View Full Version : Does it ever get better

03-04-2014, 11:21 AM
Does it ever get better the Anxiety the agoraphobia the panic attacks I don't know what to do and I feel as if it's never going to ever get better I don't know what to do anymore I just want to die I just want to kill myself sometimes and it's very depressing having this much anxiety. I'm on Zoloft right now but haven't been on it for a while yet enough to get the effects I guess.

I feel as if it's never going to get better and I'm never going to be able to do anything. I can't go out I can't go to work I can barely sleep sometimes I don't know what to do anymore. I can't take feeling like this anymore I go 20 years without no problems at all and a month or so ago I start having panic attacks and a lot of anxiety now im too afraid to leave my house I won't do anything I can barely eat sometimes I'm just I'm going crazy.

I know I post a lot but I'm going crazy and I don't know what to do I feel like I'm never going to get help I mean I go to my therapist and I have my Zoloft and I know that won't work for a little while but I really don't know what to do anymore the therapist helps a little but I just feel like I'm going absolutely insane I can't go to work I'm going to get fired I'm gonna lose my house my parents won't let me live at their house I'm going to be homeless and I'm so scared I don't know what to do. Life is never going to get better and I feel like I'm gonna end up killing myself.

03-04-2014, 11:30 AM
I'm with you.. Waiting for our meds to kick in & do their jobs sucks!! But it's going to be worth it!!

You must get through it until the meds do their thing.. Have you talked to your Dr about something fast acting until the Zoloft is completely in your system??

Try & relax..

03-04-2014, 11:36 AM
I hve some lorazepam that's not mine :/ my uncle gave me them he has small anxiety and. I just don't know what to do. My parents are kicking me out and I hve my own place but I'm too afraid to b anywhere but their house. I'll b fine all day at their house and I won't have too much anxiety just until I think about going out or I have to go out the only two places I can go is my parents and my therapist. It's the only two places where I don't have much anxiety. I can't drive I can't go to work. Like I said I just dot get it....20years no problems until a month ago

03-04-2014, 11:54 AM
I hve some lorazepam that's not mine :/ my uncle gave me them he has small anxiety and. I just don't know what to do. My parents are kicking me out and I hve my own place but I'm too afraid to b anywhere but their house. I'll b fine all day at their house and I won't have too much anxiety just until I think about going out or I have to go out the only two places I can go is my parents and my therapist. It's the only two places where I don't have much anxiety. I can't drive I can't go to work. Like I said I just dot get it....20years no problems until a month ago

Our stories are exact! I've been staying with my parents for two weeks & haven't gone to work. I make myself go out at least once a day though because I don't want this to become a habit..

Baby steps though! This takes time..

Your parents won't let you stay a little longer until you're feeling better?

03-04-2014, 11:59 AM
No :( they had enough of me I guess. And I'm not comfortable anywhere else but there...they've said I've been out of work too long and yell and try to force me to go out but I can't even be in the car that long before I start freaking out. I know I can't go to work for 8 hours cuz I know I'll be freaking out and I don't want to be havin a panic attack at work u know? Idk what to do anymore. I know I've been here for a while but I just want some support from my own family. It never gets better cuz they're tired of me here sittin on the couch all day but I'm too afraid to go out. I smoke unfortunately and I'll have people even bring me cigarettes. I won't go to the grocery store if I don't have food I'll just order pizza or something cuz i don't want to go out.

03-04-2014, 12:02 PM
No :( they had enough of me I guess. And I'm not comfortable anywhere else but there...they've said I've been out of work too long and yell and try to force me to go out but I can't even be in the car that long before I start freaking out. I know I can't go to work for 8 hours cuz I know I'll be freaking out and I don't want to be havin a panic attack at work u know? Idk what to do anymore. I know I've been here for a while but I just want some support from my own family. It never gets better cuz they're tired of me here sittin on the couch all day but I'm too afraid to go out. I smoke unfortunately and I'll have people even bring me cigarettes. I won't go to the grocery store if I don't have food I'll just order pizza or something cuz i don't want to go out.

