View Full Version : Can't face anything. Will this pass? If so when?

03-03-2014, 01:56 PM
I have a lonely job. I work in the acting business.

Lately I have not been able to feel confident enough to do what I do best. No mental energy to try and audition. No belief in my own ability and a distinct lack of ability to actually do the job and feel creative. I just think, what is the point, there are too many competitors.

Too tired to work, too awake to sleep.

Numb and bored. I can hardly fill each day, I dred waking up to face another boring non achievement day.

I go from one day to the next feeling like I am not achieving anything. Sometimes I just get in my car and drive miles, to see friends to be with people. It helps.

Does mental energy and pizzazz return.. its been a month now.

Any tips?

Take each day and each task slow?
Do less tasks each day?
Give in and sleep if able?

03-03-2014, 02:24 PM
a change in diet maybe.more vitamins more proteins more smile more optimism more sex more self love. and u will be fine

03-03-2014, 02:49 PM
a change in diet maybe.more vitamins more proteins more smile more optimism more sex more self love. and u will be fine

Great advice cimi :-)