View Full Version : how I cured my anxiety and OCD with supplements

03-03-2014, 11:35 PM
ey guys, long time viewer, first time poster. I'm writing a quick post to try and convince people to try what I did. I try to write it in a way so that it doesn't seem like I'm trying to advertise a product or something lol.

I've dealt with general anxiety and OCD that is usually somewhere between mild and moderate for quite a while. The OCD rituals would sometimes take over 5 hours to accomplish to give me the relief I felt that I needed. Rarely did the anxiety and OCD become severe/disabling but it has happened a few times. Last time it got SUPER bad was a few months ago.

Anyways, I was about to start an SSRI for the first time, but didn't like the idea for various reasons. I tried some natural stuff with either little or only partial benefit. I am a kava drinker, which helps with anxiety for about an hour our two, but the results aren't very long-lasting, and you then feel pretty out of it for hours (still love kava anyways though!). I also tried taking NAC twice, which really bad results (made anxiety and OCD worse).

About 6 weeks ago I started taking Inositol. Didn't feel any difference the first few weeks. At week 4, I added about 400-500 mg magnesium a day plus a multivitamin. WOW. The day after I started taking the Mg and vitamin, my anxiety and OCD essentially vanished. I have waited 3 weeks before posting this to make sure it wasn't a coincidence or a placebo effect. In the past 3 weeks, I have rarely felt any general anxiety, and have only ritualized once or twice, for a short period of time, and it was relatively low-stress. Before magnesium, I would have to ritualize nearly everyday.

Also, in the past 3 weeks, my mood in general has lifted considerably, and I have realized looking back, that I think I was suffering from mild depression for the past few years. I didn't really notice until now, since now I have a point of comparison.

I can't say with confidence exactly which out of the three suplements (inositol, Mg or multivitamin) is what "did it" for me. The drastic change happend the day after I started Mg, so I have to assume it is what has made the biggest change, but it could easily be working synergistically with the multivitamin and inositol. Even though the inositol didn't work at first, studies have shown that it takes about a month of use to make clinically significant changes in mood, which is around the time I started taking magnesium and the vitamin. So the "cure" could have been the Mg, the multivitamin, the inositol, or a combination of two of them, or all three. I am thinking it is a combo of all three, with magnesium making the largest difference. This theory is further strengthened by the fact that on the day I ran out of magnesium and was waiting for more to arrive in the mail, some symptoms surfaced.

I have a few things to say about inositol and magnesium.

Inositol: I take 18 GRAMS a day, which is the dose suggested for OCD and moderate anxiety. I take 6g x3/day. Initial side effects are just bloatiness and some minor diarrhea. HOWEVER, I will mention that I have definitely experienced a great decrease in libido. No ED or inorgasmia, but certainly lower libido. I could be because I am taking what is considered the "max dose." Soon I am going to titrate down to 12g/d and see if that makes any difference. The most affordable inositol I've found is the powder swanson sells. If you want to get into inositol, don't buy the pills, they are a rip-off. Swanson, Jarrows, and NOW carry powder at a decent price.

Magnesium: I started on magnesium citrate, but the diarrhea was just too much for me. I then switched to magnesium taurate, and now only get diarrhea if I take over about 500mg/d.

Even though I am not sure if its just the magnesium, or if its a combo of all three of the supplements I'm taking, right now I don't care, and am not willing to tweak anything. All I know is that I feel amazing right now, and have been for the past 3 weeks. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

01-12-2015, 11:38 PM
Hi, im new here. I dont understand why nobody commented on your post. I wanna know how are you doing, do you still great without ocd? Did it really worked for you?

01-14-2015, 07:39 AM
As I have been telling people on this board. Some anxiety can be physical in origin and stem from nutritional deficiencies. It's important to find what those are so that you can address them.

01-14-2015, 08:54 AM
As I have been telling people on this board. Some anxiety can be physical in origin and stem from nutritional deficiencies. It's important to find what those are so that you can address them.

I recently had a lot of blood work done to check how everything was and the only thing that came back was my vitamin D was a tad bit low. If my anxiety is caused by any kind of nutritional deficiencies, would that have shown up on my blood work or is that something you can't really test for? I currently am taking prozac once a day (which hasn't really started to take full effect yet, only been about 2 1/2 weeks or so) and xanax for when I have a panic attack that i can't control on my own. I really really want to stop taking such harmful medicines and try a more natural route but if a nutritional deficiency if something my doctor would have caught on my blood work up, I feel like I shouldn't even bother with the magnesium and inositol.

01-14-2015, 09:10 AM
I recently had a lot of blood work done to check how everything was and the only thing that came back was my vitamin D was a tad bit low. If my anxiety is caused by any kind of nutritional deficiencies, would that have shown up on my blood work or is that something you can't really test for? I currently am taking prozac once a day (which hasn't really started to take full effect yet, only been about 2 1/2 weeks or so) and xanax for when I have a panic attack that i can't control on my own. I really really want to stop taking such harmful medicines and try a more natural route but if a nutritional deficiency if something my doctor would have caught on my blood work up, I feel like I shouldn't even bother with the magnesium and inositol.