I'm sorry to hear all of that :(
I hope yours meds start working soon.. Feel better friend! Maybe try the lorazepam & see if it helps??

03-04-2014, 12:07 PM
Yeah I was thinking about taking it but I don't know if I should take it while I'm already on the zoloft. Idk if it would be bad

03-04-2014, 12:12 PM
Yeah I was thinking about taking it but I don't know if I should take it while I'm already on the zoloft. Idk if it would be bad

I don't want to say yea & then you feel crappy..

But my friend was prescribed Zoloft & lorazepam as needed by her Dr..

03-04-2014, 12:37 PM
How long have you been on Zoloft? How many mg's are you on? Starting out can be rough. Your doc should have prescribed a fast acting anxiety med like Xanax. You take them together until the ssri kicks in. I've been where you are & trust me, you will start to feel better, the beginning is rough. I promise you will look back & laugh.

03-04-2014, 12:40 PM
This is my fourth day on zoft they are 25mg and she told me take half of one a day for a week before I go to a full tablet. And I'm pretty much having a panic attvk right now my hearts racing and I'm getting dizzy and sweaty I'm freaking out

03-04-2014, 12:49 PM
yes it does.just hang on. i swear u will be better.when i started lexapro i thought i was dying from the side effects but hey then each day got better.just hang on and go on with life even thougbt that is super hard.

03-04-2014, 12:53 PM
This is my fourth day on zoft they are 25mg and she told me take half of one a day for a week before I go to a full tablet. And I'm pretty much having a panic attvk right now my hearts racing and I'm getting dizzy and sweaty I'm freaking out

Okay, try to relax. Day 4 & 5 were the worst for me. Can you call your doc and tell them what is going on? They will either lower your dose more (which helped me tons!) or they'll prescribe something like Xanax.

03-04-2014, 12:59 PM
I'd have to have my dad call them later. And I'll start to calm down and the boom panic again calm down boom panic again. I'm freaking out and I scared I'm already on half a 25mg zoloft so idk how much lower I could go. My hearts racing and I'm home alone I can't take the anxiety anymore I can't take feeling like this every day

03-04-2014, 01:11 PM
What id?.?

03-04-2014, 01:27 PM
It will get better. I am a mom of 3 kids.....I started with depression after my son was born in 2001. Long story short. I have been on and off Celexa since then. I have had 3 episodes where I suddenly develop anxiety. My anxiety started this time the beginning of January. I let it go until January 21 I went to the doctor and she added Wellbutrin. Also gave me Clonzapam when I really needed it. At that point I had the feeling I was never going to feel any better. I wake up every night at 4 am with an attack and cannot go back to sleep. But almost 6.5 weeks of taking Wellbutrin I still have my sleepless nights but my days are seemingly much better. I work everyday from 8-4. I have been suffering through these attacks at work. 2 weeks ago I broke down went into the bathroom and bawled my eyes out. I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself if I would ever feel better. So yes....hang in there....I know its rough. But you will make it through all of it and start to feel much better.

03-04-2014, 01:30 PM
Forwells- That's not my account? I only made this one I have this app on cell phone..

03-04-2014, 01:31 PM
It feels like it will never get better..

03-04-2014, 01:36 PM
I didn't make that account..? Why would I. Someone must be using my wifi. This my only one. I looked at that I posted none of them and the pic isn't me

03-04-2014, 01:49 PM
Even if I did make it why would it matter? That's not me and u don't need to hack wifi if it has no password it's my parents wifi not mine so idk. And yes I'm having very bad anxiety today and ur talking about banning me or something on the one and only place where I feel like I belong and people actually care and understand

03-04-2014, 02:17 PM
Nothing ever works out for me..

03-04-2014, 03:02 PM
Why don't u just leave me alone. This is supposed to be a place where people help and care not Harrass people for something they didn't do. Idc if it the same IP address I didn't make no other damn account than this one so idk what ur talking about. Ur making my anxiety worse. E man knows me ask him

03-04-2014, 03:10 PM
'Why don't u just leave me alone' - I remember that from somewhere.


