View Full Version : labour and anxiety

03-04-2014, 11:21 AM
So im over due date now being induced this coming friday.. ive hated being pregnant with anxiety but now im terrified of giving birth. Keep getting these pictures in my head im gonna die giving birth its really scaring me and im more scared about the whole thing then actaully meeting my baby. Anyone been through labour and suffers from anxiety? Any tips you can give me to remain calm as I can be please im begging

Max mar
03-04-2014, 11:35 AM
Hi I had my son nearly three years ago. When I was pregnant I didn't really suffer from anxiety (hormones maybe ?). Anyway I think every woman is anxious before giving birth so try not to be hard on yourself. I will say though I seemed to be more nervous than most due to having had major stomach pains thoughout my life and thinking of it's going to be worse than that I'll die! It turned out to be absolutely fine!!! I've had much more pain before! Honestly it feels like your body knows what it's doing and for me a feeling of purpose came over me. You kind of go into a strange place in your brain and just get the job done. I let my body tell me what to do and had a 4 hour labour with no pain relief and my baby was back to back! I honestly thought I'd need everything drug going but I didn't. But remember there are so many types of pain relief and the midwives do this every day! You will be fine as long as you keep in mind that you were designed to do this. Your body grew the baby therefore it can give birth to it. If you do need help then we are lucky enough to live in the age we do so that we can get a helping hand.
Good luck x

Max mar
03-04-2014, 12:06 PM
Oh and another tip that helped me! A midwife told be to imagine your uterus like a blown up ballon.. Everything you have a contraction a bit more of the air comes out, it doesn't refill!! So its nonsense about babies go back up. If you try and imagine that when contracting your brain will recognise this process and it will help. Worked for me anyway!