View Full Version : Having A Bad Day :(

04-02-2008, 10:02 PM
Today hasn't been good at for me at all. I'm kind of freaking out right now. I came down with this burning rash on the insides of both of my arms and it started to spread in these little itchy patches up and down my arm. I went to to the doctor and they told me that it was probably an allergic reaction to something but who knows what. He prescribed me steroids to take down inflammation and ordered me to have the next 2 days off of work. I am EXTREMELY anxious about this whole thing now. First of all I don't know what is causing this reaction...which is really bothering me. Second of all I was reading how allergic reactions can become really severe and make your throat and chest swell up. Now I am worried that my throat is going to swell up and I am constantly feeling the glands in my throat. And most of all....I am totally freaked out to take the steroids that I was prescribed. The directions said that it may upset pre-existing mental/mood disorders. Now I am convinced that if I take it I will have a horrible panic attack. I am also convinced that if I don't take it than I will die from this apparent allergic reaction I am having. Plus, I read all of the side effects on the box and am nervous to even touch the steroids now. I hate constantly worry about the state of my health. I feel that I have a brain tumor, diabetes, or a heart condition pretty much every day of my life. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on how to help shake this horrible health anxiety that I am experiencing? I can't help but break down and cry at the end of every day because I get so tired and frustrated with having to deal with this. Any advice or words that anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated. :cry:

04-03-2008, 07:31 AM
It's important to do research online and inform yourself of the illnesses that you think you might have. It's amazing the amount of good info you get by googling. Educate yourself on the different types of allergic reactions. There's a big difference between a rash and anaphalaxia. There are natural ways of curing rashes so you don't have to take pharma meds and worry about side effects which can be harmful. Research, inform and educate... your best medicine!