03-04-2014, 03:12 PM
So is this the new forum you messaged me saying you were joining?

03-04-2014, 03:32 PM
Just take time

03-04-2014, 05:32 PM
I don't really care what any of you think about me haha that's all ur problems not mine lol

03-04-2014, 05:34 PM
I don't really care what any of you think about me haha that's all ur problems not mine lol

My phone isn't showing the thread for this, just the current status. Not sure what you mean

03-04-2014, 05:38 PM
All these people r sayin I'm a liar and I have two accounts on here. Sayin I dot have problems and there's holes in my stories. I have anxiety very very bad and have agoraphobia and panic attacks and I guess I'm not welcome here. Cuz they on some crazy shit but thanks everyone for ruining the one place where I thought I belonged but their all assholes. Not u Nixon

03-04-2014, 06:12 PM
The reason I had not post in this thread is obvious now??????
he is going to make another account, the only way is to ban IP

03-04-2014, 06:15 PM
Some people with some very serious issues, far worse than just anxiety and panic attacks have been making a lot of noise on here lately.

That Kyle kid for one, is nuts. Created a Facebook filled with wrestling characters to make it seem real, gets caught, deletes it and comes back like this... Who even knows what that kid is like in real life, or even who he is. I was taken in by his new character. Didn't spot the similarities until others pointed them out.

Great intuition Frankie! Geez the time I've wasted writing posts to that kid now must be into the hours...

03-04-2014, 06:20 PM
Some people with some very serious issues, far worse than just anxiety and panic attacks have been making a lot of noise on here lately. That Kyle kid for one, is nuts. Created a Facebook filled with wrestling characters to make it seem real, gets caught, deletes it and comes back like this... Who even knows what that kid is like in real life, or even who he is. I was taken in by his new character. Didn't spot the similarities until others pointed them out. Great intuition Frankie! Geez the time I've wasted writing posts to that kid now must be into the hours...

Jesse, Frankie's new name is now "Cracker".....

I too was taken in, as far as the creative element I really believe it' stems from something far more complex than the forum can offer, so it's better out in the open for all concerned.

03-04-2014, 06:33 PM
So it was for a fact him?

I responded to quite a few of the new dude's posts

03-04-2014, 06:34 PM
14, that's for sure. I thought I had a little understanding of Kyle, but I don't even know who he is, or if he's even Kyle. Like, I literally have no handle on him. No idea what's real in what he says. He opened up one evening after he got caught, said he was gonna stop using the internet, that he was feeling guilty etc.. Then he just does it again, and deletes traces of himself.

I could understand if he wanted to catch up with his old friends, but there was nothing social about what he done here, it was just pure trolling, sucking people in, lying..

Surely won't be long before he tries again with a college computer and bypasses the filters :-/... People invest time and emotion. It's a pretty sick thing to do to them.

03-04-2014, 06:35 PM
So it was for a fact him?

I responded to quite a few of the new dude's posts

Yep, he's gone, banned.

03-04-2014, 06:36 PM
Yep, he's gone, banned.

Sounds like Frankie too Ashlee's police job on here

03-04-2014, 06:52 PM
That's the very first thing that set me off Forwells. The placement of the haha always. Exactly the same mannerisms. He will try to avoid it when he returns but there is more than that in his repertoire. We will pick it up again.

And he would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those meddling kids

03-04-2014, 07:06 PM
Zola..dola..doo..hmm.. Doesn't work does it :)

I know he had a big problem with you forwells, went off one night for about 10 minutes saying 'that guys a dick', don't know why anyone's friends with him blah blah blah. Wonder if that's why he came back? Guess not I suppose. Wonder if he picked New Jersey as a location cos Alaina says she lived there on her profile, and wouldn't be friends with him, even though he tried 10 times? Lol

Kyle, I know you're gonna read this. If that was you, read back the posts that were written to you under your Kyle name, take the advice, and get yourself a life whilst you're still young.

I'll leave this thread now. Nicely done Kev. Night all!