The thing is, and I have a long theory I don't really want to go into, but from what I have seen, a lot of nutrients and vitamins aren't included in basic blood tests. My school was the only one that included vitamin D on the tests while my primary case physician didn't test for that. I could have found out my problem a lot sooner and not when it was too late. They can test for nutrional deficiciens, I just think they often choose not to because they would rather give you meds to manage your condition (doctors get paid to prescribe you medicines) than have you find your cure through vitamins/minerals, nature's cure, and stop filling the pocket of the pharmeceutical industries. I have to go to a special lab to get my iron and b12 checked which is ridiculous because b12 is a common deficiency, and so is iron, especially among vegetarians and vegans, and iron for women, and not testing for that on a basic blood test can leave a lot of things unsaid. As I said, they can test for it, I just think the system is set up not to and for very sad, profit driven reasons.

What was your vitamin D level if I may ask? Mine was 17, way too low and I've heard people with even lower levels having even worse panic attacks and symptoms. Good rangers should be around 50-80. Vitamin D is also a mood stabilizer, so even levels a bit low, can cause some unbalanced feelings. See if you can get a blood test to check for pertinent vitamins like magnesium, b12, iron, etc. Some will refuse, saying that they don't really think that is necessary (in which I think that's part of the whole system to prevent you from helping yourself). In that case I would start supplementing with b complex of vitamins, 300mg of magnesium a day, gentle iron, and 6000 IU of vitamin D for 2-3 months and see how your symptoms improve or go to a naturopathic doctor and get opinions from them. People tend to think naturopathic doctors is psuedo science and that they are phonies, when really they might be telling you things the primary doctors in America won't.

01-14-2015, 09:46 PM

I am glad that you found the cure for yourself. I found it 3 years ago !

If you read the below link, which is my thread/story at this forum, you will understand that besides magnesium, vitamin D3 has an important role in both our mental, and physical well being. About magnesium, and upset stomach, try chelated magnesium, which has the highest absorption rate, and no side effects. Also, please pay attention to the last sentence of the paragraph on magnesium at my thread, which is quite important.


Best wishes,

01-17-2015, 04:35 PM
ey guys, long time viewer, first time poster. I'm writing a quick post to try and convince people to try what I did. I try to write it in a way so that it doesn't seem like I'm trying to advertise a product or something lol.

I've dealt with general anxiety and OCD that is usually somewhere between mild and moderate for quite a while. The OCD rituals would sometimes take over 5 hours to accomplish to give me the relief I felt that I needed. Rarely did the anxiety and OCD become severe/disabling but it has happened a few times. Last time it got SUPER bad was a few months ago.

Anyways, I was about to start an SSRI for the first time, but didn't like the idea for various reasons. I tried some natural stuff with either little or only partial benefit. I am a kava drinker, which helps with anxiety for about an hour our two, but the results aren't very long-lasting, and you then feel pretty out of it for hours (still love kava anyways though!). I also tried taking NAC twice, which really bad results (made anxiety and OCD worse).

About 6 weeks ago I started taking Inositol. Didn't feel any difference the first few weeks. At week 4, I added about 400-500 mg magnesium a day plus a multivitamin. WOW. The day after I started taking the Mg and vitamin, my anxiety and OCD essentially vanished. I have waited 3 weeks before posting this to make sure it wasn't a coincidence or a placebo effect. In the past 3 weeks, I have rarely felt any general anxiety, and have only ritualized once or twice, for a short period of time, and it was relatively low-stress. Before magnesium, I would have to ritualize nearly everyday.

Also, in the past 3 weeks, my mood in general has lifted considerably, and I have realized looking back, that I think I was suffering from mild depression for the past few years. I didn't really notice until now, since now I have a point of comparison.

I can't say with confidence exactly which out of the three suplements (inositol, Mg or multivitamin) is what "did it" for me. The drastic change happend the day after I started Mg, so I have to assume it is what has made the biggest change, but it could easily be working synergistically with the multivitamin and inositol. Even though the inositol didn't work at first, studies have shown that it takes about a month of use to make clinically significant changes in mood, which is around the time I started taking magnesium and the vitamin. So the "cure" could have been the Mg, the multivitamin, the inositol, or a combination of two of them, or all three. I am thinking it is a combo of all three, with magnesium making the largest difference. This theory is further strengthened by the fact that on the day I ran out of magnesium and was waiting for more to arrive in the mail, some symptoms surfaced.

I have a few things to say about inositol and magnesium.

Inositol: I take 18 GRAMS a day, which is the dose suggested for OCD and moderate anxiety. I take 6g x3/day. Initial side effects are just bloatiness and some minor diarrhea. HOWEVER, I will mention that I have definitely experienced a great decrease in libido. No ED or inorgasmia, but certainly lower libido. I could be because I am taking what is considered the "max dose." Soon I am going to titrate down to 12g/d and see if that makes any difference. The most affordable inositol I've found is the powder swanson sells. If you want to get into inositol, don't buy the pills, they are a rip-off. Swanson, Jarrows, and NOW carry powder at a decent price.

