View Full Version : WTF is wrong with me!

04-02-2008, 07:31 AM
Hey all,as ive probebly already said b4 ive had pretty much every symptom on that anxiety list 2 times over, and my latest one has to be the weirdest..i keep thinikin about gravety and feel aware of it constatly and how its all around us and feelin so tiny compared to the world...i know it sounds absolutely stupid..but i cant help worrie that if im thinking like this...there might be sumthing wrong with me..its almost like if ive nothin to worrie about my brain will give me sumthing to worrie about..i was in tesco the other day and i almost fainted thinking about it...

and another weird thing my brother gets bad anxiety aswell
and my mum was a major hypoconreact
can this be a family related issue?

cheers guys

04-02-2008, 09:41 AM
I understand how you feel. I often ask myself, if there was nothing wrong with me, then why would I think there was?? I so agree with the brain thing, mine has been giving me plenty to worry about! Apparently anxiety can be genetic .. My brother and father both have it pretty bad.

04-02-2008, 12:40 PM
I've had if not the exact, a very similar problem. I've been scared of things falling from the sky, me being sucked into space and have actually have been scared to look at the sky. When i did look at the sky, short breaths would come immediatly. These are just weird obsessive thoughts that you can't try and force from your mind. The more you try and force them out, the more they stick in your head. Just try to ignore them, easiest way is trying to distract yourself. I know it's not as easy as it sounds, it takes time to master.

04-02-2008, 01:14 PM
Well I've had similar things - mostly I walk around with these general thoughts of 'things not being right'. Even something vague like that can make my anxiety bad. But yeah, I've had some really bizarre things like that. Quite recently I was walking around, paranoid that I'd just been stabbed (due to a slight back pain!) Anxiety makes us do cuh-raaaaazy things ;)