View Full Version : Really???

03-03-2014, 07:20 PM
Promise I'm not whining I'm just very overwhelmed lately. Every pain, symptom etc is haunting me. Like today I've had had the worst head ache sensation , hard to explain and also like a swimmy head. Just ate supper and my stomach has been growling so loud non stop for over 30 minutes.. My husband is really getting inpatient with all my health anxiety self doubt questions, he really does try to understand, he just don't see why I worry about every little symptom 24/7. I wish I didn't feel like I needed to ask a question for reassurance , the more I do the worse it seems

03-03-2014, 10:07 PM
Blessed, im exactly the same way! Every little thing bothers me and triggers my anxiety to panick attacks cause I worry too much. Ughhh I hate it!

03-04-2014, 08:52 AM
so whats the problem blessed . Your body is healing so of course the more you do the more you will feel it . Take it easy and dont push things . Sounds like side effects from meds to me . stomach problems and headaches would be in the top few . hi forwells happy to see you here. Really discouraged right now. Feel like I've taken many steps back. My head hurts so bad and feels really swimmy. I haven't really taken any different meds, so of course I'm assuming something is wrong. I check my blood sugar my heart rate and blood pressure yesterday, all was fine. But I just have this painful lethargic headache feeling. Just so aggrevated with myself for second guessing this health anxiety all the dang time . My husband is really getting inpatient with all of my "why and what if questions" he don't understand why I worry all the time. I'm to the point I don't know either

03-04-2014, 08:59 AM
Blessed, im exactly the same way! Every little thing bothers me and triggers my anxiety to panick attacks cause I worry too much. Ughhh I hate it! will this ever get better? Do you worry about health or other things to?

03-04-2014, 11:29 AM
Thank you so much for the encouragement . I need that! It's like I'm not "normal" if there is not something that has my undivided attention that I am worrying about. I really need to retrain my brain so I have a different outlook , thanks for your support!!

03-04-2014, 11:40 AM
You have indeed come a long way. It's important to see that to give you confidence in what you're doing :)

Out of interest Blessed... Would you say you have health fears, or health obsessions?

03-04-2014, 02:30 PM
You have indeed come a long way. It's important to see that to give you confidence in what you're doing :) Out of interest Blessed... Would you say you have health fears, or health obsessions? I'm not sure what the difference is.....to me a simple pain or headache is something terminally wrong , a chest pain is a heart attack, dizziness is passing out, a rash is anaphylaxis , a high heart rate is passing out or heart attack.....and of course I'm constantly in fear of dying.

03-04-2014, 02:46 PM
Ok, it does sound more like health fears, rather than obsessions. Sure probably a little of both, but fear has a perceived logic behind it, obsession is just.. well.. Obsessive! It happens yet you can't seem to stop it and don't really know why.

Being scared of dying all the time, is still definetly a fear.

Just wondering was all, thanks blessed.

You see why your anxious ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

^ And this. :)

03-04-2014, 03:22 PM
How can I block this fear when it comes up all the time any advice on this would be ever so greatly appreciated!!!!! i'm tired of these thoughts concerning my every waking moment I just want to be me that's all

03-04-2014, 05:41 PM
Forwells, would you mind sharing that site you were talking about. Would be interrelated to have a look.

Also, you were bang on about the health anxiety and fear of dying. I suffered from this and although I mostly helped myself through deliberate change in my thought patterns, it still rears it's ugly head once in a while but is definitely manageable now!


03-04-2014, 05:51 PM
https://www.anxietycentre.com/ small fee to join main part but there is 100s of pages very detailed . well worth it . cheers

Thanks a bunch! Have time tomorrow to spend some time looking around.