Magnesium: I started on magnesium citrate, but the diarrhea was just too much for me. I then switched to magnesium taurate, and now only get diarrhea if I take over about 500mg/d.

Even though I am not sure if its just the magnesium, or if its a combo of all three of the supplements I'm taking, right now I don't care, and am not willing to tweak anything. All I know is that I feel amazing right now, and have been for the past 3 weeks. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I detailed my journey of how I went from severe anxiety to anxiety free in the stickies above, in my "Techniques" post and part of that was indeed supplements. I say PART because the other part was the action I took in my life to create change.
"The day after I started taking the Mg and vitamin, my anxiety and OCD essentially vanished. "

I have 2 things to say about this:

1) This is not typical. I don't want people to get the false sense that these are wonder drugs that can give you instant cures. People need to adopt a long term healing plan and stick with it instead of giving up in 3 days if it doesn't work. For me, the entire anxiety healing was a process over many months, but in the end, I did get there.

2) I have read that Inositol in high doses can treat OCD. The exact dose I don't know, but anyone suffering from OCD, please take some time and read about Inositol as a treatment for it and see what you think. Inositol was one of the things I took in my anxiety healing phase, but I did not suffer from OCD. I suffered from anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. All of which I have overcome a few years ago due to various things I did and constantly moving forward toward my goal of anxiety free.

I agree if you aren't getting it from the sun, Vitamin D3-3000-5000 per day is golden! Some take more, some take less, but for me 3000-5000 is the sweet spot. The sun depends on it's angle, time of day, season and location of where you are in relation to the equator. If I feel I achieved good Vitamin D from the sun, I don't take the pill.

Thanks for your post. I think you should list the exact brands you took.

01-17-2015, 05:02 PM
Panic Cured made a really good addition. Supplements can be miracle workers but they take time and may not be what is needed to treat your anxiety. But for me, I know the combination of vitamin D and magnesium has drastically improved my anxiety. I only get the occasional panic flare up, and it doesn't usually go into full panic attack. I too would like to know the exact brands because I'm having trouble finding the best magnesium supplement for me.

01-19-2015, 01:29 AM
Panic Cured made a really good addition. Supplements can be miracle workers but they take time and may not be what is needed to treat your anxiety. But for me, I know the combination of vitamin D and magnesium has drastically improved my anxiety. I only get the occasional panic flare up, and it doesn't usually go into full panic attack. I too would like to know the exact brands because I'm having trouble finding the best magnesium supplement for me.

I see anxiety as part physical and part mental. If the nervous system is so exhausted or oversensitive, supplements can physically help heal it. But you must take action in your life to heal the mental, psychological or habitual part. Sorry, but there is no wonder drug. It is adopting a true healing lifestyle until you overcome it, which everyone has the ability to do. But don;t forget, the body wants to heal naturally, you just need to assist it and supplements are part of that process. But never think you can get there without you doing the work!

I recommend: Doctor's Best, Magnesium, High Absorption, 100% Chelated, Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed formula for a Chinese herbal remedy made up of many herbs to help heal your nervous system, or I think they sell it together with the Magnesium at this point.

06-13-2015, 02:52 PM
Hi, im new here. I dont understand why nobody commented on your post. I wanna know how are you doing, do you still great without ocd? Did it really worked for you?

hey guys. I am the original poster of this thread. I am here a year and a half later to confirm that my anxiety and OCD are still completely gone. I narrowed it down, through the process of elimination, to magnesium citrate (any magnesium will do BESIDES magnesium oxide which is not absorbed by the body, magnesium aspartate and magnesium glutamate. Both aspartate and glutamate make anxiety worse, esp. glutamate. In fact, magnesium's anti-anxiety action is because it blocks glutamate at NMDA receptors).

For those with anxiety, OCD, Panic, or depression, you REALLY need to take a multivitamin and magnesium. Mental disorders are usually due to a defficiency in something. Magnesium deficiency (70% of americans are deficient) is most likely the main cause of anxiety and depression in the US, with a deficiency in bright light entering the eye and stimulating the SCN in the brain being one of the main causes of depression. Do your research before getting on an SSRI!

Also, if you are an insomniac, you NEED to try magnesium.


06-13-2015, 03:08 PM
A supplement works for one person will not necessarily work for another person. And there can be downsides associated with supplementation, as well as potential benefits. (For example, some supplements have been to be associated with increased risks of certain illnesses, and many supplements have been found not to actually contain exactly what the label says they contain).

For these reasons, I think it is a bad idea for anyone to begin supplementation just because someone on the internet says it helped them. Instead, see a qualified doctor, get the appropriate tests to see whether you have any deficiencies, and discuss with the doctor the benefits and risks of supplementation. I am not totally against supplementation. But I think it should be approached in a thoughtful way, as with any other medical decision.

06-13-2015, 06:05 PM
hey guys. I am the original poster of this thread. I am here a year and a half later to confirm that my anxiety and OCD are still completely gone. I narrowed it down, through the process of elimination, to magnesium citrate (any magnesium will do BESIDES magnesium oxide which is not absorbed by the body, magnesium aspartate and magnesium glutamate. Both aspartate and glutamate make anxiety worse, esp. glutamate. In fact, magnesium's anti-anxiety action is because it blocks glutamate at NMDA receptors).

