View Full Version : Full-blown panic, please someone talk me down!

03-03-2014, 03:58 PM
No words. Having the worst panic attack! Smell of MJ triggered it for some reason. I have the worst derealization/depersonalization. Everything is like a dream and my body, I cant f***ing feel it at all!

Please, anyone help. Every scary thought is irrational, but yet I'm scared. My heart is beating very fast.:(

03-03-2014, 04:07 PM
No words. Having the worst panic attack! Smell of MJ triggered it for some reason. I have the worst derealization/depersonalization. Everything is like a dream and my body, I cant f***ing feel it at all! Please, anyone help. Every scary thought is irrational, but yet I'm scared. My heart is beating very fast.:(

Lay down if you can, let the thoughts come and go, remember they are only thoughts, they cannot harm you, you have been here before, start to remember it will pass, things will start to feel better shortly.

Whatever the smell was it has only triggered a memory linked to your anxiety, your heart will continue to beat, allow your body to take care of your breathing.

03-03-2014, 04:12 PM
Lay down if you can, let the thoughts come and go, remember they are only thoughts, they cannot harm you, you have been here before, start to remember it will pass, things will start to feel better shortly.

Whatever the smell was it has only triggered a memory linked to your anxiety, your heart will continue to beat, allow your body to take care of your breathing.

You have no idea how much that is helping!!

Keep the advices coming, you're feeding my rational thoughts. REALLY appreciate this!!

03-03-2014, 04:20 PM
You have no idea how much that is helping!! Keep the advices coming, you're feeding my rational thoughts. REALLY appreciate this!! Can you describe the room or area you are in right now.

03-03-2014, 04:42 PM
Alias, lots of great advice already given but I will just add my 10 cents worth. When I am in the midst of that panic attack from hell just breathing some fresh air helps me refocus. Open a window a bit or stick your head outside and just breathe.

Hopefully you don't have the miserable winter I have cause today just breathing outside would give you frost bite!

Hang in there, it is awful but it does pass!

03-03-2014, 05:07 PM
The worst symptom is derealization. It's causing me to panic everytime. Especielly when it's severe like this. I know where I am and with who I am. I've now gained som control over it, but I feel as if my dr is taking over soon. And when that happens, a whole new attack begins. How can I stop this??

03-03-2014, 05:11 PM
I feel you... I've been in an on and off panic a lot the past two days. Normally it helps me to go running or go for a walk, but the snow and ice are making that very hard!

03-03-2014, 05:29 PM
The worst symptom is derealization. It's causing me to panic everytime. Especielly when it's severe like this. I know where I am and with who I am. I've now gained som control over it, but I feel as if my dr is taking over soon. And when that happens, a whole new attack begins. How can I stop this??

There is no immediate cure for it, but it will subside when the anxiety level drops. One technique you could try to relieve it, is to consciously describe the immediate area you are in and the objects in it, out loud in as much detail as you can. As if you are trying to relay an accurate picture of the room to a radio station listener.

Doesn't sound very exciting, but it will give you focus on something other than anxiety, and will help with the dr.

03-03-2014, 06:43 PM
There is no immediate cure for it, but it will subside when the anxiety level drops. One technique you could try to relieve it, is to consciously describe the immediate area you are in and the objects in it, out loud in as much detail as you can. As if you are trying to relay an accurate picture of the room to a radio station listener.

Doesn't sound very exciting, but it will give you focus on something other than anxiety, and will help with the dr.

Ah smart. But problem is, whenever I talk and hear myself it feels like it's not me. That's why I avoid talking. I've realised though that distraction is really good. However, really appreciate your help, it helped me alooot. :)

03-03-2014, 06:47 PM
Ah smart. But problem is, whenever I talk and hear myself it feels like it's not me. That's why I avoid talking. I've realised though that distraction is really good. However, really appreciate your help, it helped me alooot. :)

When derealization happened to me, I was much the same

I did learn that "derelization" me was a bit more fun than "real" me according to my friends

03-03-2014, 07:09 PM
When derealization happened to me, I was much the same

I did learn that "derelization" me was a bit more fun than "real" me according to my friends

Haha. I wish I was funnier. Well, I kind of am. They laugh at me though, not with me. But that's a great way to look at it, seeing everything from a positive perspective always helps. Thanks

03-03-2014, 07:14 PM
Haha. I wish I was funnier. Well, I kind of am. They laugh at me though, not with me. But that's a great way to look at it, seeing everything from a positive perspective always helps. Thanks

You will be just fine, my friend