View Full Version : Anyone here get an attack fter taking antibiotic?

03-04-2014, 07:48 PM
Hi, I was diagnosed with anxiety 2 Years ago and was on and off with citalopram since then. Now I am working on stopping it because I feel that it doesn't work anymore..I noticed this twice already that when I took antibiotic, I get an attack..I feel dizzy, very cold and chilly then very sweaty and shaky hands..and because I have health anxiety it really bothers me.. Does anyone of you here experienced the same thing?

03-04-2014, 08:23 PM
Hello, and yes I do also. I think everything I take different always makes me panic and starts my anxiety. I believe its because we worry ourselfs to much and everything scares us and we make our panic attacks rise. Well atleast I know thats how I am. But dont worry my friend, its normal to feel and go through that. You just gotta learn how to be stronger and not let it beat you!

03-04-2014, 08:39 PM
Thanks Ricky! It helps knowing someone is experiencing the same things with me.. Yes, I am trying to be strong and really really trying to think positive...

03-04-2014, 09:41 PM
Hi, I was diagnosed with anxiety 2 Years ago and was on and off with citalopram since then. Now I am working on stopping it because I feel that it doesn't work anymore..I noticed this twice already that when I took antibiotic, I get an attack..I feel dizzy, very cold and chilly then very sweaty and shaky hands..and because I have health anxiety it really bothers me.. Does anyone of you here experienced the same thing?
It makes sense that an antibiotic could cause anxiety to flare up. It kills all of the good gut flora (good bacteria in your intestines). The health of your gut highly affects how your brain functions. It's recommended to take a probiotic regularly.

There's tons of articles on this topic.

03-05-2014, 06:14 AM
Thanks Janet! This really helps

03-05-2014, 06:46 AM
If I take 500mg of amoxacillin I get really bad anxiety but im OK on 250mg in November I was on antibiotics 500mg and I got really bad panic attacks thought I was dying.