03-04-2014, 07:56 PM
Dahlia, I sent a message 30 seconds ago, with an edit at the bottom, did you receive it? If you didn't, I think I finally fixed my inbox. Two of the girls had to let me log into their accounts to see if it happened under different user names, and it did. I had to uninstall my browser, as I think something was messed up there. It doesn't say your name now when I open my inbox, so maybe that means I've fixed it? :D

03-04-2014, 07:57 PM
Are you guys sure he is young, or even a male? It is internet the huge theater.....
Anyone can be someone.....
I usually recognize the person as i have a few encounters,,,,, years of chatting pays off:)) sometimes we can be wrong though.
as Frankie said, some mannerism is always there..people do not change,and after few posts they turn back to themselves

03-05-2014, 02:23 AM
Forwells, why this person (you know the one I mean) is trolling, I can only wonder the motivation, I am barely paying attention to what this clown does these days, cause frankly, it bores me, but even with that, I still don't like seeing him hurt people. .. but careful not to assume you are not being duped, notice the names who are rallying behind you with this and take into consideration he knows what he's doing, and knows that some trolls are expendable, and that he can play dumb and create dozens of accounts on one IP in order to get in trouble with you, the fake Id he worries most about protecting, are the ones he never messes up on, the ones he'd never create dozens of accounts with on just one IP, he's a seasoned veteran with this trolling stuff.. I have no point in saying this, other than I utterly detest him. I think they are all the same person, so please don't let yourself get duped by this psycho. and yes, he IS a psycho, you don't even know half the story.

03-05-2014, 03:54 AM
Stop it. You are completely off base. Do not start disrupting everything again. You clearly have concerns but where you cast your gaze your concerns are unfounded. Give Forwells some credit please so we can get along with the purpose of the forum. Forwells is very efficient in his moderator role and sees things very clearly.

I know I shouldn't probably engage in this but clearly I lack self control right now. Certain names do indeed rally in things here you are correct. That is because these certain people spend a lot of time posting and supporting and as a result one gets to know people. The rallying people are not one person as you always claim Apple. We are friends. Friends made through our regular interactions with one another.

I'm not sure if it is that you feel on the outside for some reason so in turn become cold, suspicious, accusatory and rude to those of us that get on and appreciate what we have brought into each other's daily lives. Lives that are often a daily struggle without the friendships, fun and support we give each other. The only way in which we are one is in that which I've just written. The regular names you see here are friends now apple. We are invested in each other's lives and are regularly here because we are all rooting for each other to be healthy and happy.

I've posted excessively but that's because I need this right now Apple. After years of agoraphobia I have lost all my friends. My forum friends that I've made have literally saved my life. I sometimes think about taking a break but then each morning I get my kids off to school and get down go the business of reading and posting. This may be sad to some but it is my current life. Before I felt I had no purpose at all. Thanks to the encouragement I've received I now enjoy trying to support others and it feels very natural to do so.

The disruption from your continued paranoia here and by others that Forwells monitors well really drags my day down. In the place that I rely on to give my life any meaning beyond my walls it's magic diminishes and so in turn does my will to get up and on with purpose in my day.

This is my heartfelt, exposed, honest truth Apple. Please stop what your doing. It really hurts.


Please spare me the VERY phoney & sappy emotional crap about how you're a "big family here" and you "just want to get along" and "come here for support" la de dah.. I came here for the exact same thing, know what I got? YOU trolling me, making fun of my anxiety issues and a lot worse..so I don't want to hear it. when all one needs to do is read a history of all the nasty troll like things you've done and said to me already on here in the past 2 months, I find it shocking now that you claim to be so diplomatic. but I'm not in the mood to get to that.

I know forwells can moderate this forum well, but it IS quite easy to get duped by lying trolls, I speak from my personal experience, a trusting, and intelligent person like forwells can easily be led on just as I (and many others have been in the past). I hope he is careful, and I only send him warning..

