest things I have ever had to do.

03-05-2014, 12:09 PM
My two cents as a new member - I think people turn to this place when they want to vent, call out for help, or not feel alone. Some people only use it once, like an intervention, some rely on it for years by the look of it. I think people often create new threads to describe their situation because they want someone to say "I hear you" and I think that if you say to that person "why don't you just use the search bar?" then you might be in danger of losing sight of how terrifying and important that first post can be for people, and how new and real it feels to them. I think it's fine to ignore those posts if you are tired of them, as long as you don't trivialise peoples feelings and fears. We should all have empathy as we have all been through similar.

That being said, I totally understand why older members might get a bit tired of seeing the same thing again and again - after all, we are all tired of feeling these feelings again and again.

But I wouldn't expect a reply from every member! I don't even know lots of people on here/haven't interacted with them, it doesn't bother me because my opinion is that people should get what they can from this forum but everything has limits.

Personally I massively appreciated the replies I got when I first arrived here, and I hugely appreciate the older forum members who manage not to get sick of things and still take the time to help newbies. For that reason I've tried to answer a couple of posts where i can, to help others. But I would never judge those who don't either, we are all human, all dealing with difficult stuff...we need to focus on what's right for ourselves!

So my answer is, yes, I have found this forum very helpful and am sure I will continue to for some time. When I no longer find it helpful to me, I'll move on and that's ok :)

Agree 100%.

03-05-2014, 12:39 PM
I did use cimi and Eman as my "gurus" :D And they're great! I was having problems while I was on my vacation and I couldn't use the chat from my mobile. So I posted threads instead.

I tried leaving. But I don't feel as if I have all the tools I should have yet. But you're right, my subconsious mind need to get over all this. I will leave around summer as the circumstances will be better for me. Thanks :)

Ok good stuff man. Cos I'm gonna real talk with you. This is your thread, so I think I owe it to you.

There are some people on here, who are never gonna get better.

You can hear the doubt, paranoia, uncertainty, disconnectedness from the world in their voices.

They've become lost in a world that is in their heads, they're lost in ideas and worries. And this happened quite simply, through not breaking out of the stress world soon enough.

Some people here have spent too long as recluses or away from the natural rhythm of society.

These people have had permanent damage done to them by their anxiety. Anxiety can cause permanent damage, make no mistake. And it happens without you realizing it's happening.

Getting over a little adrenaline, that's not so hard, getting back into the world you wanna be in, connected with people, free spirited... That can be harder if you aren't careful.

You're in a very, very fragile state right now.

Your identity gets shot when you go through this. It gets shattered. Right now, your mind is trying to rebuild a new one, and rebuild a new belief system. Your mind is building Alias as we speak.

You really don't want people who have their own issues and obsessions to be a part of forming that. That can cause you long term damage, and it happens so easily.

Everyone who's been here longer than 18 months could name you those on this site that will be better in a year, and those will be in a similar rut in 5 years. There is a lot of bad noise at the moment from those in very bad ways.

Lots of people here don't fit in with society anymore. Once you get off that path, it really is a hell of a job getting back on it. It's damn near impossible. And you will pick up attitudes just by being here. You will, that's certain. Very few here can teach you how to live the life you want, as most of those are no longer here.

Stay, but protect your mind :) the longer you stay, the more you get caught up in the bullshit that can go on here. Stay, but stay with good people. You know who they are. Ignore the ones that seem off.

They will do you no good in the slightest. Many on here are people who can't exist in the real world. You don't wanna go down their path. And they will rub off on you. You can't work in a perfume factory without going home at the end of the day smelling a little of perfume.

03-05-2014, 12:53 PM
My two cents as a new member - I think people turn to this place when they want to vent, call out for help, or not feel alone. Some people only use it once, like an intervention, some rely on it for years by the look of it. I think people often create new threads to describe their situation because they want someone to say "I hear you" and I think that if you say to that person "why don't you just use the search bar?" then you might be in danger of losing sight of how terrifying and important that first post can be for people, and how new and real it feels to them. I think it's fine to ignore those posts if you are tired of them, as long as you don't trivialise peoples feelings and fears. We should all have empathy as we have all been through similar.

That being said, I totally understand why older members might get a bit tired of seeing the same thing again and again - after all, we are all tired of feeling these feelings again and again.

But I wouldn't expect a reply from every member! I don't even know lots of people on here/haven't interacted with them, it doesn't bother me because my opinion is that people should get what they can from this forum but everything has limits.

Personally I massively appreciated the replies I got when I first arrived here, and I hugely appreciate the older forum members who manage not to get sick of things and still take the time to help newbies. For that reason I've tried to answer a couple of posts where i can, to help others. But I would never judge those who don't either, we are all human, all dealing with difficult stuff...we need to focus on what's right for ourselves!

So my answer is, yes, I have found this forum very helpful and am sure I will continue to for some time. When I no longer find it helpful to me, I'll move on and that's ok :)

Kateb, I completely agree!

03-05-2014, 12:59 PM
My £1 worth (I don't deal in dollars)

The forum is a place to both ask questions, receive help, for experienced and inexperienced to learn from each other alike.

There will be a mix of positive and negative, the rough with the smooth, this reflects real life.

Exposure to all aspects of anxiety and depression are a GOOD thing, sheltering is of course another means of avoidance.

I do agree however that fewer threads would engage more people in the same conversation and answer many peoples questions before posting, for example I have been so busy lately (real life !) that many of the posts from newcomers I have missed as they are now somewhere on page 9.

There will always be heated debates breaking out this happens regardless of the platform online or otherwise.

As for the people who "hang around here all day everyday"? THANKYOU !! There are not many people in the world who would work as hard as you do for FREE!

03-05-2014, 01:10 PM
My £1 worth (I don't deal in dollars) The forum is a place to both ask questions, receive help, for experienced and inexperienced to learn from each other alike. There will be a mix of positive and negative, the rough with the smooth, this reflects real life. Exposure to all aspects of anxiety and depression are a GOOD thing, sheltering is of course another means of avoidance. I do agree however that fewer threads would engage more people in the same conversation and answer many peoples questions before posting, for example I have been so busy lately (real life !) that many of the posts from newcomers I have missed as they are now somewhere on page 9. There will always be heated debates breaking out this happens regardless of the platform online or otherwise. As for the people who "hang around here all day everyday"? THANKYOU !! There are not many people in the world who would work as hard as you do for FREE!

I do agree that there are often an incredible amount of threads that are started each day and I too miss many of them

And even the amount of time I spend here, I don't see a substantial amount of new ones

Bumping a thread with an update to an ongoing ordeal seems to make the most sense instead if starting a new thread for each step

That way people can catch up on the history if they choose to do so

And regarding new people starting a thread that is very similar to 100's already here, I understand why they do

When you first find yourself having an anxiety issue and you come here, I think that they do want advice but it is also reassuring to them that you are addressing them personally instead of them having to read over older posts. The more intimate conversations early on seem to help a great deal

So I personally do not mind a new member coming in and asking the same questions. I like to talk to them directly on their thread

If I can't read another post of the same subject somedays, I know the good posters here will do the same as I would

03-05-2014, 01:14 PM
One thing that does bug me, nobody ever posts updates!! Like, I could count on one hand the amount of updates I've read lately.

It would be cool if people came back and gave a little update on how their life is going. Or how their treatment, or how the advice given to them is working out.

03-05-2014, 01:17 PM
And another con, I now suspect everyone new of being Kyle Morgan :-/

I feel like the fruit, only far, far saner.

03-05-2014, 01:21 PM
And another con, I now suspect everyone new of being Kyle Morgan :-/ I feel like the fruit, only far, far saner.

