View Full Version : Mind over Matter

03-03-2014, 05:54 PM
So I know that we all talk about symptoms and fears when it comes to panic attacks, for me its in my chest, I have pain in my chest and a hard time breathing and the next thing you know I am positive that I am having a heart attack! Does anyone else doe this?! I mean I have been to the ER many times. The last time I made them run every test they could, I had Urine, Blood, Chest X-ray, EEG, EKG, they checked for a heart attack. Everything is fine they say there is nothing wrong with your heart you are just having a panic attack. And deep down I know this, and that's what really pisses me off! Why can I not control these feelings, I try to tell my mind to tell my body that I am fine, but then I get a little twinge in my chest or feeling in my shoulder and that's it "here comes the heart attack!"
You know I don't wish this on anyone but are there other people out there that experience what I do the twinges in the chest, the hard time breathing, feeling faint>I am sick and tired of being scared of my body and I am tired of this running my life. I take 40mg Prozac, 120mg propranolol, which is a beta blocker, and 1mg Xanax 3 times a day. I am tired od living my life scared all the time, I know there have got to ne people out there who have felt this. your advice would be appreciated.