View Full Version : How do you cope with your hypochondriac episodes?

03-03-2014, 11:32 PM
So here is my current dilemma, I been sick with a sinus infection (or so I think) and it's been going on for about 2 months now. It all started after I left my uncles house where everyone had a major cold/flu and were coughing their brains out x). Any who so I finally went to the doctor and was prescribed antibiotics which literally didn't do crap but maybe help my sinus pain/headaches, but I still been dealing with a stuffy nose that even now is still stuffy. Now what i'm scared about; so I been having random sharp pains shoot up the back of my left/right neck that happen when walking or sitting (not sure if its from stress or sinus problem). I been feeling groggy and scared that i'm going to develop meningitis and die (yes dramatically die), the reason I been scared is because I have been googling and see related symptoms to a brain tumor, brain cancer, meningitis etc. I been out of it waking up, stuffy nose, some headaches, not really confused but feel like really out of it (possibly my derealization). I can't figure it out and tell my parents I want to see an ent and get a mri to make sure its nothing else but they say its all in my head and sometimes I think so, but lately I been feling superstitious and dogs been howling when I walked by a black one today and in my neighborhood, also I found a cricket in my room which is supposed to be good if alive but if it's alive and silent that means there is impending death.... So I been feeling like im going to die, honestly scared I have some underlying illness and my sinus caused a problem and im dying slowly from cancer but don't know it.. Any ideas how I should cope or advice?

03-04-2014, 11:05 AM
By detaching yourself from what's happening :)

When you get thoughts, feelings or fears that you don't like, remind yourself, it's not you, it's your condition. You have an anxiety disorder, whether it be mild or extreme. Although it's very much existent inside of your head, it's a physical disorder too (meaning it has a psychical basis in the brain)

Health fear spikes, or feelings like you may die?

Do this:

- Remind yourself, it's not you - it's your condition.

- Reaffirm to yourself that your brain is sending you muddled up messages, due to a hyperactivity in a certain area of your brain (perhaps the amygdala in your case). Remind yourself you don't need to engage in these things.

- Go and do something that will distract you from these thoughts a little. Sure, you can't make them go away, trying to do that isn't productive, but just do something kind of interesting that you can put some focus into. Communicate back to your brain, that what it's doing is wrong, let is receive that message and correct itself. It will do.

Do that many times over the next few weeks/ months, and see if something begins to change in you. Discipline and practice is key.

03-04-2014, 04:17 PM
So here is my current dilemma, I been sick with a sinus infection (or so I think) and it's been going on for about 2 months now. It all started after I left my uncles house where everyone had a major cold/flu and were coughing their brains out x). Any who so I finally went to the doctor and was prescribed antibiotics which literally didn't do crap but maybe help my sinus pain/headaches, but I still been dealing with a stuffy nose that even now is still stuffy. Now what i'm scared about; so I been having random sharp pains shoot up the back of my left/right neck that happen when walking or sitting (not sure if its from stress or sinus problem). I been feeling groggy and scared that i'm going to develop meningitis and die (yes dramatically die), the reason I been scared is because I have been googling and see related symptoms to a brain tumor, brain cancer, meningitis etc. I been out of it waking up, stuffy nose, some headaches, not really confused but feel like really out of it (possibly my derealization). I can't figure it out and tell my parents I want to see an ent and get a mri to make sure its nothing else but they say its all in my head and sometimes I think so, but lately I been feling superstitious and dogs been howling when I walked by a black one today and in my neighborhood, also I found a cricket in my room which is supposed to be good if alive but if it's alive and silent that means there is impending death.... So I been feeling like im going to die, honestly scared I have some underlying illness and my sinus caused a problem and im dying slowly from cancer but don't know it.. Any ideas
how I should cope or advice?

Hi Dominic,

First thing I'm going to tell you is..... Stop googling your symptoms. All you are doing is making yourself miserable and probably sending yourself into a worse anxiety attack.

Second thing I'm going to tell you is take matters into your own hands. If you don't feel well then ask yourself "how am I going to get better and feel well". You would be surprised at how well this works. If you need to go to the doctor then do it, make a plan to get the medical issues addressed. If you don't like the answer from your doc then get a second opinion.

I don't mean to sound nasty, truly I'm not. I have dealt with this type of issue for a long time and empowering yourself helps. Take baby steps but one step leads to another and another.

I wish you nothing but success on your journey. Feel well.