I had no idea that he was back at first and talked to TMR a bit

But I agree that you wait and watch a bit now

It's a shame

03-05-2014, 01:24 PM
I had no idea that he was back at first and talked to TMR a bit

But I agree that you wait and watch a bit now

It's a shame

It's true. If someone posts the same thing twice in a row, I get suspicious. He messaged me yesterday before I blocked him saying he reads the forum too. Be careful what you say about him ;)

03-05-2014, 01:49 PM
Ok good stuff man. Cos I'm gonna real talk with you. This is your thread, so I think I owe it to you.

There are some people on here, who are never gonna get better.

You can hear the doubt, paranoia, uncertainty, disconnectedness from the world in their voices.

They've become lost in a world that is in their heads, they're lost in ideas and worries. And this happened quite simply, through not breaking out of the stress world soon enough.

Some people here have spent too long as recluses or away from the natural rhythm of society.

These people have had permanent damage done to them by their anxiety. Anxiety can cause permanent damage, make no mistake. And it happens without you realizing it's happening.

Getting over a little adrenaline, that's not so hard, getting back into the world you wanna be in, connected with people, free spirited... That can be harder if you aren't careful.

You're in a very, very fragile state right now.

Your identity gets shot when you go through this. It gets shattered. Right now, your mind is trying to rebuild a new one, and rebuild a new belief system. Your mind is building Alias as we speak.

You really don't want people who have their own issues and obsessions to be a part of forming that. That can cause you long term damage, and it happens so easily.

Everyone who's been here longer than 18 months could name you those on this site that will be better in a year, and those will be in a similar rut in 5 years. There is a lot of bad noise at the moment from those in very bad ways.

Lots of people here don't fit in with society anymore. Once you get off that path, it really is a hell of a job getting back on it. It's damn near impossible. And you will pick up attitudes just by being here. You will, that's certain. Very few here can teach you how to live the life you want, as most of those are no longer here.

Stay, but protect your mind :) the longer you stay, the more you get caught up in the bullshit that can go on here. Stay, but stay with good people. You know who they are. Ignore the ones that seem off.

They will do you no good in the slightest. Many on here are people who can't exist in the real world. You don't wanna go down their path. And they will rub off on you. You can't work in a perfume factory without going home at the end of the day smelling a little of perfume.

Wow. Well never looked at it from that perspective. Being on the forum isn't a good and sustainable solution I guess. But I don't understand, "who are never gonna get better"? How are you handling it? And Eman, Dahila, Nixon etc. It seem like you've been here for years and you're not getting affected by all these posts?

03-05-2014, 01:58 PM
Wow. Well never looked at it from that perspective. Being on the forum isn't a good and sustainable solution I guess. But I don't understand, "who are never gonna get better"? How are you handling it? And Eman, Dahila, Nixon etc. It seem like you've been here for years and you're not getting affected by all these posts?

well that was mind blowing and i fully approve what jessed said.i have learned my lesson from that kyle idiot. now i carefully choose what to read and from whom.

03-05-2014, 02:22 PM
Good question from a young wise man...
1. I don't let the forum post bother me as they used to do..
2. I would read wayyyy to deeply into these words and then suddenly see all sorts of s**t about the person that I wasn't even told of...
3. I realized that I had a Highly Intuitive Sense called Empathy...I had to shut it off, in order to return..I was gone for quite awhile at 3 different times
4. Some of the posts, would actually horrify me but I can't give any specifics on the matters at hand but I would see a hell of alot more going on than just "anxiety"...
5. Some of them, I tried to get them to dig abit deeper and to look more intentionally at what they were actually saying here, mentioning, talking about...
6. I sometimes will still dig into that type of thread, post, and or person behind it..
7. I also noticed the thing with the other guy that was here, it was like a broken record persay, and I just ignored it...I chose to ignore him..Even though it "appeared" he was screaming..to me, it wasn't the type of screaming that I wanted to help deal with nor could I. Something was very odd, and I didn't dig into it to figure it out where others did because of their intuitions and instincts...
8. Jesse's remark about "who will get better and who won't" is something that you learn over time after reading 1000's of posted threads, reviewing that persons past threads and post, you can put together a list of pro's and con's and then choose the path of which what to do? If anything at all...We know who will take the suggestions, opinions, advice, as offered, and do something with it or read it forget it and start a new thread instead repeating the same thing again..When you're here for this long, you can sense and see patterns and flows,,yes, sometimes my response is OMG...done in private, sitting here at this screen and then I just have to move on to whom I know will act, react, do something postive to dig themselves out of the holes that they're suddenly finding themselves deeply dug into. It's just a sense.
9. Just know this, I was in this exact same hole but I had to find my way back out of it too..ADD/ ADHD, anxiety, panic, ocd, ied, ptsd, and all that stuff had affected, impacted, infected, my daily life and at times, there is (1) aspect of all that which returns and that is rare, but also the scariest of all too...the IED. It's an explosive disorder. I do know the triggers, and I trrryyyyyy to avoid them too and keep my cool as well. I am doing better with that one. It piggybacks along behind the ptsd of my life and the instances, events, occasions, of a lifetime...they don't hardly ever stop. Always something new, and I just say f**k it, it is what it is...and either fix it, or move on..
10. There truly are lots of people here that just don't fit in with society anymore, they're toooo farrr goneeee. and that's where they have put themselves into. Backed into a dark corner, can't leave the house, afraid of the world, afraid of meds, afraid of doctors, afraid of themselves, and live with a fear or fears,,,,that makes our "free jobs" reallly reallly tough to handle and deal with. Because no matter what we type here, it's all up to them as an individual and just saying "oh, hang in there" doesn't usually fit that particular type of thread, post, or person....gotta find the way "inside"...and we know which ones will even allow that too...

I have no idea what any of that says, but I apologize in advance if I've said anything wrong...and I have no idea where any of that came from either..LOL!!

YAY!!!...a ramble I suppose.

As Nixons signature says, I don't have anxiety, I just like meeting people on anxiety forums.. AABAAHHAAA!!!

Have a great day all!

Enduronman.. :)

Niicole Lynne
03-05-2014, 02:37 PM
My opinion is I find it very negative to know that people are "tired of seeing" the same old posts and thoughts. I have loved this forum so far and found it so helpful and although I may not have made "friends" I have definitely made connections with some people who relate. So it really bothers me that it seems almost annoying when newbies like me come on and post what may have been posted
If u don't repost the same questions or feelings, then u might miss out on connecting with someone else new who may have different opinions or tips, or u might not help someone else new who is going through what you are
I understand use the search bar but really, is it that big of a nuisance?

If you don't like reading the same thing... Don't
If it's a trigger for you... Don't read it
If u don't wanna comment the same stuff... Don't

For me personally it's that simple
What other people post on the forum is whatever to me, if it catches my eye I read, if it doesn't then I don't
If I wanna post I do, if I don't, I don't