For those with anxiety, OCD, Panic, or depression, you REALLY need to take a multivitamin and magnesium. Mental disorders are usually due to a defficiency in something. Magnesium deficiency (70% of americans are deficient) is most likely the main cause of anxiety and depression in the US, with a deficiency in bright light entering the eye and stimulating the SCN in the brain being one of the main causes of depression. Do your research before getting on an SSRI!

Also, if you are an insomniac, you NEED to try magnesium.


Thank you for confirming what I experiencing myself, though just with vitamin D. I think a lacking in certain nutrients, not just magnesium could contribute to these feelings. It's been a long time since I've had a real panic attack after my self therapy with 10,000 iu vitamin D and cheleated magnesium 300 mg each day for 3 months. I've had the occasional sometimes mini anxiety or nervous feelings but rarely now and it's definitely something I could live with if it just stayed like this. I feel like any lingering effects might be due to my grandma's history (and that I'm simply more sensitive an susceptible to these feelings) that and my time of the month contributing (though I'm now taking calcium and iron to see if that helps). I know what you are saying, you may not know helps people, but the Damavandi who commented about vitamin D therapy and I read it, I don't know if they are still around they probably are, but they probably saved my life, A LOT. I would have had to drop out of school and been home bound forever in a circular depression, not understanding what was wrong. It's easy for people to say, oh you are depressed or just have a mental disorder, but it's a lot harder to pinpoint WHY. Strangely enough my brother had an inkling that I had a deficiency in something but he was just waiting to see what the doctors had to say and such. My brother is also very wary of medicines and pills.

06-13-2015, 06:07 PM
A supplement works for one person will not necessarily work for another person. And there can be downsides associated with supplementation, as well as potential benefits. (For example, some supplements have been to be associated with increased risks of certain illnesses, and many supplements have been found not to actually contain exactly what the label says they contain).

For these reasons, I think it is a bad idea for anyone to begin supplementation just because someone on the internet says it helped them. Instead, see a qualified doctor, get the appropriate tests to see whether you have any deficiencies, and discuss with the doctor the benefits and risks of supplementation. I am not totally against supplementation. But I think it should be approached in a thoughtful way, as with any other medical decision.

Fair enough. Though my doctor told me I just needed a simple mutlivitamin to help with my deficiency (that they didn't think was causing my problems. I had two doctors tell me this, and welp, here I am now, only thing I really changed was vitamin D and magnesium. To heck with them, don't forget they get handouts from pharmaceutical companies to push drugs on you for any ailment, treating the symptom, not the cause. I wouldn't be surprised if this valuable information on natural solutions for helping with these problems is withheld from them). What my doctor said would NOT have worked and I'd have been miserable for a lot longer. I looked up safe but deficiency level doses of vitamin D levels for people to take on health sites and knew that this was my ticket and these levels were much higher than a simple maintenance dose a multivitamin usually contains. I say, yes, go get the tests and listen to what your doctor says, but take it with a grain of salt, and look further into it on your own if you feel unsure.

On another note, I haven't been on here in awhile, but I feel I should check back ocassionally, and i only came back because I saw minivan's reply in an email notice, and I'm glad he is doing well. I want to linger around so I may help people and offer them my advice of what really helped me and likely will help them at least a little. I've had friends contact me about feeling depressed and going to a doctor and then asking about vitamin D because I mentioned it to them. The doctors would put them on wayyy too low of a dose for a good recovery, so I told them what I took and it's up to them if they want to see how it goes.

06-13-2015, 07:08 PM
I suppose it is fine for you to do your own medical research, if you do not trust your doctors, but I would say this: (1) it might be better instead to find a doctor who you trust, and (2) if you do your own medical research, you should not rely on random websites where anonymous internet users proclaim various miracle treatments that magically cured their ailments, but should instead develop a basic understanding of biology, biochemistry and statistics, and then do your research using peer-reviewed medical journals. Medicine is very complex and if you are going to try to do it on your own -- which I think is a mistake -- you should at least invest the time to become knowledgeable.

I also think the attitude we sometimes see on this and other anonymous internet boards that doctors are paid off by pharma companies to prescribe prescription drugs, doctors are dumb or dishonest, supplements are the key to good health but crooked doctors won't recommend them, etc., is way too cynical. The overwhelming majority of doctors are honest and knowledgeable and want what is best for their patients.

06-14-2015, 11:16 AM
I suppose it is fine for you to do your own medical research, if you do not trust your doctors, but I would say this: (1) it might be better instead to find a doctor who you trust, and (2) if you do your own medical research, you should not rely on random websites where anonymous internet users proclaim various miracle treatments that magically cured their ailments, but should instead develop a basic understanding of biology, biochemistry and statistics, and then do your research using peer-reviewed medical journals. Medicine is very complex and if you are going to try to do it on your own -- which I think is a mistake -- you should at least invest the time to become knowledgeable.

I also think the attitude we sometimes see on this and other anonymous internet boards that doctors are paid off by pharma companies to prescribe prescription drugs, doctors are dumb or dishonest, supplements are the key to good health but crooked doctors won't recommend them, etc., is way too cynical. The overwhelming majority of doctors are honest and knowledgeable and want what is best for their patients.