03-05-2014, 05:27 AM
Please spare me the VERY phoney & sappy emotional crap about how you're a "big family here" and you "just want to get along" and "come here for support" la de dah.. I came here for the exact same thing, know what I got? YOU trolling me, making fun of my anxiety issues and a lot worse..so I don't want to hear it. when all one needs to do is read a history of all the nasty troll like things you've done and said to me already on here in the past 2 months, I find it shocking now that you claim to be so diplomatic. but I'm not in the mood to get to that. I know forwells can moderate this forum well, but it IS quite easy to get duped by lying trolls, I speak from my personal experience, a trusting, and intelligent person like forwells can easily be led on just as I (and many others have been in the past). I hope he is careful, and I only send him warning..

I have become a big fan of my friend, Frankie

I could see the pure heartfelt honesty in her post

And I completely agree with her view 100% of what people mean to each other here

03-05-2014, 05:51 AM
Same. Though, save your time and energy Frankie. This path is fruitless.

'Even best music means nothing if the audience is deaf'

03-05-2014, 06:08 AM
Same. Though, save your time and energy Frankie. This path is fruitless.

'Even best music means nothing if the audience is deaf'

Well I'll certainly agree with that quote, only the intended audience isn't you, it's basically anyone who is unaware of your game playing. Grow up and stop creating trolling accounts, and be yourself online, constant lying does no one any good.

03-05-2014, 06:15 AM
Well I'll certainly agree with that quote, only the intended audience isn't you, it's basically anyone who is unaware of your game playing. Grow up and stop creating trolling accounts, and be yourself online, constant lying does no one any good.

I wouldn't be slandering Jesses name so much here

He helps loads of people and has been a dedicated poster

Just wouldn't want Forwells to see it too often so he ends up giving you the boot from here

You give some pretty good advice here it times but the troll things sometimes begins to take away your credibility


03-05-2014, 06:34 AM
Bet you would like to get me banned, that has been you desire from day one, your controlling nature makes it difficult to accept opposition of any kind. Oh but thanks for the compliment, my advice is good "sometimes" but yo...I mean jessed oh my, he should just change his name to mother Theresa, he's so wise, and knows much more than ppl who authentically live with anxiety on a daily basis.it's a shame not many ppl read the nasty emails he's sent to me either, they may learn even more from his infinite wisdom.

03-05-2014, 06:51 AM
Fucks sake. Nixon, Jesse thanks for your responses. You know what it means to me. You're right Jesse. As I said at times I can't help myself. As my FRIENDS on here know, at the moment I'm feeling vulnerable. That's probably why I had to let it out. Things are very raw right now for me. This set me off this morning as my emotions are right at the surface. I posted and I cried. Fuck your scoffing Apple. Then I called someone, my niece to come because my thoughts were bad. The worst. Not because of this fuck (merely a catalyst) but what I'm going through right now. My niece just left and REALLY helped me. Now the fucking water works again having just read what I know I should have expected because it is merely what it has only ever fucking been from her. Apple , go FUCK yourself. People know me here. Everyone else knows sincerity when they feel it. The people that care, will care. You're the single person here that thinks what you do with your paranoid bull shit. I know I have friends and your shit isn't going to fucking take the thing I'm fucking hanging onto. So in summary....go fuck yourself! I go to the clinic in half hour. I have CBT. I think this will help me! Hugs to my friends. :(

Frankie would this be the wrong time to suggest grabbing a quick piece of quartz?

Please try your best not to get upset, I really enjoy our conversations, and you offer amazing support to others, despite being in an extremely vulnerable place yourself.

You are wonderful!

You cannot help other peoples instability, hope your CBT goes well :) :)

03-05-2014, 08:00 AM
Frankie hon do not put any attention on this spoiled fruit. Ignore it. I ignore it for a long time. We know that we have this poor idiotic troll The F****Acherry here, and we treat for what it is. Do not waste your time to answer,
I wonder; is his/her I am not sure with what I am dealing here..... the fruit is so disruptive to this place that maybe we should finish it ?
To tell forwells who actually run this place very efficiently and is an awesome person, is stupid....