Just my opinion
I believe people should be able to post whatever and whenever

03-05-2014, 02:56 PM
Good question from a young wise man...
1. I don't let the forum post bother me as they used to do..
2. I would read wayyyy to deeply into these words and then suddenly see all sorts of s**t about the person that I wasn't even told of...
3. I realized that I had a Highly Intuitive Sense called Empathy...I had to shut it off, in order to return..I was gone for quite awhile at 3 different times
4. Some of the posts, would actually horrify me but I can't give any specifics on the matters at hand but I would see a hell of alot more going on than just "anxiety"...
5. Some of them, I tried to get them to dig abit deeper and to look more intentionally at what they were actually saying here, mentioning, talking about...
6. I sometimes will still dig into that type of thread, post, and or person behind it..
7. I also noticed the thing with the other guy that was here, it was like a broken record persay, and I just ignored it...I chose to ignore him..Even though it "appeared" he was screaming..to me, it wasn't the type of screaming that I wanted to help deal with nor could I. Something was very odd, and I didn't dig into it to figure it out where others did because of their intuitions and instincts...
8. Jesse's remark about "who will get better and who won't" is something that you learn over time after reading 1000's of posted threads, reviewing that persons past threads and post, you can put together a list of pro's and con's and then choose the path of which what to do? If anything at all...We know who will take the suggestions, opinions, advice, as offered, and do something with it or read it forget it and start a new thread instead repeating the same thing again..When you're here for this long, you can sense and see patterns and flows,,yes, sometimes my response is OMG...done in private, sitting here at this screen and then I just have to move on to whom I know will act, react, do something postive to dig themselves out of the holes that they're suddenly finding themselves deeply dug into. It's just a sense.
9. Just know this, I was in this exact same hole but I had to find my way back out of it too..ADD/ ADHD, anxiety, panic, ocd, ied, ptsd, and all that stuff had affected, impacted, infected, my daily life and at times, there is (1) aspect of all that which returns and that is rare, but also the scariest of all too...the IED. It's an explosive disorder. I do know the triggers, and I trrryyyyyy to avoid them too and keep my cool as well. I am doing better with that one. It piggybacks along behind the ptsd of my life and the instances, events, occasions, of a lifetime...they don't hardly ever stop. Always something new, and I just say f**k it, it is what it is...and either fix it, or move on..
10. There truly are lots of people here that just don't fit in with society anymore, they're toooo farrr goneeee. and that's where they have put themselves into. Backed into a dark corner, can't leave the house, afraid of the world, afraid of meds, afraid of doctors, afraid of themselves, and live with a fear or fears,,,,that makes our "free jobs" reallly reallly tough to handle and deal with. Because no matter what we type here, it's all up to them as an individual and just saying "oh, hang in there" doesn't usually fit that particular type of thread, post, or person....gotta find the way "inside"...and we know which ones will even allow that too...

I have no idea what any of that says, but I apologize in advance if I've said anything wrong...and I have no idea where any of that came from either..LOL!!

YAY!!!...a ramble I suppose.

As Nixons signature says, I don't have anxiety, I just like meeting people on anxiety forums.. AABAAHHAAA!!!

Have a great day all!

Enduronman.. :)

Great post as always. I don't want to be that person who doesn't get better. I'll fight through this, no matter how much it takes. I'm going to leave the forum sooner than I expected, I got to go on with my life can't stay here -or else I end up like those people that don't fit in with society. People who should come here are the "very anxious" people and those who can handle it well (like you, Jesse, Dahila, frankie etc). Nothing between. I guess I got my answer for this thread. The forum is positive for a certain kind of people and negative for a certain kind of people. For me, it seems like I should stay away from it because I'm not benefiting anything right now.

Thanks both of you, this has helped me alot.

03-05-2014, 03:05 PM
Its not that they are not going to get better , every one will get better . But some will change for the anxiety and live with it and others will do things in order to live regardless of it .

After a while you learn to see the ones that there is little hope , that they are happy to live the way they are and that change is not something they wish to do . Then there are others that will do what ever they have to but dont know what to .

Then there are others that drive you crazy , you help again and again but yet they dont get it . But you see this little thing in there that they are trying but just dont see it . In psychologythis is pretty normal and its like talking to a two year old that you have to bring it to their level in order for them to understand it .

But with these ones you need to step back because it will take a toll on yourself .

The simply answer i guess is you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink .

Ah, I understand now. It's the same thing with school for example? The teacher does his/her job, but it depends on the student whether he wants to learn or not.

Funny analogy, but it sure helped me understand haha.

03-05-2014, 03:13 PM
[QUOTE="NixonRulz;168532"] I do agree that there are often an incredible amount of threads that are started each day and I too miss many of them And even the amount of time I spend here, I don't see a substantial amount of new ones Bumping a thread with an update to an ongoing ordeal seems to make the most sense instead if starting a new thread for each step That way people can catch up on the history if they choose to do so And regarding new people starting a thread that is very similar to 100's already here, I understand why they do When you first find yourself having an anxiety issue and you come here, I think that they do want advice but it is also reassuring to them that you are addressing them personally instead of them having to read over older posts. The more intimate conversations early on seem to help a great deal So I personally do not mind a new member coming in and asking the same questions. I like to talk to them directly on their thread If I can't read another post of the same subject somedays, I know the good posters here will do the same as I would[/QUOTE

I agree with you Nixon, although I am new to this forum, I am not new to the world of anxiety and panic. I figure that 20 years of on again off again issues with this has given me some scars and possibly a little wisdom.

I am happy to share with anyone, I remind myself how awful life was when this all started, and for those who are new to this how awful it is for them. If my suggestions or insights help just one person my job is done. Part of my recovery has to do with helping others, whether it be kind words, a kick in the ass or just a shoulder to lean on.

For the most part my life is really good, but like most of us when it sucks it sucks big!!

Thank you to those who created this forum, it helps in more ways than you can imagine.

If you are new, welcome! I for one try to help anyone and I believe many many others feel as I do.


03-05-2014, 03:20 PM
Wow I did something wrong and my comments just ended up following Nixons comments. I promise, I will figure this out! You can teach a middle-aged dog new tricks!


03-05-2014, 03:21 PM
Ah, I understand now. It's the same thing with school for example? The teacher does his/her job, but it depends on the student whether he wants to learn or not.

Funny analogy, but it sure helped me understand haha.

That is a great analogy

My wife is an attorney and people often ask her legal advice

When she gives her opinion, they want to debate her about it

You have to open minded to accept the advice of people who may have more experience and knowledge

Some will and some won't

03-05-2014, 03:31 PM
Yep, like Forwells says, certain people won't ever live the life you wanna live. Most, in fact. It's just not an option to them, so they live with their limitations, which is cool, but...a young man like you, you could go do anything. Your minds afraid, and you just need to remind it that you can go do those things you want, and, perhaps spending time with people who are less free spirited, and less positive, and afraid isn't the way to do that.

The internet is a substitute world. There's a lot of dysfunction on this forum. Lots of unhappy or lonely people
It's to be expected. Look at what we've talked about recently; trolls, modding a forum, repeated posts, constant heart palps etc... Thats people substituting for real life, real activities and real social interaction.
That's a completely different world to the one I imagine you want to live in, one where you are active, and social and happy.

I haven't met very many active, social, happy people on this forum :) I just haven't. And it's cool if you want to use this as a stop gap, somewhere to find relief, and advice, that works great -- but what sometimes happens, especially to those who get relief from forums, is because your mind is so timid, and afraid, it takes comfort in this sub world, and you usually go deeper into it. Man oh man have I seem that too many times. Some can bounce back, but the anxious struggle.

Then you can't get out. Lots of your friends are here, and your hobbies are online, lots of your social interaction isn't carefree but filled with some sort of problematic stimulus.

Sure, you turn off your computer, but it doesn't help. Your mind has forgotten how to be that person, and may never go back.

Some people never go back.

I don't think that'll be you. But you have to make sure you avoid all of that BS that comes with forums. You have to make sure other peoples obsessions don't affect you. You have to speak to the people who are like you. That have heart. Make the forum fun, don't get involved in any of that trolling crap that may come up like Cimi says.

The bottom line, use it as a crutch, and not a home. The ones who make the internet there home generally aren't the people you wanna learn life skills from. But there are still people here with much to offer, and teach. Stick with those ones. :)

03-05-2014, 03:35 PM
Wow I did something wrong and my comments just ended up following Nixons comments. I promise, I will figure this out! You can teach a middle-aged dog new tricks!


You missed out the closed bracket on the end of your second 'Quote' text. :)

Anxious Abi
03-05-2014, 03:38 PM
I think I have the doubt, paranoia, uncertainty, disconnectedness from the world in my voice, and a lot of the time I think I don't fit in with society anymore.
Am I too far gone?
I hope not.

OK now I definitely think I am.. I called this place a home just yesterday!
Trying not to worry, but really I am, seriously, how do you know if you're a lost cause?

