View Full Version : Dizziness and palpitations?

03-03-2014, 09:46 AM
Hello! Today I was standing at the vet office, signing a receipt, when my head felt like it spun 160 degrees, then I got pounding-fast palpitations. My heart was beating so hard, you could see it in my breast. I thought "Well...if that doesn't stop, guess I'll have to go to the doctor." I took a few deep breathes, and waited for it to stop. It lasted about two minutes, then was gone. Like a switch was flicked. Instantly, my pulse was back to what it was before my heart tried to pound it's way out of my chest. No pain at all. I've had palpitations before, but they are normally just a fast pulse, center of chest-ish. This was clearly my physical heart, jumping around in my chest. I didn't panic. Too sick to give a damn I guess.

I've had migraines for two weeks, accompanied with ear pains, eye pains, and nose pains. As of Friday, I started to get sick. So, stuffy/runny nose. Migraines are just headaches now. Eye pain is less common. Ears still have pressure/pain at different increments throughout the day. Sometimes my ears hurt before my head starts hurting. All this, is just side info, as an fyi to try and figure out what if anything, might be going on. I also get rib pains below and above my left breast. Though those are infrequent, and seem to be in no relation to anything else.

I despise doctors. Anytime I go, I never mention everything that's been bothering me. It's just the way I am.

Should I be concerned? Or should I continue thinking it's nothing, and I'll be fine. =p

03-03-2014, 10:43 AM
u have what every human has in a time of their life. nothing to worry about. we all have eyepain, and all kind of pains. we wouldnt be humans otherwise. so relax and move on with your life. that kind of pain doesnt put you down. you still breath, think, love, etc. so have fun.

03-03-2014, 10:51 AM
It sounds a little like sinusitis to me! I don't think your chest pain and palpitations are related to it but all your symptoms do sound like sinusitis. It might be worth getting checked at your docs if only to put your mind at rest.