View Full Version : Hey guys i am back

03-03-2014, 01:42 AM
hey guys. missed you. it happened just as i planed. now i am back for good. threads dont trigger my anxiety anymore. so i am here to give my words to those who need them. anyway i am super fine in case u wonder. still recovering but i must say daaaamnnn i feel good :). it is good to be back and i will try to give some eman advices since he has some back pain and cannot sit long on the pc.

03-03-2014, 03:11 AM
hey guys. missed you. it happened just as i planed. now i am back for good. threads dont trigger my anxiety anymore. so i am here to give my words to those who need them. anyway i am super fine in case u wonder. still recovering but i must say daaaamnnn i feel good :). it is good to be back and i will try to give some eman advices since he has some back pain and cannot sit long on the pc.

Hi cimi welcome back!
Pleased your feeling well :-)
This forum is addictive no one manages to stay away long hehe :-)

03-03-2014, 03:56 AM
Yes!! Be our Eman!

Good to see you Cimi. Did you find the break refreshing?

03-03-2014, 04:44 AM
Welcome back man! Happy for you!! :)

You got to admit it was hard to stay away from the forum.

03-03-2014, 10:34 AM
i must say this forum is addictive. but i never wanted to leave it. just a break for some days i said. anyway happy to be here once more :)