03-05-2014, 03:46 PM
Yep, like Forwells says, certain people won't ever live the life you wanna live. Most, in fact. It's just not an option to them, so they live with their limitations, which is cool, but...a young man like you, you could go do anything. Your minds afraid, and you just need to remind it that you can go do those things you want, and, perhaps spending time with people who are less free spirited, and less positive, and afraid isn't the way to do that.

The internet is a substitute world. There's a lot of dysfunction on this forum. Lots of unhappy or lonely people
It's to be expected. Look at what we've talked about recently; trolls, modding a forum, repeated posts, constant heart palps etc... Thats people substituting for real life, real activities and real social interaction.
That's a completely different world to the one I imagine you want to live in, one where you are active, and social and happy.

I haven't met very many active, social, happy people on this forum :) I just haven't. And it's cool if you want to use this as a stop gap, somewhere to find relief, and advice, that works great -- but what sometimes happens, especially to those who get relief from forums, is because your mind is so timid, and afraid, it takes comfort in this sub world, and you usually go deeper into it. Man oh man have I seem that too many times. Some can bounce back, but the anxious struggle.

Then you can't get out. Lots of your friends are here, and your hobbies are online, lots of your social interaction isn't carefree but filled with some sort of problematic stimulus.

Sure, you turn off your computer, but it doesn't help. Your mind has forgotten how to be that person, and may never go back.

Some people never go back.

I don't think that'll be you. But you have to make sure you avoid all of that BS that comes with forums. You have to make sure other peoples obsessions don't affect you. You have to speak to the people who are like you. That have heart. Make the forum fun, don't get involved in any of that trolling crap that may come up like Cimi says.

The bottom line, use it as a crutch, and not a home. The ones who make the internet there home generally aren't the people you wanna learn life skills from. But there are still people here with much to offer, and teach. Stick with those ones. :)

Agree with you. This was why I left in the first place. I didn't want it to be my "home". Thanks man, appreciate the help! :)

03-05-2014, 03:53 PM
Anytime bro :)... You and Cimi have all the potential someone could wish for. Live your life, and use the forum as some fun and enjoy the cool people. Then it's all good my friend. We do care about you, but, ya know, we like seeing young men doing young men things. I spent too much of my anxious youth online. I really regret it.

03-05-2014, 04:26 PM
I think I have the doubt, paranoia, uncertainty, disconnectedness from the world in my voice, and a lot of the time I think I don't fit in with society anymore.
Am I too far gone?
I hope not.

OK now I definitely think I am.. I called this place a home just yesterday!
Trying not to worry, but really I am, seriously, how do you know if you're a lost cause?

You're not a lost cause

I was just demonstrating a point, wasn't being literal, the England game was on, so maybe my choice of words wasn't perfect either LOL :)

I just meant that the path we travel is a little different to those who are close to living freely. We (I include myself cos of health issues too) have to make do for a while with what we can get until we get to a stage where we can enjoy a little more freedom.

Anxious Abi
03-05-2014, 04:47 PM
I understand, your words were more than on point for what they were intended.
I just read it and my mind went, that's me.. I'm one of those people!

03-05-2014, 05:01 PM
I understand, your words were more than on point for what they were intended.
I just read it and my mind went, that's me.. I'm one of those people!

Abi, are you doing CBT by the way? I can't remember :)

03-06-2014, 07:33 AM
It's not as if this forum is a dungeon and you're trapped here forever! Personally, I don't feel stuck coming here, it just can be nice to vent when anxiety is bad. Besides, no one really is "cured" of anxiety, at best, they learn to manage it better. It's always going to be with you, though sometimes you will feel better and not even think of it much, til comes the time something else may set it off, it's good to have support, online or off in those instances.

Anxious Abi
03-06-2014, 08:36 AM
Abi, are you doing CBT by the way? I can't remember :)

I was, but i'm not having sessions anymore, I did the maximum amount, I think if I want more I will have to be re-referred.

03-06-2014, 09:02 AM
It's not as if this forum is a dungeon and you're trapped here forever! Personally, I don't feel stuck coming here, it just can be nice to vent when anxiety is bad. Besides, no one really is "cured" of anxiety, at best, they learn to manage it better. It's always going to be with you, though sometimes you will feel better and not even think of it much, til comes the time something else may set it off, it's good to have support, online or off in those instances.

No offence my love, but you were kind of one of the people I was referring to in my posts.

03-06-2014, 09:03 AM
I was, but i'm not having sessions anymore, I did the maximum amount, I think if I want more I will have to be re-referred.

Did you just use it for anxiety issues, or did you get CBT help for your intrusive thoughts and stuff too?

03-06-2014, 09:22 AM
No offence my love, but you were kind of one of the people I was referring to in my posts.

Sorry, I have no idea what you were referring to because I generally tend to skip reading your crap since it's generally irrelevant and mostly fictional garbage you pull out of your ass. "My love" thanks for the nausea. :)

03-06-2014, 09:53 AM
If you seem to think I live in some fantasy internet world like you, couldn't be more wrong. There is a difference between using an anxiety forum to vent your problems and get advice for your REAL life problems, and then there is trolling it, being someone you really aren't, living in fantasy.. Honestly, if you must know, not much of my social life really is online too much these days, in the past, I did have some friends I talked to daily, I may or may not have some in the future..but I have a real life, I have family, animals to take care of, hobbies etc.. I am not here to live in another realm like you seem to be.

-Typical cheap shots by you are not a surprise when you don't have a comeback.

If you don't want me thinking you're obsessed, quit trolling me on yahoo, on here, and hacking my email accounts, it's super creepy. and even if I found anything remotely attractive about your personality, it still wouldn't be enough to overshadow your abusive, bizarre... stalker like tendencies and unhealthy desire for control over people, and your nasty abusive nature that you fail to hide well enough from the world.

03-06-2014, 10:11 AM
If you seem to think I live in some fantasy internet world like you, couldn't be more wrong. There is a difference between using an anxiety forum to vent your problems and get advice for your REAL life problems, and then there is trolling it, being someone you really aren't, living in fantasy.. Honestly, if you must know, not much of my social life really is online too much these days, in the past, I did have some friends I talked to daily, I may or may not have some in the future..but I have a real life, I have family, animals to take care of, hobbies etc.. I am not here to live in another realm like you seem to be.

-Typical cheap shots by you are not a surprise when you don't have a comeback.

If you don't want me thinking you're obsessed, quit trolling me on yahoo, on here, and hacking my email accounts, it's super creepy. and even if I found anything remotely attractive about your personality, it still wouldn't be enough to overshadow your abusive, bizarre... stalker like tendencies and unhealthy desire for control over people, and your nasty abusive nature that you fail to hide well enough from the world.

Did you ever date that Catfish guy, or have any kind of flirty relationship, or did he just meet you and stalk you?

03-06-2014, 10:16 AM
^*Starting to get a panic attack* for real, I can't take this right now. I'm out of here.

03-06-2014, 10:20 AM
^*Starting to get a panic attack* for real, I can't take this right now. I'm out of here.

That's the same line Nixons wife pulls on him when she doesn't wanna reveal how much money she just spent on shoes.

So the word catfish gives you a panic attack? Hmm. This will be useful to know.

Catf... Only joking.

Later you crazy ol' fruit. Read the Linden Method or something.

03-06-2014, 10:34 AM
Hi everyone I really want to have my say here so sorry for butting in if I am.
When I first joined this forum I was a mess mentally and physically!
I was essentially scared of my own shadow convinced in was the grim reaper or something. I'm sure I was one of the ones that posted repeatedly about certain problems I was having, but as I was doing this I managed to get different peoples advice and it started sinking in and started helping. If it wasn't for the people on here I'm sure I would be the shell of a person I was back then.
I came here seeking help and understanding and that's what I found.
I did have to leave for a while as I was more depressed than anxious at that time and felt I wasn't listening to advice and I was unable to give any as I just wasn't in that frame of mind.
I came back after I managed to get myself in a better place and I really wanted to give something back a kind of thank you if you like.
So no I really don't mind seeing the repeated posts all the time because I have been there!
No I'm not cured I don't think there is a cure from anxiety but I'm dealing with it and accepting it I take my medication daily and I suppose this is my new kind of therapy.
This forum has been a major positive to my life, but if I start to feel it being a negative I just don't log in!