It is not worth the time we give it!!! I think we should put the public ignore on the spoiled fruity whatever ............. you add what is good in the spaces

I think our fruit is in love with Jesse, and jealous of you Frankie like hell:)))

03-05-2014, 08:01 AM
Fucks sake.

Nixon, Jesse thanks for your responses. You know what it means to me.

You're right Jesse. As I said at times I can't help myself.

As my FRIENDS on here know, at the moment I'm feeling vulnerable. That's probably why I had to let it out. Things are very raw right now for me.

This set me off this morning as my emotions are right at the surface. I posted and I cried. Fuck your scoffing Apple. Then I called someone, my niece to come because my thoughts were bad. The worst. Not because of this fuck (merely a catalyst) but what I'm going through right now. My niece just left and REALLY helped me. Now the fucking water works again having just read what I know I should have expected because it is merely what it has only ever fucking been from her.

Apple , go FUCK yourself. People know me here. Everyone else knows sincerity when they feel it. The people that care, will care. You're the single person here that thinks what you do with your paranoid bull shit. I know I have friends and your shit isn't going to fucking take the thing I'm fucking hanging onto. So in summary....go fuck yourself!

I go to the clinic in half hour. I have CBT. I think this will help me!

Hugs to my friends. :(

This place shouldn't be a source of unhappiness and bad catalysts; so Frankie, I hope you are doing better now. Your friends here know who you are; that's all that should matter.. Now you give out lots of hugs, but YOU need some hugs right now! So, there are some hugs coming first class to you, Miss Frankie.. I hope the CBT goes well for you.

03-05-2014, 08:28 AM
Frankie hon do not put any attention on this spoiled fruit. Ignore it. I ignore it for a long time. We know that we have this poor idiotic troll The F****Acherry here, and we treat for what it is. Do not waste your time to answer,
I wonder; is his/her I am not sure with what I am dealing here..... the fruit is so disruptive to this place that maybe we should finish it ?
To tell forwells who actually run this place very efficiently and is an awesome person, is stupid....

It is not worth the time we give it!!! I think we should put the public ignore on the spoiled fruity ............. you add what is good in the spaces

I think our fruit is in love with Jesse, and jealous of you Frankie like hell:)))

You swear an awful lot, and pretty filthilly (might I add) for a supposed old lady. Ignore me? Ohhh sure when it was ME who was ignoring the troll baiting you did on forwells thread about his withdrawals, you couldn't be any more obvious. Correct me if in wrong but I don't recall ever reading a post you've actually started yourself that pertains to anxiety, you just seem to convientely pop up whenever a debate goes on. And trust me I'm one of the freshest fruits in the bunch. :D You and your sock puppets on the other hand, are moldy pieces of bread that look fine to eat at first glance til you find yourself biting into something green and nasty, that makes you ill afterwards, and by that time, it's too late!

03-05-2014, 08:33 AM
You swear an awful lot, and pretty filthilly (might I add) for a supposed old lady. Ignore me? Ohhh sure when it was ME who was ignoring the troll baiting you did on forwells thread about his withdrawals, you couldn't be any more obvious. Correct me if in wrong but I don't recall ever reading a post you've actually started yourself that pertains to anxiety, you just seem to convientely pop up whenever a debate goes on. And trust me I'm one of the freshest fruits in the bunch. :D You and your sock puppets on the other hand, are moldy pieces of bread that look fine to eat at first glance til you find yourself biting into something green and nasty, that makes you ill afterwards, and by that time, it's too late!

Would not touch you with a long stick baby

03-05-2014, 08:35 AM
Would not touch you with a long stick baby

I just literally spat coffee down my shirt !

03-05-2014, 08:37 AM
I just literally spat coffee down my shirt !
Is it black? ;)

03-05-2014, 08:38 AM
Is it black? ;)

The coffee was black but the shirt alas is pale blue :/

03-05-2014, 08:39 AM
LOL 14. I learnt the hard way never to read this forum when drinking something. One comment last week made me spit beer all my sofa :)

03-05-2014, 08:41 AM
LOL 14. I learnt the hard way never to read this forum when drinking something. One comment last week made me spit beer all my sofa :)

It'll teach me to sneak on my phone during a break! :)

03-05-2014, 08:41 AM
blue and black is a nice combination. Guys did you see Ponder vid? About graphic tablet? It is awesome :0

It is the only forum that people get together whenever there is tension in the thread, awesome !! Stop spitting your drinks :)

03-06-2014, 09:25 PM
Fucks sake.

