View Full Version : Just need some advice

04-03-2008, 04:09 AM
Hi, I am new here. I have had anxiety for about 5 years now, but when I think back to my teenage years ive probably had it for alot longer. Anyway I constantly worry that I have something else wrong with me other than the anxiety, such as Schizoprenia or bipolar or I am crazy. Also Im scared that one day i am just gonna loop out and kill everyone. is this normal or am I just a complete wacko. Also my head always feels funny, like its got sand in it or its all fuzzy. Can someone shed some light on this??

04-03-2008, 07:17 AM
I was recently in the same place, in my head. For so long I felt fogged, moody, gritty, good days, bad days, anxiety, depression, and on and on. It got to the point where I wanted it to just stop.

I hate doctors, shrinks, medication, and the whole idea of crazyland. So I did something that has calmed me, relaxed my mind, and so far has taken weight off my shoulders. I began taking St John's Wort twice daily and joined this forum. The SJW calms my brain and the forum lets me know that I'm not alone. Its some kind of imbalance in my brain and I beginning to learn to deal with it and understand it.

I am in such a better place right now. I hope you can figure a way to deal with it in a positive way also.


04-03-2008, 08:34 AM
Hey arbonb, ive had/got the exact same anxiety problems ur goin through and its not nice at all..all the advice i can really give u is to try to put ur mind at ease by tellin ur self its just anxiety cause thats all it is,and if u really were goin crazy u wouldnt be so aware of it..i know its hard as im still goin thro the same thing but hang in there and ull be fine...

04-04-2008, 06:12 AM
Hi, I am new here. I have had anxiety for about 5 years now, but when I think back to my teenage years ive probably had it for alot longer. Anyway I constantly worry that I have something else wrong with me other than the anxiety, such as Schizoprenia or bipolar or I am crazy. Also Im scared that one day i am just gonna loop out and kill everyone. is this normal or am I just a complete wacko. Also my head always feels funny, like its got sand in it or its all fuzzy. Can someone shed some light on this??

If I had to make a list of the top worries of a typical anxiety sufferer, harming thoughts (ie harming others and/or being harmed yourself) and worries about having severe physical and/or mental health problems would probably occupy the top two worries. And this would probably be followed by scary and/or confusing thoughts of an existential nature (ie thoughts about your existence in the universe).

It's just kind of amazing how such a wide variety of people have similar scary and strange thoughts when dealing with an anxiety disorder. So what you are thinking is actually rather normal. With this in mind, try to let these thoughts pass and react less with fear to them - even if you an only do so just a little. With time, your fearful reaction to them will decrease until the thoughts don't bother you as much. And as they bother you less and less, they will occur less and less frequently. But be prepared for this to take some time - possibly weeks or even months. Also, be prepared for them to come back at times. This is normal as well. By decreasing fearful reactions, you will allow your mind to heal from your anxiety.

04-04-2008, 08:42 PM
I hate doctors, shrinks, medication, and the whole idea of crazyland. So I did something that has calmed me, relaxed my mind, and so far has taken weight off my shoulders. I began taking St John's Wort twice daily and joined this forum. The SJW calms my brain and the forum lets me know that I'm not alone. Its some kind of imbalance in my brain and I beginning to learn to deal with it and understand it.

The problem with doctors, shrinks, medication, and most psychologists/therapists is that they actually ARE 'crazyland'. Go to just about ANY official website that relates to mental health (ie National Institute of Mental Health), and the one thing that REALLY sticks out like a sore thumb is the belief that conditions like depression and anxiety are incurable disease that can be 'managed' only by means of medications and therapy. Notice that I said 'managed' and not 'cured'. In other words, these folks just don't believe in recovery. They believe that you ARE in 'crazyland' and will remain there for the rest of your days. Given that your goal should be complete recovery AND life without meds, you REALLY don't want to be around these folks. After all, depression and anxiety are psychological conditions. And believing that they ARE incurable tends to make them so. So remember this. And try to start thinking of depression/anxiety as a TEMPORARY condition, although one that might last for a while. Because in the vast majority of cases, depression/anxiety IS temporary. Cases where anxiety conditions last till your death are actually VERY rare. Cases lasting from a few months to a few years are MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more common.

04-10-2008, 12:53 AM
Thanx so much for everybodys help. I have been taking St johns Wort for about a week now and my mind is starting to feel a bit better and also sleeping a whole lot better. But I still get quite confused sometimes especially when I am around a few people and everyone is talking at the same time. I still get anxious and worked up If I have a busy day. Will these improve when taking SJW as I have only been taking it for about a week. :roll:

04-14-2008, 08:07 PM
Hi Arbonb,

Herbal supplements can be great, just make sure you are taking precautions with them like any other medication. St. John' can significantly lower the effectiveness of birth control, don't know if this is an issue for you. And some other herbs can be really hard on your liver and may require breaks so not to overload your body. My family owns an herb farm so I've spent some time around herbs!

I have recently started drinking an herbal tea called "Mellow-out" it's a local concoction but maybe you can find something like it. It is a blend of St. John's, lavender, skull cap, rooibis, peppermint and hibiscus. And it's delicious. When I feel myself start to freak out I make a cup of tea and spend a few moments breathing deeply and breathing in the smell of the herbs. Then I feel like I can rationalize and deal with things better.