Sorry for rambling I just wanted to share my experience here!

03-06-2014, 11:05 AM
I think I have the doubt, paranoia, uncertainty, disconnectedness from the world in my voice, and a lot of the time I think I don't fit in with society anymore.
Am I too far gone?
I hope not.

OK now I definitely think I am.. I called this place a home just yesterday!
Trying not to worry, but really I am, seriously, how do you know if you're a lost cause?

No you are not Abi, you do not post screaming threads you read the advice, you do not whine, troll or insult anyone. You are a person who need a bit of support and a small push in the right direction to the recovery, when you accept you as you are , you are on your way back to regular life.

I should shot up about multiply threads, should I not?

Alias I am not years here:) July 19, 2013, I would not call it years. I did not post anything for a long time. I went through stickies which gave me an ocean of information, about anxiety symptoms, how to deal with panic attack, medication, meditation. We have a tons of valuable knowledge here on this forum. It is like the book that no one reads.....You can not read when you scream, those do not go together well.

I alaways worry that when i read stupid thread about poop and anxiety, or 5 threads "Magnesium" that I will miss someone who is in need and is drowning, someone who will collapse any moment... people here have a really good pair of lungs:))

A lot of people in desperate need of support never get it......People asking if anxiety is causing phlegm, what the hell????? How can we waste the time on question like that, where here is many people who need support and do not scream......I still think there should be a rule of merging the same topics, it would be easier to read the forum and answer the question, supporting others..

Sorry is difficult to teach old dog new tricks. This is one of the reasons I am called a cold bitch here, it is wrong :)

I am on forums for years, I do not post a lot but I log in it at least twice a week to check the messages to see my friends... No anxiety forums....

I was very anxious, I could not function anymore, and my doc was pushing AD on me, even I told her I am not depressed, I am extremely anxious.....I registered here to check the meds and read about people expierence with it.

I have a strong feeling against SSRI and I thought maybe I am wrong about it. That's the reason I came here....
I met people here, I want to keep in touch with, then i am staying, :)))

Great thread and it is my way of venting people, not posting new threads....

03-06-2014, 11:30 AM
Dahila, I remember when you just used to post very rarely, and I would sometimes see you in depression forums in tailspins threads. I like that you became regular member :) it's been funny and we've had lots of good talks.

03-06-2014, 11:43 AM
I was already in a tense kind of mood due to my cold, hence my previous post to this one. I am feeling slightly better, talking to you always makes it worse it seems, and I really need to just walk away when being insulted, though it's hard.

but with that, I do have to say that the vibe jessed/Dahlia give off here is that one should feel bad for quote "whining, complaining" about having symptoms of a very (at times debilitating disorder) which I really find not only disturbing, but also upsetting.. as much as I feel I stand my own ground against nasty words he/she..it, says and don't let them affect me most of the time, it can still make me feel upset, make me feel ashamed, and even weak dealing with this disorder due to harsh words like this. Would you go on a cancer forum, and tell people there that they were whining when complaining of a bad day etc..? It almost makes me feel as if I am judged for having a disorder I really can't help/control having. and I don't like the negative atmosphere given by trolls here, people who consider this place a dungeon that one must "overcome" and "escape" in order to be considered "normal" and have their anxiety "conquered". I really hope you rot in hell, that's all I have to say.

03-06-2014, 11:47 AM
"People asking if anxiety is causing phlegm, what the hell????? How can we waste the time on question like that, where here is many people who need support and do not scream......"

That right there, anxiety IS ridiculous, the things we worry over ARE in fact stupid, but the fact that these stupid things are upsetting us is in fact a serious problem.. My question worrying about weather this small memory I had was a dream or really happened, may seem laughable and stupid to many, but to me, it was causing me shear terror..

I don't think you have any right to judge what questions deserve attention, and which don't. Sorry.

03-06-2014, 11:49 AM
Wow. Why are you hating on eachother? Did I miss anything?

03-06-2014, 11:51 AM
I don't enjoy the negativity, yet I'm not the one that created it in the first place, I can only deal with it as it comes my way.

03-06-2014, 11:56 AM
I was already in a tense kind of mood due to my cold, hence my previous post to this one. I am feeling slightly better, talking to you always makes it worse it seems, and I really need to just walk away when being insulted, but it's hard to.

You feeling better?

Girls do say I'm pretty hard to walk away from actually. Don't beat yourself up. Jk.

It's not nice to wish someone rots in hell is it? I have over 5000 posts, if there is a single other person on this forum that believes I'm impatient, then I'll make a public apology to everybody. I don't think you'll find them though, as I treat people here like my family.

03-06-2014, 12:03 PM
Wow. Why are you hating on eachother? Did I miss anything?

Lol we don't hate. I like her deep down. She does annoy me though..She thinks that I'm some guy that stalked her ages ago. I'm clearly not huh..

She thinks I'm Frankie, Eman, Gene Allen, mist, jlbnole, Dahila, Nixon... And that I use all of these names to bully her.

We've all tried explaining until we turned blue that that isn't the case, but she's brain locked. We just tease a bit now.

Anxious Abi
03-06-2014, 12:10 PM
Did you just use it for anxiety issues, or did you get CBT help for your intrusive thoughts and stuff too?
We worked on a bit of everything, intrusive thoughts included.

No you are not Abi, you do not post screaming threads you read the advice, you do not whine, troll or insult anyone. You are a person who need a bit of support and a small push in the right direction to the recovery, when you accept you as you are , you are on your way back to regular life.
Thank you Dahila, I am so glad that I have found support here.

I’m going to babble now, mmkay.

I think the forum is neither the right or wrong place for people when they arrive here. You just find yourself in a position where you’re fed up, afraid and want to reach out, at least I did anyway. I guess it’s like everything, it has negatives and positives and those are different for each person.

The most important thing for me is to get other people’s perspective, to understand other people, myself and what is going on in my life, to find some way, any way to get back to that carefree person I know I can be without the anxiety.

This thread for some reason caught my attention yesterday, it totally got to me, got me thinking.

I have no doubt the advice given to AliasEQ was spot on, perfectly explained, very helpful and true to his situation.

For me I totally identified with the things described, I read it and immediately questioned which side of it I was on. Am I too far gone? Sometimes I do feel like I’m never going to get better, my life is filled with doubt, paranoia, uncertainty and a disconnect from the ‘real’ world. I often feel lost in my head, my worries, and unable to identify with ‘normal’ people.

I started to question, maybe I have spent too long hiding from my life, maybe now I have to realize that I might never get better. I faced it, right then, I told myself it is highly likely that I am going to be this way in five years time, that I am going to fight this struggle every day of my life. It’s true it’s going to be damn near impossible to break free.

Being in this nightmare and thinking it’s never going to get better is the most damaging place to be.

I saw myself, how I think an outsider would see me, a pathetic loner girl, taking solace in the only thing she’s not afraid of, her cats. I imagined myself as character in sitcom, a cliché.

I understand, that I can always be seen in a certain way, but it’s ultimately down to what I see in myself.

I realized that among all the negatives, I also see a quiet determination in myself, a hope, that yes sometimes fades, but it’s there. A willingness, a need, to face the anxiety, to out fox it, to fight for my life, and myself. It’s all down to me, and yes, it can be the hardest thing to get back up when others have already written you off, when you‘ve written yourself off.

I am both, the one who might get better, and the one who might not, it might take, another year, another six, it might never fade, but that is OK.

It doesn’t matter either way, I will be OK, because no matter what it is that will get me through that moment, and onto the next, I will find it, whether it is the forum, a phone call to my friend, or a hug from mum. It’s all OK, because it’s all just what it is, experience.

