View Full Version : Getting into a therapist is f***ing hard!

03-03-2014, 11:30 AM
My parents have been calling all morning with no hope! Either they're booked out for a long time or they don't take our insurance.. The Behavioral center won't even help me because of my insurance.. WTF!!

& on top of all this, I need to go see my regular Dr today because the .25 Xanax isn't working!

I'm breaking down..

03-03-2014, 03:31 PM
it took me a long time to be able to se my therapist initially... but once you become a patient you will be able to get appointments very easily

03-03-2014, 03:49 PM
it took me a long time to be able to se my therapist initially... but once you become a patient you will be able to get appointments very easily

Oh good!! I ended up finding a psychiatrist & I go Wednesday.

03-03-2014, 04:08 PM
Pfff... I know what you mean. I'm still waiting for a call back about getting into some therapy. Been waiting since December. It's ridiculous.

03-03-2014, 04:09 PM
Pfff... I know what you mean. I'm still waiting for a call back about getting into some therapy. Been waiting since December. It's ridiculous.

Wow that's crazy!! I can't believe how booked they are!

03-03-2014, 05:03 PM
Yes it's ridiculous my anxiety started getting bad in December and I didn't get an appointment till the third week of February I honestly feel had I gotten help in dec when I needed it my anxiety would've been under control by this time

03-03-2014, 05:04 PM
Yes it's ridiculous my anxiety started getting bad in December and I didn't get an appointment till the third week of February I honestly feel had I gotten help in dec when I needed it my anxiety would've been under control by this time

That's so crappy.. They need to make it easier for people to get in to see someone!!

03-03-2014, 05:07 PM
I know they told me the only way they would take me is if I was having suicidal thoughts lol which I did but I wasn't gonna tell them that with my luck they would send me to a psych ward lol so I had no choice but to wait

03-03-2014, 05:32 PM
Oh good!! I ended up finding a psychiatrist & I go Wednesday.

Glad you found someone! Hopefully he or she will have some recs for a therapist, and maybe even be a cool person with good advice (I see two psych docs occasionally - they're great). I went back into my outpatient program because it was an 8 WEEK WAIT for the next appt with the counselor I'd been to once. WTF? I'm seeing one tomorrow who doesn't take insurance but would see me the next day (not getting everything I need from the outpatient program just yet).

If you can find one and manage it, outpatient programs move FAST, and you don't have to have suicidal thoughts or anything to be let in immediately, assuming your symptoms are still pretty severe (at least at the one I go to). Mine's 4 hours a day, with varying sessions, and you don't have to go every day.

Good luck. It's nuts. And then half the time I don't even LIKE the therapist very much, or they don't help.

03-03-2014, 07:02 PM
I know they told me the only way they would take me is if I was having suicidal thoughts lol which I did but I wasn't gonna tell them that with my luck they would send me to a psych ward lol so I had no choice but to wait

Wow that sucks :( waiting is torture!!

03-03-2014, 07:04 PM
Glad you found someone! Hopefully he or she will have some recs for a therapist, and maybe even be a cool person with good advice (I see two psych docs occasionally - they're great). I went back into my outpatient program because it was an 8 WEEK WAIT for the next appt with the counselor I'd been to once. WTF? I'm seeing one tomorrow who doesn't take insurance but would see me the next day (not getting everything I need from the outpatient program just yet). If you can find one and manage it, outpatient programs move FAST, and you don't have to have suicidal thoughts or anything to be let in immediately, assuming your symptoms are still pretty severe (at least at the one I go to). Mine's 4 hours a day, with varying sessions, and you don't have to go every day. Good luck. It's nuts. And then half the time I don't even LIKE the therapist very much, or they don't help.

Thank you!! :) what is the outpatient program??

& I know, I'm hoping this psychiatrist is good since she's the only one I could get into!!!

03-03-2014, 07:46 PM
So glad that you found one fast Brooklyn!!..YAY!!! :)


03-03-2014, 07:49 PM
So glad that you found one fast Brooklyn!!..YAY!!! :) E-Man..

Thanks!!! Now to just wait..... Lol