I looked more into it myself after it clicked that what damavandi said may be true and made sense because I stayed inside a lot. I didn't have any hesitation about it. It's not like a doctor is going to tell you NOT to take vitamin D, especially if they know you have a deficiency. I think there is a big difference between saying vitamin d or magnesium will help you, and saying someone should try snake oil or pig's blood.

Well what they say is true. The reason the internet is starting to feel this way is because more documentaries are coming out showing this. It might do you good to watch this 20 min "Last Week Tonight With Jon Oliver." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQZ2UeOTO3I They do intensive review and research with their team members and I had a friend mention this episode to me one day saying, "wow, you were right" because he didn't believe me that big pharma was very shady and pandling to doctors. There are quite a few segments in that episode that leave a nasty taste in my mouth. I don't disagree that many doctors want what's best for their patients, but I think with the handouts they get from big pharma and information they are "not" told, leave them more as being servants to big pharma rather than their patients. Believe it or not they are not told the full details of the drugs they give people and how it actually all works, and my brother learned this himself when he pressed a doctor to tell him "how a certain" medicine did what he claimed, and the doctor got nervous and started beating around the bush. And he kept pressing it saying, no, HOW exactly in the body does it do what it claims. Doctor couldn't tell him.

I have a feeling you are quite rooted in your beliefs about doctor and the medical system, so I doubt much to the contrary I provide will sway you, but I also continue to reply and write here for other lurkers here who may see.

I will start browsing around for a more naturopathic doctor before too long as it seems like something interesting and different to try in America's strained medical system. I also have a really huge family book on natural remedies lying around that I may just want to read out of interest.

06-14-2015, 01:05 PM
I have a feeling you are quite rooted in your beliefs about doctor and the medical system, so I doubt much to the contrary I provide will sway you....

That is probably true for both of us....

In the end, when it comes to medical matters, I believe in science and evidence. That is why I rely on the results of randomized controlled trials, evidence-based medicine, credible articles from peer-reviewed journals, etc., and I tend to discount anyone who claims to have found the miracle cure ....

Having said that, if you (or anyone) has found something that works for you, then I am genuinely happy for you.

06-19-2015, 07:18 PM
Kuma you have no logical thought processes. You are doing to Confused Panic what you did to me. You spend time arguing and harassing instead of listening to people that are trying to give you good advice. You have anxiety, people here have written steps on how to get better and you argue with them about the horrors of this and that. You tell people to not trust supplements when not one person has ever died from any of the supplements ever recommended here. Yet you go trust doctors blindly where pharmaceuticals is statistically one of the leading causes of death!

Doctors have cured, let's see, ZERO people from anxiety ever! Let's seek doctors to cure anxiety since their track record is up this year from last from ZERO to all the way up to ZERO! That's right, they have no cure, just drugs to dope you up as a band aid. Overdosing on Vitamin D? I guess those in Miami should be rushed to the hospital daily and they get well over 10,000 IU just being in the sun daily. You can get 20,000 if you stay out long enough. Let's send Ambulances across the equator to save people from the deadly Vitamin D that are leaving a trail of bloodied corpses behind. Actually, let's just take out the sun since that is giving us this horrific evil substance that you will die from!

"I think it is a bad idea for anyone to begin supplementation" This is plain DUMB!

"Begin supplementation" What a Drama Queen! Like it's some lifelong contract signed in blood. It's called taking some herbs and some other supplements to help supplement the rest of your anxiety healing program. Because they are physical things that can cause positive physical reactions that one needs in trying to get better.

Must have peer reviewed studies first? Man you are lost! What a laugh! Actually Vitamin D has been peer reviewed to prove that loads and loads of crucial biological processes of the body use Vitamin D and even disorders such as Autism match the exact signs of Vitamin D deficiency. Considering nobody is in the sun anymore and when they are slap on loads of sunblock, it is no wonder people are Vitamin D deficient. What you don't get, is their recommendations were based on outdated research of how much is needed daily to prevent Rickets, since back then they did not understand all of Vitamin D's functions like we do now. So the tiny little couple hundred IU was for preventing Rickets, nothing else! And since Vitamin D is found so little in foods, the only way to get it properly is from sun, depending on season, time of day and geographical location, or popping a vitamin D3 pill which converts in the liver to the actual substance you need!

You don't get to the place Confusedpanic and I have got to, which is completely void of a panic disorder by listening to doctors, unless you somehow have an actual physical problem that can be remedied, but run of the mill anxiety, you get past that by doing it on your own and listening to those who have beat it! Anxiety eats up your Magnesium and that is why you take it. Herbs can help heal an exhausted nervous system. All of this coincides with the daily habits and many other things you to to heal.

This idea that supplements are ONLY if you have a measured deficiency is Bogus! That may be true for certain vitamins and even some minerals, but that is not why you take supplements for anxiety. You take them to create a particular result, besides things like Vitamin D or Magnesium, despite tests, you may be deficient in.