So, I sent myself on a little rollercoaster, why? I don’t know. I don’t care. It just happened.

03-06-2014, 12:18 PM
Abi the only option you have is getting Better!!!! you will get better, look I am fighting with the B, for years, still kicking. I have bad days and good days, now much better thanks my going back to myself:)) taking care of myself. Never is too late.
so many people, who inspire me, even Applecherry is somehow inspiring, she is suffering, and I do know what suffering is.

sorry for screaming:)........... no I am not................Jesse/Dahila/Eman :)

03-06-2014, 12:19 PM
Very intelligent post Abi :) there are many good qualities about you that bode well for your future. And I still see many areas you can improve in, and that you will improve in, cos you're determined, and that will take you further towards your goal.

@Forwells: How do you think Dahila would have got on with PanicCured? I think they'd have taken to each other like a Duck to water LOL

03-06-2014, 12:44 PM
Great post Abi. I had the exact same thoughts as you; "maybe it's lost". But then I realised, who says I can't get better?

Lets say you have a choclate bar right in front of you and all you have to do is to reach out and grab it. Something/someone tells you that you can't do it. Won't you at least try to get it? I'm 100% sure you'll get your choclate bar :) (I hope you get the message; me and my weird analogies again)

Read my signature. You will get better only if you WANT TO. Not facing your fear, not doing anything about it, won't make it any better. Maybe worse idk. Wish you the best!

Anxious Abi
03-06-2014, 01:54 PM
Dahila keep screaming, I love it! I WILL GET BETTER!!

Intelligent, I like that, I will have to put my reading glasses on so I look the part.

Thank you AliasEQ, I hear the message, we all just have to reach out and get the chocolate bar.
Your signature really resonates, it's very true. Wish you all the best too.

A song, 'cause I like it.


03-06-2014, 02:02 PM
Dahila keep screaming, I love it! I WILL GET BETTER!!

Intelligent, I like that, I will have to put my reading glasses on so I look the part.

Thank you AliasEQ, I hear the message, we all just have to reach out and get the chocolate bar.
Your signature really resonates, it's very true. Wish you all the best too.

A song, 'cause I like it.


My favourite! :D It should be our motto; "Don't worry, be happy!"

03-06-2014, 03:02 PM
To those of you in this thread that are bantering back and forth:

Someone, anyone please be the adult and ignore each other. Avoid each other. Leave each other alone. I'm assuming you are all adults and its REALLY old to see you do the back and forth game.

If you don't like someone ignore them, block them but just stop you are really making yourselves look ridiculous. I would love to read threads and learn, not watch a flippin side show. Its obvious there is a group of you that do not mix well....we GET it.

Grow up.....all of you.

03-06-2014, 04:35 PM
To those of you in this thread that are bantering back and forth:

Someone, anyone please be the adult and ignore each other. Avoid each other. Leave each other alone. I'm assuming you are all adults and its REALLY old to see you do the back and forth game.

If you don't like someone ignore them, block them but just stop you are really making yourselves look ridiculous. I would love to read threads and learn, not watch a flippin side show. Its obvious there is a group of you that do not mix well....we GET it.

Grow up.....all of you.

I may not have too many anxiety issues anymore but I have gained other issues in their place

I love to read, learn and help people here

I like to meet the new people and build better friendships with the regular posters

But I have to admit, I have become a voyeur here too

Its great to be serious but when you spend enough time here, it breaks up the day when there is a good scandal to watch

Amber and Mike seemed to have calmed down for the good and have found themselves in a good place

You take the banter, such as the type on this thread away, I guess I can only hope Kyle finds his way back

03-06-2014, 04:50 PM
Nixon, there was a freaky weirdo on earlier who said he was homeless, and fantasized about being raped by sexy looking homeless guys in the bus station bathroom. No kidding, I'm not exaggerating one bit.

That was one of the weirdest ones I've ever seen :)

03-06-2014, 04:55 PM
You missed the action , Kyle been and gone for today . :)

Omg what is wrong with that boy!'
He has some serious issues going on!!
Thanks for keeping a look out forwells :-)

03-06-2014, 04:56 PM
You missed the action , Kyle been and gone for today . :)

This whole "having to work" thing is getting in the way of my entertainment

Did he message you, jesse afterwards?

03-06-2014, 04:57 PM
Nixon, there was a freaky weirdo on earlier who said he was homeless, and fantasized about being raped by sexy looking homeless guys in the bus station bathroom. No kidding, I'm not exaggerating one bit.

That was one of the weirdest ones I've ever seen :)

How did I miss that!! Damn my cuppas with friends lol

03-06-2014, 04:58 PM
You get my PM . ??

He was on the same months ago and this is when i final worked out who he was .

More or less the same as Kyle in so many ways .

Didn't you get my reply?

My inbox is busted, I'll send it again. Only seems to work on the app.

03-06-2014, 05:06 PM
I've been working a ton this week and apparently missed some drama!

03-06-2014, 05:13 PM
Forwells got it within lightning speed. Got a message from Alias about it, looked at the thread, and within minutes it was gone. Not sure how many saw it. It was incredibly bizarre though. I remember getting tonnes of PMs about him last time he came on, around Summer, about people wondering whether he was serious or not. Said he was in London and would hunt me down!

I didn't know that Rich still owned this forum. It's been an ageeeee since I've spoken to him. Met him when I first signed up through the contact form. For some reason I thought he sold. He got wrapped badly in Wisconsin. A tv news station done a piece on him, and two papers too about his 'disingenuous marketing' and using multiple names. We always have a light hearted joke on here whenever a troll comes along that it's really Rich. LOL

Guess he can't be bothered with the forum? I'm always noticing he has a new product coming out. Guess that's where his bread and butter is.

03-06-2014, 05:16 PM
I don't think duplicate threads are a problem on here one bit. I believe I stated before, I think if someone needs to come and vent about an issue, sometimes just doing that is enough to help them. I find it annoying when forums are so anal about duplicate threads and combine them into one with like a thousand pages.. I know I am much less likely to participate in an extremely long thread like that myself. and, also tagging on an enormous post like that is also less personal and helpful to the panic sufferer that could benefit from a more personal answer to a question they asked themselves.

Multiple threads only bother people who spend way too much time hanging out on the forum anyway.
Exactly. This is a place to seek help and comfort when you need it. Asking a question or letting out what you're going through to get a little comfort, sympathy or advice is pretty much what I thought this forum was for, no matter how redundant or "tiresome" it is to you. If you don't like it or think you've answered the question too many times, just don't respond. Period. It's just that simple. But don't be an ass to other people because they've intruded on your 24/7 social group.

03-06-2014, 05:18 PM
I get what you are saying but it's not so simple when it's your name that's always being trashed and associated with trolling. If you were on her list (which can happen just for having a different pov) and constantly accused of doing this trolling BS I expect you would feel aggrieved and concerned about your credibility being undermined for no good reason. Every bit of good that you try and do becomes tainted by the defamatory comments. Especially among the new people that have not come to know you.

If someone yelled BS about you on the street or in your workplace would you stand up for yourself and your reputation?

Thank you for your very clear minded response.

Unfortunately, I have people who talk about me all the time, in real life, in a small town. I've learned that I cannot run around and "clean up" after those that trash me and I avoid them altogether, I closed my facebook and blocked them from my life. I did not entertain the banter and I did not give them the time of day, simply blocked them and closed the account. End of story.

In my workplace people were calling me anorexic, that really did bother me since I am a fitness instructor and that statement was very detrimental to my profession so I spoke with the source, privately and put it to bed.

Online I would never give someone the time of day to argue or ridicule, and if I did participate in banter as what is going on it would give people mixed impressions of "me". So while "I" would think I was protecting myself and my reputation, I may be hurting it in the meantime....just a thought or too.

