View Full Version : Horrible feelings

03-03-2014, 11:55 AM
Hi all, have really been suffering lately. I keep worrying about dying and leaving my young babies. I keep suffering with headaches and dizzy spells, back ache and keep telling myself it must be something serious. Does anyone else suffer this way? Thanks

03-03-2014, 12:01 PM
Hi I used to feel like that everyday and its horrible! I used to read too much into everything. For example pain in my leg= blood clot, a slight temperature= blood poisoning. All of the symptoms you have mentioned are all anxiety symptoms.
What got me through was medication, CBT and talking to people on here.
Now if I feel myself feeling anxious over my health I try and tell myself I have had these symptoms before and nothing serious has happened so I will be fine this time too.
I guess what I want to say is that this does get easier!

03-03-2014, 12:17 PM
The dizziness is really worrying me, I cannot help but worry all the time that it is something serious .

03-03-2014, 12:30 PM
Do you move around enough? Or spend a lot off time in bed or sitting? I find that I've been just sitting around and in bed to much and of course get the lightheaded dizziness feeling. Like they suggested me, moving around will help.

03-03-2014, 12:44 PM
I am laying down now, just feel worried about getting up

03-03-2014, 12:45 PM
But most of the time I am up and about

03-03-2014, 01:58 PM
Dizziness is a very common symptom of anxiety I hate feeling dizzy though. Are you eating enough and drinking properly? They can be big causes of being dizzy. If you start feeling dizzy grab a glass of ice water and sit down for 5 mins

03-03-2014, 04:16 PM
I know how this feels i had dizzines slight vertigo if you will for about 3-4 months everyday and managed to go to school it was hard walking to a class or to lunch break but to be honest when you really do start to calm down it goes away a but Since my anxiety is up again because of my period im getting it again but please you will be fine just remember to breathe correctly , wear flat shoes to help balance and eat consistently you may have low blood sugar levels at the moment ! Hope this helps (:

03-03-2014, 04:52 PM
Hi Anxiety, you are describing my life so I completely understand where you are coming from. The dizziness sucks! No nice way to put it.

Although my baby is 14 now I still have my mind going all over the place thinking I am going to die and leave him. He is autistic and his dad and I have split up.

If you need peace of mind regarding your physical symptoms go and get checked out by your doc. He/she might think you are wasting their time but peace of mind is important. As for the dizziness, if you can take Gravol try it. It helps me a huge amount, I am believing it is my best friend. If it knocks you out, try cutting the tablet in half.

Hang in there, you are completely understood!


04-23-2014, 03:33 PM
I feel the same way. I get light headed out of nowhere and I'm constantly terrified that I have something horrible wrong with me. I'm terrified that I'm going to leave my children behind.

I was sitting in church on Easter Sunday and out of nowhere I got lightheaded and I have been sitting completely still. Then I began to panic and get nervous but I was going to pass out right down front of everybody. I go to church every Sunday so it's not like it was a new place for out of my comfort zone. It happened again on Tuesday at work. And this is the first bout I've had of it, other then tiny spells here and there, since November

I constantly think that I have a tumor I have a headache for longer than a few hours. Health anxiety is the absolute worst. I have had it all of my life and I'm 40 now

I know that I have a ton on my mind, my oldest son is due to graduate marine Boot Camp in two weeks and I will be driving from New York to South Carolina for his graduation and bring them home for 10 days. The travel alone gives me anxiety. Not seeing my son and not knowing he's okay gives me anxiety, and then I have four children behind him.

But when I get a dizzy spell, all I can think of is the worst case scenario and in my mind I'm on a gurney somewhere, and then the panic sets in and it sometimes takes me days to recover.