View Full Version : Wishing everyone a good day!

03-03-2014, 04:03 AM
Well the nausea and anxiety have settled enough, going to go get ready for the day.

I hope you all have a wonderful, anxiety-free day and I will check back later. Going to physio and massage therapy today, looking forward to the massage!

Cheers all!!! :)

03-03-2014, 08:10 AM
Why thank you! and you too :)

Enjoy your therapies. Sure wish I was having a massage today!

03-03-2014, 08:22 AM
Exactly what Jesse said! :)

Ditto :-) have a great day and enjoy your massage :-)

Michael p
03-03-2014, 09:00 AM
Hello all! I am new here and want to bid you all a good day also. It's strange, but it feels nice to have some where to go where it seems like others understand. Thanks!!

Michael p
03-03-2014, 09:10 AM
Hi Michael. :)

Welcome to the community! Lots of people here will understand some if not most of what you go through.

We are a pretty friendly bunch so when your ready maybe you can post a new thread of your own with a little about what brings you here.

Frankie :)
Thanks for the welcome! Will do.

03-03-2014, 09:50 AM
Lol!!! The massage sounds good but I always feel kind of beat up the day after. Massage therapy can be a b$&school.

Going to accupuncture tomorrow, now that's a trip! Feel great after that one.

03-03-2014, 09:57 AM
Welcome, Michael!

And as for me, I'm FINALLY having a turnaround and might even have a good day! Maybe rock-bottom did finally hit. I arranged an appt with a counselor for tomorrow at 9 AM (she doesn't take insurance, so it's costly - but I have my outpatient program later that day and can't have two claims in one day...). Her website and blog sound awesome, and she was recommended by someone I know, so I'm feeling positive about that. I'm back on the name brand Wellbutrin so I won't be getting sick and extra emotional from the crappy generic, and I've been given permission to double the dose (might give me the boost I need - just took the one regular dose for now). It's bitterly cold here but this is the END of it, finally. I'm emailing with a guy I briefly dated in the past and got along well with, but timing wasn't right then, so am hoping we can be friends now (he knows I'm not looking now for a fast relationship or hookup ;)). Pushed a few people out of my life - the "friends" that weren't - and it hurts like hell... but am hopeful that this leaves more time for better people to come into my life.

Still ugly with my ex-husband, and am not sure where to go with that... definitely don't want to go into "couples" therapy with him. I think I can talk to my daughter's therapist privately today, and see if she has suggestions.

So I'll send out some positive vibes to our group here, for better days ahead!