I do not have the back story on any of this or anyone involved, it just seems to be everywhere between a particular group and I'm frustrated with it.

Again, I appreciate your response!

03-06-2014, 05:30 PM
I've been lurking around this thread but hesitated to post since I'm pretty new here and don't know the history between certain people on the forum.

Regardless of "who's right" and "who's wrong" I think it's great that people argue on the forum! The forum is like real life, and in life people aren't always going to get along. I think it's healthy to argue, to lay it all out on the table, air your grievances, explain your point of view, fight for your honor.

The forum isn't just a place to gain knowledge and share advice... Real relationships are being forged, and with that come the good and the bad.

A lot of people seem to be afraid that the bickering amongst a small number of members is going to ruin the forum for everyone. I disagree. I say let 'er rip! One thing I've learned is that nothing moves forward without confrontation. Without it, everything stays stagnate as we all try desperately not to rock the boat. So what if the boat gets rocked a little? From what I can tell, it's contained in this thread and isn't hurting anyone.

03-06-2014, 05:33 PM
Exactly. This is a place to seek help and comfort when you need it. Asking a question or letting out what you're going through to get a little comfort, sympathy or advice is pretty much what I thought this forum was for, no matter how redundant or "tiresome" it is to you. If you don't like it or think you've answered the question too many times, just don't respond. Period. It's just that simple. But don't be an ass to other people because they've intruded on your 24/7 social group.

I don't believe people think this is a 24/7 socila group

I just think if the same people are often here and most times they are telling their experiences, isn't it natural to develop relationships?

And it does gain some fun occasionally but that is a good thing and I believe it makes people want to come back again soon

If a machine would speak to people here, that would be an emotionless conversation

People with like minds will bond. I am glad I have

Has someone been an ass to others because they have intruded on their social group in your opinion?

03-06-2014, 05:59 PM
Agreed. Fun and humour are what bought me out of a big pile of stink yesterday! Those like minded people were responsible for restoring calm to my storm. Only from developing relationships could that have happened.

If we want emotionless responses we can go to our GP. You want advice, support, humour and at times outlandish sillyness, you come to those that KNOW you....here. :)

I always believed I sure know how to pick my friends : )

03-06-2014, 06:00 PM
I always believed I sure know how to pick my friends : )

And sorry, frankie. I was referring to Zola.

But you're ok too ; )

03-06-2014, 06:04 PM
This thread should be shut down immediately. I think you're all Kyle, every single one of you ;)

03-06-2014, 06:06 PM
OMG am I really Kyle? Is this like one of those mind fuck twists at the end of movies.

Is this my Bruce Willis 6th Sense moment... When I realize I was Kyle all along! :P

03-06-2014, 06:10 PM
That kids got me paranoid. Somebody came online yesterday with the same issue OCD I had. They seemed perfectly normal, but it was their first post. A day after I'd mentioned it in another thread.

I said to Alaina do you think this Kyle!???!

She's gonna punch me soon I think for annoying her. :D

03-06-2014, 09:01 PM
Obviously you both paranoiac Jesse and Frankie. So where is Kyle?

Jbl you are posting the posts we all read already in Thread " Search or not to search " Hehee do not repeat after fruity because we will never have peace and quiet, here, forget about smiles or laughs ...

Forwells I just maybe I do not see what is hidden in the question... but it get a bit tired trying to decipher it all the time.

Frankie well are you trolling Zola or Zola is trolling you? :))

Applecherry I try hard not to give you a piece of my mind, it is tough, it is hard, I feel like spanking you, which is not politically correct, in today world......

Maybe you should try to be a part of group, to be with us. Stop throwing accusation, you are smart, I would not mind to read your posts, if you take the hate or love, whatever it is out of it. How can you make Frankie upset it is above me. I can not understand.....Jesse he is fine, he is strong ....
You can not go around the forum stroking everyone feathers the wrong way... Would it be nice if for once people started to post in your threads? I would, if you were nice to others... Maybe you should try, and see how it works... Good luck.. btw the F and five stars is not swearing......:mad:

Jesse I am not reading the messages that do not have Dahila on the top ;)

03-06-2014, 09:01 PM
Thank you for your very clear minded response.

Unfortunately, I have people who talk about me all the time, in real life, in a small town. I've learned that I cannot run around and "clean up" after those that trash me and I avoid them altogether, I closed my facebook and blocked them from my life. I did not entertain the banter and I did not give them the time of day, simply blocked them and closed the account. End of story.

In my workplace people were calling me anorexic, that really did bother me since I am a fitness instructor and that statement was very detrimental to my profession so I spoke with the source, privately and put it to bed.

Online I would never give someone the time of day to argue or ridicule, and if I did participate in banter as what is going on it would give people mixed impressions of "me". So while "I" would think I was protecting myself and my reputation, I may be hurting it in the meantime....just a thought or too.

I do not have the back story on any of this or anyone involved, it just seems to be everywhere between a particular group and I'm frustrated with it.

Again, I appreciate your response!

I understand that BMom.

It's a fair point.

Bad mood today, I was in hospital earlier as jaw locked shut. 4 hours wait to have it wrenched open. Haven't eaten much, or slept. Really cranky :)

My problem with it all is I had lots of personal info on here. I could be traced here with a google search. Jessed03 is the name I use for work profiles. I have pictures of me in here, my full name has been put on here, my email, my location.. I'm easy to find. I've got to get a new job this month, and you know what employers are like with their googling. You google me, this site shows up. I'm always upfront with my anxiety history, but, I don't think my future boss reading somebody venomously say that I have stalked them all across the internet, and that I'm an harassing, hacking psychopath who makes their life a misery is gonna land me my role.

Especially when these accusations are totally baseless. Tried ignoring, didn't work. Tried reasoning, didn't work. Sent a pic, didn't work. Offered more pics and a voice recording, didn't work. Yesterday it came up all over again despite not having spoken to this girl for ages. It's not a case of ignore it and it'll go away, that's not happening. The 'banter' isn't us being childlike, it's just us trying to mock what is essentially a bitter situation.

My younger brother uses this site. He doesn't know what I do in my spare time. I don't know if he believes what's said, I hope not.

You're bored of it, how do you think I feel, this follows me around, and others too now like a shadow. I'll be happier than you when it's over, if we never even mention these things ever again!

The ludicrousness of it? I'm being accused of joining a site to harass somebody, who joined a full TWO YEARS after me. It's just too crazy. Some very unwell people are being flamed by Applecherry for no reason. Yesterday Frankie burst into tears after having a heartfelt post being called lies by her.

It's a poor showing. Humour is the only way we have left to deal with it, many people used the report button, including Eman who sent a page long letter, didn't work.

Thought I owed you that explanation for snapping. :) let's have a nice night, forget this, and joke more about Kyle.

03-06-2014, 09:06 PM
Jesse I am not reading the messages that do not have Dahila on the top ;)

Hehe yeah, all the secret inside info you get sent cos I have a busted inbox ;)

Anybody wants top secret info, just ask Dahila, she's selling it for $10 each to buy more soaps and herbs :D

03-06-2014, 09:07 PM
Jesse that's wrong, you should not have all the personal info here, and yes you are stalked, not doubts about it:(
I need to get more stinging nettle :)

03-06-2014, 09:10 PM
Jesse that's wrong, you should not have all the personal info here, and yes you are stalked, not doubts about it:(
I need to get more stinging nettle :)

I know, that's why I left for those 4 days. Do you know how long it takes to go through 5000 posts to find where you posted info. LOL. I was stupid, but this was my first forum. My profile is kinda clean, but still some stuff, I'll go back to cleaning more soon.

You missed the funny troll. He said he is so ugly he wishes homeless men will have their way with him :p and that he hitchhiked to Sweden and was ready to stab people like he already had in London if they called him ugly

03-06-2014, 09:11 PM
I understand that BMom.

It's a fair point.

