View Full Version : The Holidays

11-15-2005, 06:26 AM
I don't know about you guys, but the holidays are a very confusing and difficult time for me. For one, my dad passed away 7 years ago Nov. 28th, 6 days after my birthday and right after Thanksgiving. But, at the same time, Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. Maybe because for one thing my family has always celebrated my birthday on Thanksgiving because it was easier that way than getting the family together twice in such a short period of time.
I guess it gets all jumbled and confusing in my head because how can you be so sad and feel so awful about something, but still look forward to it all at the same time? I still get excited for Thanksgiving and my birthday, yes I'm a kid at heart, but I am terribly sad at the same time. It's very confusing.
And then you add the whirlwind of Christmas and everything you have to do, get ready, go to and prepare and it gets out of control. I look at the list of everything I have to do and then what I want to do and my head spins. I just don't know how it's all going to get done. But, somehow or another it always seems to come together.
I tell myself every year around this time that next year I'm going to work on Christmas all through the year and buy presents for everyone through the year and then I won't be like this, but every year it's the same thing. :roll: :?
Don't get me wrong, I love the hoidays and look forward to them. But at the same time I dread everything that goes with it. *sigh
O.k., I'm done now, I just had to vent a little bit. Thanks for "listening".

Cath :)

11-15-2005, 07:15 AM
I get depressed too this time of year, mostly because of the shorter days and colder weather and the feeling that things all around are dead.. bare trees, dead plants, no birds or animals stirring, etc.. I prefer Spring tyvm

I understand some of the issues with Xmas and would hope that everyone do something to lessen the pressure on each other every year. Even just picking a name from a hat to figure out who you'll get a present for, or just exchanging cards instead can lighten a load.

Of course, its hard not to get kids presents.. but I wish it would stop there. Some people enjoy buying things for friends, coworkers, their kids' teachers, the mailman even.. I mean, I can understand getting cards for them, thats nice.. but when u get presents for everyone and their mother it can become madness! And the people u get presents for feel compelled to give you something back.. argh stop the insanity! :P

well.. I guess you get the point.. I like minimalizing the whole gift giving aspect hehe.

As far as family goes.. my whole family is living in Florida so I've got just me to deal with on the holidays. Which is okay if I have something to do, otherwise I do miss them and get lonely on occassion.

anyway, I hope it goes somewhat smoothly for ya Cath. just gotta work on one thing at a time instead of looking at the whole to-do list and becoming overwhelmed by it all.

11-17-2005, 08:49 AM
OMG I know! STOP the insanity!

We are having my family for Thanksgiving. It will be fun but I am nervous and frantic at the same time. Don't even talk to me about Xmas shopping! Ugh!

And guess what? We are having Prime Rib instead of turkey! HEE HEEE HEEEE!

11-17-2005, 09:09 AM
Prime Rib! You rebel :P I'm gonna be stuck in my apt. eating a microwaveable dinner probably. Noone invites me to their dinners =(

11-17-2005, 09:15 AM
We are rebels, aren't we? Your invited Shoe! C'Mon over!

11-17-2005, 10:17 AM
Awwww Shoe, if you lived closer I'd invite you over. I'm sorry. That makes me sad that you're going to be all alone. :(

11-17-2005, 10:41 AM
lol, thanks for the invites ;) I'll be okay.. I got schoolwork and games to keep me busy! plus, I'm betting the family will be calling and talking my ears off :roll: hehe