View Full Version : Giant Panic Attack at Work

03-05-2014, 04:00 AM
Gaaaah! I am not okay right now. This is my most common time for my huge panic attacks, and of course I am at work when they happen because that is when I am awake. I try hard to keep a normal schedule on my 3 days off. I'm riding it out. I have to. I work in a transitional housing facility for mental health clients. We have 7 beds. Diagnoses range from severe PTSD, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar. It is hard to deal with other people's crises when I can't even internally hold myself together. My early risers should be to the office any minute for meds and to get the coffee. On top of it I am sick. I tried to get my shift covered but our on call was already pulled for the crisis facility. I'm taking tonight if I don't feel better. Papers here. Crossword puzzle time-that will take about 4-5 minutes up. I'm feeling slightly better after writing this.
Thanks, guys!

03-05-2014, 04:09 AM
You'll get through it! How many of us have ended up dead after a panic attack? None! Cause it aint possible! It always passes with sufficient amounts of distractions and telling yourself that your mind is on overdrive and give it a while to settle down. If a flying armadillo were to suddenly crash into the building a start playing electric guitar believe me your panic attack would disappear as fast as the elephant comes. Panic and anxiety only linger as long as we let it linger in our minds..