Bad mood today, I was in hospital earlier as jaw locked shut. 4 hours wait to have it wrenched open. Haven't eaten much, or slept. Really cranky :)

My problem with it all is I had lots of personal info on here. I could be traced here with a google search. Jessed03 is the name I use for work profiles. I have pictures of me in here, my full name has been put on here, my email, my location.. I'm easy to find. I've got to get a new job this month, and you know what employers are like with their googling. You google me, this site shows up. I'm always upfront with my anxiety history, but, I don't think my future boss reading somebody venomously say that I have stalked them all across the internet, and that I'm an harassing, hacking psychopath who makes their life a misery is gonna land me my role.

Especially when these accusations are totally baseless. Tried ignoring, didn't work. Tried reasoning, didn't work. Sent a pic, didn't work. Offered more pics and a voice recording, didn't work. Yesterday it came up all over again despite not having spoken to this girl for ages. It's not a case of ignore it and it'll go away, that's not happening. The 'banter' isn't us being childlike, it's just us trying to mock what is essentially a bitter situation.

My younger brother uses this site. He doesn't know what I do in my spare time. I don't know if he believes what's said, I hope not.

You're bored of it, how do you think I feel, this follows me around, and others too now like a shadow. I'll be happier than you when it's over, if we never even mention these things ever again!

The ludicrousness of it? I'm being accused of joking a site to harass somebody, who joined a full TWO YEARS after me. It's just crazy. I'm sick of it. Humour is the only way we have left to deal with it, many people used the report button, including Eman who sent a page long letter, didn't work.

Thought I owed you that explanation for snapping. :) let's have a nice night, forget this, and joke more about Kyle.

You and I kid between us a lot here and it is always fun

But it is serious when we decide on someone we are going to "fix"

I dont say too many things serious to you but you do good things here and the people who come here get that

I'll stand with you my brother across the pond

Ill be your sock puppet

Whatever the hell that means

03-06-2014, 09:16 PM
Appreciate that man. I'm happy not to talk about it, just thought I owed BM a reason for getting snappy :)

But now I know how OJ Simpson feels, getting accused of something he didn't do...

(Can we joke about that or is that below the belt? ;))

03-06-2014, 09:21 PM
Here's my take on it. Although I'm the crazy spirit guife crystal girl.:) I've formed personal relationships with many people on here and they've helped me more than they'll ever know. And they know who they are. These people put time and effort into helping people new and those of us who have been here. Efff thaaaa haaataaaas. In other words. I need sleep. Good day.:)

03-06-2014, 09:22 PM
I know, that's why I left for those 4 days. Do you know how long it takes to go through 5000 posts to find where you posted info. LOL. I was stupid, but this was my first forum. My profile is kinda clean, but still some stuff, I'll go back to cleaning more soon.

You missed the funny troll. He said he is so ugly he wishes homeless men will have their way with him :p and that he hitchhiked to Sweden and was ready to stab people like he already had in London if they called him ugly
Alias should hide :))) I was working hard.
One of the reasons I do not take friendship request from this site is worry about information. Sorry folks and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the requests, thank you

03-06-2014, 09:24 PM
Appreciate that man. I'm happy not to talk about it, just thought I owed BM a reason for getting snappy :)

But now I know how OJ Simpson feels, getting accused of something he didn't do...

(Can we joke about that or is that below the belt? ;))

As a kid, i worshiped OJ Simpson

Had his jersey and a Bills helmet

Wasn't until 15 years ago that I understood every time I put on his jersey I asked my mum for a butcher knife to complete the uniform

03-06-2014, 09:28 PM
As a kid, i worshiped OJ Simpson

Had his jersey and a Bills helmet

Wasn't until 15 years ago that I understood every time I put on his jersey I asked my mum for a butcher knife to complete the uniform

Lol. But OJ didn't do it man. Juice is innocent... *Wink*


This was the guy on earlier: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?20820-I-feel-like-suicide-everyday&highlight=ugly

Do you think he's handsome.

03-07-2014, 02:35 AM
I'm trolling all the sympathy trollers today...watch me.
The ones that say "Yeah, I've had this constant intrusive thought that I want to mutilate my family for 3 years is that bad?"
Is there any breathing techniques I can use?
Is there any natural remedy?
Yes, there is a remedy...A f**kin tablet designed to make you sane, or this rope I have in my hand...(2) choices.


E-Man..:) :)

03-07-2014, 02:50 AM
I'm trolling all the sympathy trollers today...watch me.
The ones that say "Yeah, I've had this constant intrusive thought that I want to mutilate my family for 3 years is that bad?"
Is there any breathing techniques I can use?
Is there any natural remedy?
Yes, there is a remedy...A f**kin tablet designed to make you sane, or this rope I have in my hand...(2) choices.


E-Man..:) :)

Hahahahahaha that really made me giggle :-)

03-07-2014, 03:00 AM
Hahahahahaha that really made me giggle :-)

BAHAHAAAHAHAHA!!!! Watch me!!! I can't just sit back in the shadows anymore....natural herbal remedy my ass!!!! :)

03-07-2014, 03:06 AM
I'm on a roll!!! I can't want to see some of the posts today....I have the answer!!! :D

03-07-2014, 03:10 AM
What's that song that goes....there may be trouble ahead.........? I just heard it play in my mind when I read that! Lol.

Noooo now I have that in my head lol

03-07-2014, 03:10 AM
@The rescue remedy hunter!

You need more sleep :)

Have to agree with frankie here! Lol

03-07-2014, 03:19 AM
Ok...yes...maybe breathing heavily and rapidly, while growling and gigging at the same time, means something is wrong.
Ok, more sleep before I hurt feelings...? Yes... another hour.

gnite again!!!

Enduronman... :)

03-07-2014, 03:27 AM
Ok...yes...maybe breathing heavily and rapidly, while growling and gigging at the same time, means something is wrong.
Ok, more sleep before I hurt feelings...? Yes... another hour.

gnite again!!!

Enduronman... :)

Goodnight E-man :-)

03-07-2014, 03:31 AM
Emma, 1995, I came out of the bathroom holding my positive pregnancy stick in hand, showed it to my husband (bf at the time!) and I swear that song came on from an advertisement on the telly. I never forget how funny the timing was. I must try find what the ad was! LMAO :)


Was it that one frankie? :-)

03-07-2014, 03:57 AM
Lol same song, same revelation but wrong timing. That was the noughties but I saw this in 95? I can only remember the song. :( Trying to find it.....

You are going to have me looking too now lol :-)

03-07-2014, 04:05 AM
My cat is actually Kyle , sooooo

03-07-2014, 04:30 AM
My cat is actually Kyle , sooooo

A coffee spitting line!!


03-07-2014, 04:55 AM
Hope this one finds you Chris. ;)


03-07-2014, 05:31 AM
Thank you Bruh!!...
I did eat the flower, but I had to sprinkle it with cinnamon first...mmmm..

Have a great day all!!! and remember to JUST TAKE A PILL! :)


03-07-2014, 06:56 AM

Hi Frankie same company but it says 1995 lol

03-07-2014, 06:56 AM
Lol same song, same revelation but wrong timing. That was the noughties but I saw this in 95? I can only remember the song. :( Trying to find it.....

I remember these, but quite vaguely as I was 6 :)

I remember my dad dancing to them every time they came on tv.

Edit: Oops Han posted at the same time.

They really annoyed me at the time, but I find them quite funny watching them now almost 20 years on!

03-07-2014, 06:58 AM
Haha jinx Jesse I was 9 then and I don't think I can remember them at all lol

03-07-2014, 01:54 PM
Hannah! You did it. :) That must have been the ad! The time is perfect as I found myself pregnant and hearing that song in February! I had no clue as to what was the ad though. You're a legend. I must show this to Shan when she gets in from school! She's never been any trouble though :) :) :) I walked into my front room in shock and that was all I could hear!

That's a great story to tell her and really memorable for you!
Pleased I could help :-)