Nixon, Jesse thanks for your responses. You know what it means to me.

You're right Jesse. As I said at times I can't help myself.

As my FRIENDS on here know, at the moment I'm feeling vulnerable. That's probably why I had to let it out. Things are very raw right now for me.

This set me off this morning as my emotions are right at the surface. I posted and I cried. Fuck your scoffing Apple. Then I called someone, my niece to come because my thoughts were bad. The worst. Not because of this fuck (merely a catalyst) but what I'm going through right now. My niece just left and REALLY helped me. Now the fucking water works again having just read what I know I should have expected because it is merely what it has only ever fucking been from her.

Apple , go FUCK yourself. People know me here. Everyone else knows sincerity when they feel it. The people that care, will care. You're the single person here that thinks what you do with your paranoid bull shit. I know I have friends and your shit isn't going to fucking take the thing I'm fucking hanging onto. So in summary....go fuck yourself!

I go to the clinic in half hour. I have CBT. I think this will help me!

Hugs to my friends. :(

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time frankie... I hope cpt went well!

03-06-2014, 09:30 PM
@ Dahila, you always make me smile, even when you're scary!

@ Crista,
I will take that air mail hug today. It is well needed and your thoughtfulness is appreciated more than you could imagine.

To everyone, sorry for me railing today! There was more expletives in that post than in all of the rest I've done put together I fear.

I'm confident if I had my tea when reading your perfectly placed quartz, I too would have been wearing my drink too! L (not out loud though, I'm too knackered today)

Frankie!!I will absolutely vouch that you are a real and caring person. Applycherry needs to get her Damn shit together and shut the hell up about the people that are genuinely helping me. Apple, I see you acting normal and here and being nice.. But for shits sake...leave people the he'll alone. Its old. And you are going to be the one that's standing alone. Get real.

03-06-2014, 09:33 PM
Dang my phone grammar. Anyways. Seriously It's ridiculous. Take a hint... be nice. Or go away Otherwise you are the troll my friend.

03-06-2014, 09:34 PM
Frankie!!I will absolutely vouch that you are a real and caring person. Applycherry needs to get her Damn shit together and shut the hell up about the people that are genuinely helping me. Apple, I see you acting normal and here and being nice.. But for shits sake...leave people the he'll alone. Its old. And you are going to be the one that's standing alone. Get real.

Someone is feisty tonight

I think I like it

You vent all you want, Alaina

03-06-2014, 09:35 PM
Someone is feisty tonight

I think I like it

You vent all you want, Alaina

I'm feisty alright. ;) I just posted that j was deliriously tired. Sleep deprivation..doesn't sit so well with me. Haha

03-06-2014, 09:39 PM
This was the thread Kyle stopped talking to me over. Swore it wasn't him.

03-06-2014, 09:43 PM
This was the thread Kyle stopped talking to me over. Swore it wasn't him.

u must be upset :(


03-06-2014, 09:47 PM
This was the thread Kyle stopped talking to me over. Swore it wasn't him.

stopped talking to you because you questioned if tmr was him?

03-07-2014, 02:24 AM
That was the coolest and most eloquent expletive bomb I have ever seen in my life...I was moosh. LOL!!!..
Gotta do what ya gotta do Frankie!!

It's clearly obvious that some of our members are "socially inept and handicapped" and the funny part is, they're friendless and blame it on everyone else...hmm

Hope today is better for you Frankie!!!

Enduronman... :)

03-07-2014, 02:43 AM
Frankie!!I will absolutely vouch that you are a real and caring person. Applycherry needs to get her Damn shit together and shut the hell up about the people that are genuinely helping me. Apple, I see you acting normal and here and being nice.. But for shits sake...leave people the he'll alone. Its old. And you are going to be the one that's standing alone. Get real.

