View Full Version : this is the worst symptom for me my god

03-05-2014, 03:45 AM
Im terrified of this shortness of breath. Like I can take a deep breath I can feel that I can breathe properly but unless I focus on breathing properly I just forget to breathe. My nose completely blocks itself up and its so hard to breathe because ive taught myself to breathe only through my nose (breathing through my mouth used to make me hyperventilate a lot) and now when my nose clogs up I seriously cant breathe. Panic attack coming up shortly!!!!

03-05-2014, 04:12 AM
I'm sorry you're going through that right now. I'm having a rough night, as well. Breathing. It is so hard for me to be consciously aware of my breathing. I take such short shallow breaths. When I become aware of this, I try to stay aware of it and breathe deeply. Along with trying to remember to breathe right, I am trying to remember to relax. I catch myself all day long with my shoulders just tight, way up by ears, my jaw is clenched, my arms tight to my body. I have to remember to relax. Sometimes I have to force it. I struggle most with that. Even when I sleep I'm tense like that. I hear from my doctor that if I practice deep breathing all the time, it will become my normal. I'm hoping because I do feel better for it. Good luck and I hope it gets better quick!