And not all supplements are good and not all brands are good and most people do not take a high enough dose. So people can do some research to figure out which one is good, such as GMP certified companies or simply go to an acupuncturist or some type of herbal practitioner who knows what they are doing, or even just researching on your own you have at least a shot of getting better unlike Benzos which will not get you better ever!

But people like you come here and shit on anyone that is truly trying to help people. You haven't cured your anxiety so why should anyone listen to you? You just block people who are trying to help. If you just shut up and listened to people that told you what to do, just as I and confused panic did, you wouldn't have anxiety. I shut up when I was sick, and followed people here and others elsewhere that told me what to do. I did it what they told me. Then I gained some knowledge and came up with my own healing program based on what those wonderful people that cared told me to do. That is why I am better, because I did my best to move forward in healing, not argue with people trying to help me that got to where I was trying to get to- Anxiety Free!

So doctors have nothing to offer for true long-term healing UNLESS you somehow have an actual physical problem that they can even help with that, and that is why people need to take the matters into their own hands or become a slave to their anxiety and the addictive drugs they prescribe you!

I am sure you and your posse will respond to me with abuse, bullying and hate. But I know some person here will read this and gain benefit so I did it for them.

06-19-2015, 07:49 PM
Hey Panic Cured. When we did not hear from you for a while on this board, we all were really hoping that you had disappeared. It was certainly nice to have a reprieve from your arrogant, know-it-all attitude, your insulting and abusive posts, your stupid and unsubstantiated statements (such as that no doctor has ever cured anyone of anxiety), and your dangerously misleading advice - which nobody pays attention to anyway. But I suppose, like an antibiotic resistant bacteria, you are not so easy to get rid of.

06-19-2015, 07:58 PM
I am sure you and your posse will respond to me with abuse, bullying and hate. But I know some person here will read this and gain benefit so I did it for them.

You really just wrote that after that abusive post you wrote.


What a douchebag

06-19-2015, 09:10 PM
Actually Vitamin D has been peer reviewed to prove that loads and loads of crucial biological processes of the body use Vitamin D and even disorders such as Autism match the exact signs of Vitamin D deficiency. Considering nobody is in the sun anymore and when they are slap on loads of sunblock, it is no wonder people are Vitamin D deficient. What you don't get, is their recommendations were based on outdated research of how much is needed daily to prevent Rickets, since back then they did not understand all of Vitamin D's functions like we do now. So the tiny little couple hundred IU was for preventing Rickets, nothing else! And since Vitamin D is found so little in foods, the only way to get it properly is from sun, depending on season, time of day and geographical location, or popping a vitamin D3 pill which converts in the liver to the actual substance you need!

This is very very true. I'm a college student so I will pull up some peer reviewed studies tonight on our databases to use for later in backing up what I have to say, and it's honestly quite weird that I have to back up encouraging someone to see if vitamin D works for them. Heck, I'll even look up magnesium too. (I was mainly taking that because I heard it helped with the absorption of vitamin D. I also took vitamin K2 because a lot of people mentioned that being rather important when taking vitamin D) Even my health professor this past year mentioned how vitamin D and a lack of it was correlated to levels of depression and that our body needs vitamin D for daily function. I have no doubt what doctors recommend of vitamin D if any, is quite outdated from what I have heard from friends and my own experience with doctors and asking about it. A lot more places now are saying to have 1000+ iu of vitamin D a day for a multitude ailments.

And not all supplements are good and not all brands are good and most people do not take a high enough dose. So people can do some research to figure out which one is good, such as GMP certified companies or simply go to an acupuncturist or some type of herbal practitioner who knows what they are doing, or even just researching on your own you have at least a shot of getting better unlike Benzos which will not get you better ever!

This too. Some vitamin brands aren't quality tested so it;s good to make sure you are getting true and accurate brands. It's actually been quite fun learning about all the different types of magnesium as well. I never knew before that the oxide I was taking was near worthless in value to the body, which is why I took a different form that people recommended.

I shut up when I was sick, and followed people here and others elsewhere that told me what to do. I did it what they told me. Then I gained some knowledge and came up with my own healing program based on what those wonderful people that cared told me to do. That is why I am better, because I did my best to move forward in healing, not argue with people trying to help me that got to where I was trying to get to- Anxiety Free!

This exactly!!! I was looking at EVERYTHING here there and everywhere when I was lying in bed, crying after coming back to my dorm after having panic attacks. What people said about vitamin D here and elsewhere though really clicked for me because I already knew I was low through bloodtests and I literally hadn't gone outside much of the day at all. While during the healing process, I listened to others recommendations such as drinking camomile tea and practicing breathing techniques. This stuff didn't cure my anxiety, but it sure was comforting and kept me motivated to keep at what I was doing with supplements and managing my symptoms. Xanax and zoloft also did that but I knew I didn't want to be on those pills the rest of my life. This wasn't normal, and I knew it wasn't just going to "go away." You simply must try things until you find something that works for you, because people have been on pills from doctors for years and years, still with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, and having just accepted it as a part of their life. That's not to say in some cases pills aren't helpful and won't help, but if the problem is a nutritional imbalance, hormonal imabalance, or what have you, then pills are only going to be a temporary solution as they aren't what the body actually needs.