Ab I couldn't have put that better myself :-)

03-07-2014, 03:41 AM
Ahhhhh ok. It's 9:30am. I'm pretty tired having nor slept well but that can be fixed. I think I must take a little nap this morning and that should fix that. I usually try not nap but as you say sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do ;) My body aches and face tingles are bugging me still. I will do more PMR and repeat the tai chi I did yesterday. The more calm I feel the less the tingling should occur and as tension leaves the body hopefully some of the aches will reduce too. Darn headache also applies there still. I definitely feel I'm improving though. The withdrawals have been uncomfortable but maybe receding. I hope Forwells had a better day too. He had some improvement yesterday as well. I feel like a YAY is called for.........I think my day is going go be good indeed.

Have a good day Francie :)

03-07-2014, 03:50 AM
Meant Frankie .... The ambien walrus must be kicking in

03-07-2014, 04:07 AM
Ahhhhh ok. It's 9:30am. I'm pretty tired having nor slept well but that can be fixed. I think I must take a little nap this morning and that should fix that. I usually try not nap but as you say sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do ;) My body aches and face tingles are bugging me still. I will do more PMR and repeat the tai chi I did yesterday. The more calm I feel the less the tingling should occur and as tension leaves the body hopefully some of the aches will reduce too. Darn headache also applies there still. I definitely feel I'm improving though. The withdrawals have been uncomfortable but maybe receding. I hope Forwells had a better day too. He had some improvement yesterday as well. I feel like a YAY is called for.........I think my day is going go be good indeed.

Hi Frankiecfc,

I'm so sorry your having a rough time. For whatever reason I didn't realize you were struggling. You are so positive not to mention lots of fun!

You may have mentioned before what meds you are withdrawing from, but obviously I missed it. Care to share again for the middle-aged Canadian with a brain like a sieve?

Anyway, I hope you have had a nap and feel better! It's all about finding and doing what's right for you. You've got some great strategies in place! Keep up the good work, small successes every day!

Cheers my friend,
Will see how you are feeling later on!

03-07-2014, 08:07 AM
Frankie as I usually say it will pass, and you will get better and very soon you will take a backpack, zola and go for a whole day, enjoying the sun and trees , small steps, we all are with you. Do not think for a moment that I forgot that you are struggling....at the same time you are supportive, funny, one sharp lady:))) I love reading your responses:)

03-07-2014, 08:35 AM
Thanks my dear. I really look forward to that day. There are some wonderful woods I would love to go to about 45 minutes away. An amateur photographers dream. I think sometime I will get to post that here and I know we would share a lot of joy from doing so. Not yet but I know what I want now and I had not a single goal having given up on all of it a few months ago.

When you go to those woods, will you tie antlers to Zola's head and take a picture I can use on my Facebook profile

You know I love me some Zola!

I love that you have that goal. That is a good one and we all would like to see your pictures from there

I bet it looks the best in the spring?

So on top of the goal, how about we attach a date to that goal

Frankie will be posting pics of an antlered pooch from the nearby woods by __________________________(insert date)

03-07-2014, 01:59 PM
.....the appropriate time. I must get my meds straight and then it will go down as my CBT goal. It will pose a lot of challenges all at once but I'm very serious in my intent Nixon.

I've shot myself in the foot with my medication drama and I know that's my first challenge to get right. My pdocs did not see me this week which is really very bad. I've been left high and dry in a state.

I just rang my GPs office and they've agreed to give me a refill on the 3 Xanax I got a week ago. I will try do without them but want them just in case. I am encouraged getting through the big school meeting last night. It was a nightmare but I did it. It's all creeping in again this past hour so I just did another round of the tai chi I found on you tube. I will continue to try keep level and that's my immediate goal.

Promise you a cute and hilarious pic of us in the woods though. ;) I'm grateful my brain even entertains the idea right now.

I saw this and thought of you Frankie :)