And since Vitamin D is found so little in foods, the only way to get it properly is from sun, depending on season, time of day and geographical location, or popping a vitamin D3 pill which converts in the liver to the actual substance you need!

I think a lot of people get vitamin D from milk. I'm a vegan though so I was not drinking milk, nor was I drinking my fortified plant based milks for a long time. Mushrooms also are a good source of vitamin D.

06-19-2015, 09:37 PM
OCD Supplements? huh interesting I guess I will have to give that one a try.

I have been dealing with panic attacks since I was in the 8th grade, I have developed anxiety and social anxiety as well within the last 3 years. Some days are worse that others and some days are better. However I have found a way to cope and control my anxiety and panic attacks at least to a certain extent. And although I am not 100 percet cured It has helped me out tremendously and I am starting to get ahold of myself.

I hope this helps somebody out there out because it is something I have wished I could change for nearly 10 years.

Take a look at anxiousreview . com

It is an excellent read and was very helpful to me :)

06-19-2015, 09:46 PM
You both, Kuma and Nixon have ZERO to offer anyone here. All you both can do and the rest of your posse is hurl personal immature insults. You have ZERO content to spread, you call me a douchebag and claim my post was abusive where it was a very well thought out well explained rational post with lots of good information. There is not a single abusive thing in that post. It is what I expect from the likes of you both who use this forum as a place to socialize and hurl abuse, bully and ridicule anyone who isn't part of the "in crowd" here. Ignoring all points I made as I shoot rockets of knowledge blasting through stupidity, you call me a douchebag. Look up the definition of abuse and you will see it is non existent in my post. I said shut up and then wrote I also shut up. But you obviously aren't trying to comprehend what I am saying. You came here to hurl abuse before you ever read one word, And how brave of you to hurl insults behind a computer screen. I'd mop the floor with you face to face when that computer screen isn't there to protect you! I have you running to your mama in fear crying like a little infant if any of you talked the way you post here to my face!

Proving my point that people like you both are here as a social outing and will never heal anxiety. You will never heal because you see anxiety as a part of your identity, and you do not want to lose that identity. I mean hey, if you ever really did get past anxiety, you wouldn't be welcomed into the Cool Anxiety Kids Freak Out Club here. And if you actually came back on here writing to those in desperate need for help trying to offer advice, you, Kuma and Nixon, would be blocked by Dhalia, Gypsy, Jessed, I'm Suffering and the rest of the band of court jesters that think this forum is a Facebook for anxiety sufferers rather than a place to come to get help.

Back in the day, I used this for what it should be, a place to get help and I shut up and listened! I didn't come here telling people what to do, as I was in the grips of anxiety so obviously I had no idea what to do. After all, why are people stuck in the grips of anxiety offering advice to anyone? Clearly their methods do not work.

But ConfusedPanic let's us know how Vitamin D and Magnesium helped her tremendously and your response is to fight her about it? Then I come in and give some details and you call me names and hurl personal insults? That is not the thinking of a rational normal person. You should be asking her more questions rather than fighting her and you are demanding nobody do what she did. That is simply absurd! A normal response is wanting to know more about what she did that helped her.

People that cure their anxiety don't do the things you guys do, which leads me to believe you do not want to be better. You want to use anxiety as an excuse for your existence and you want limitations on your life and anxiety is how you continue those limitations and get out of events you don't want to go to like boring family functions. Maybe you think without anxiety, who will I be? Maybe you are just stubborn and egos so big you can't actual just imagine someone may know more than you. If you did want to get better truly than you would shut up and listen to those trying to help you here for FREE!

So all you have to offer here are personal attacks and insults to me and you will continue to do so below. You are probably hurling personal attacks as I am writing this. You will not actually engage in an intellectual discussion here. Your attacks to me will be based on these factors:

1) You and the group- it is always like you just wrote with "we" or "us" "When we did not hear from you for a while on this board, we all were really hoping that you had disappeared." Total groupthink mentality as "WE". Yes you and the in crowd here. You sure are cool to be part of such a prestigious group! Funny to even think there is a "we" here at all. Yep you and the cool anxiety crowd had a board meeting and you all decided on it was good I didn't post. What a joke! Ooooh the popular anxietyforum.net crowd. How about you stand on your own instead of leaning on the group?

2) Bring up past posts taking anything I said out of context, exaggerating things I said and simply misquoting what I said or somehow trying to defame me by twisting the truth. Anything to make it like I am some maniac and you are right!

3) Launch degrading personal attacks trying to hurt me as a person rather than actually discuss the zillions of points I have made in an intellectual thoughtful manner. You will personally attack me like a bully in the schoolyard with daddy issues who tries to impress the crowd but one little punch he goes running on home crying to mama!

And please, since it is inevitable you will bring it up, I outed Jessed for lying. He posted one thing on the forum, PM'd me the opposite, than I just outed him. Then him and the rest of the clowns blame me when I just displayed what he said. He isn't my friend or anyone I really know, I had no moral obligation to keep his PMs private, especially when he was telling me one thing in private and posting the opposite in public. It wasn't like his personal info.

Confusedpanic is on the cusp of figuring out that her goal of reaching out to people here will prove to be a futile joke and how her efforts to help people will be thwarted by the Cool Anxiety Kids Freak Out Club at every turn. In the end she wins because she lives an anxiety free life, but hey, you got your internet forum buddy group. Oh wow I am so jealous! (That's sarcasm for the slow kids)

I won't respond anymore, as anyone with a tad of rational thought reading this knows I just demolished any attempt you had to belittle me and smashed your ideas and responses into tiny little pieces smaller than your self esteem, which is why you need to log in to insult someone to boost that weak self esteem of yours anyway! I'm firing rockets of truth like asteroids that crumbled the dinosaurs!

I couldn't care less if you and the Cool Anxiety Kids Freak Out Club gather as a group to try and bring me down. It just shows us what your focus is. It sure as hell isn't in getting past anxiety back to a normal life.

I have left 3 threads in the stickies that I know have helped hundreds if not thousands of people, many who have never logged in or joined here, only read. Therefore, I have completed my mission here, which was to help those who were once like me, like those who once helped me. Those of you reading, an Anxiety Disorder can be 100% overcome. Keep up the good work! The attacks you continue to throw at me are like Nerf bullets against a titanium wall of awesomeness! You can never reverse those walking around right now anxiety free or at least a hell of a lot better because of the simple solid advice I have given them through the years. That you can't take away from me, but most importantly, you can't take that away from them. Most are long gone from this site as they didn't use it as a place to make friends and gather socially, but used it as to get the advice needed to understand what anxiety is and how to get better, followed the steps and then left!

In the end, life is short, you have to make your life the best you can and that is entirely up to you, and of course, with some good old fashioned good luck!

And after everything I just said, my rockets of truth blasting through the cosmos exploding your mind, if you ever need help in flushing your anxiety down the toilet, to be rid of it forever, I am here for you!


06-20-2015, 12:14 AM
Butthurt much PC?

06-20-2015, 02:25 AM
How does a person develop such an ego when all they ever do is rehash bits of the Linden Method over and over again?

Panic, you're hilarious. You really are a treat.

"The anxiety cool kids won't let me play with them."

06-20-2015, 02:29 AM
Anxiety has cool kids? Haha that's kinda like being the smartest kid in special ed. [Offensive sae marches off, stage right]

06-20-2015, 03:10 AM
Anxiety has cool kids? Haha that's kinda like being the smartest kid in special ed. [Offensive sae marches off, stage right]

Absolutely. You're one of them! You can sit down the back of the bus with us if you want.

06-20-2015, 03:16 AM
Yay, the short bus.. it's a shorter walk to where the cool kids sit :) silver linings

06-20-2015, 03:24 AM
That's right :D

06-20-2015, 08:12 AM
This is probably my favorite Panic Cured quote of all time: "my rockets of truth blasting through the cosmos exploding your mind."

I love it! Panic Cured is the Rocket Man!

My second favorite is probably his reference to his "titanium wall of awesomeness." Not sure what to say about that one. I guess it is more expensive than regular drywall, and probably makes remodeling jobs more complicated...

In any event, have a happy Saturday,
One of the ACKs*

*Anxiety Cool Kids

06-20-2015, 03:24 PM
{quote=PanicCured]I have left 3 threads in the stickies that I know have helped hundreds if not thousands of people, many who have never logged in or joined here, only read. Therefore, I have completed my mission here, which was to help those who were once like me, like those who once helped me. Those of you reading, an Anxiety Disorder can be 100% overcome. Keep up the good work! The attacks you continue to throw at me are like Nerf bullets against a titanium wall of awesomeness! You can never reverse those walking around right now anxiety free or at least a hell of a lot better because of the simple solid advice I have given them through the years. That you can't take away from me, but most importantly, you can't take that away from them. [/quote]

Incredible, you are worst than my ex husband and he is a genius :)))

12-07-2015, 05:30 AM
hi minivanman, are you are still around on this forum? can i ask what multivitamin you recommend and what type of magnesium? thankyou

06-26-2018, 09:23 AM
hey guys, 4.5 years later, I am back. Magnesium still works for my anxiety!

07-02-2018, 07:37 AM
I just ran across you're old post about how you cured you're anxiety and OCD with supplements. I know that was years ago and that you recently updated and said you're back. I hope you are still around because I am curious to know how you are doing now with you're anxiety and OCD? Are you still taking supplements? And if so which ones and what brands do you recommend? And what else did you do to help you're anxiety and OCD beside the supplements and did you go to therapy or what? I'm sorry about all the questions but I'm just looking for some information.

07-14-2018, 05:21 AM
I just ran across you're old post about how you cured you're anxiety and OCD with supplements. I know that was years ago and that you recently updated and said you're back. I hope you are still around because I am curious to know how you are doing now with you're anxiety and OCD? Are you still taking supplements? And if so which ones and what brands do you recommend? And what else did you do to help you're anxiety and OCD beside the supplements and did you go to therapy or what? I'm sorry about all the questions but I'm just looking for some information.

I’m also very interested in which brands/dosage etc