View Full Version : What makes a man......(venting)

03-02-2014, 06:46 PM
What makes a man worth fighting for? worth holding on to. Is it his looks? his character? Or is it his capability of physical presence? But what if the man cannot be there all the time? not because he doesn't want to, not because of a lack of trying. but because he chose to make a sacrifice for something greater than himself. Is there even a woman in this plain of existence that truly feels that love can conquer all? That love is enough? when you have a man in your life that will drop everything just to make sure you're ok. someone who shows unflinching, undying, unconditional love. a man that through everything, even when she seeks the bed of another man, finds it in his heart to forgive and continues to be the rock that never cracks. To without any doubt show his love and caring, and still fights for the one he loves. Would you call that man crazy? call him a misguided fool? or a man that doesn't deserve her love? is it weak? What makes someone through something like that away? what makes them just give up? Then continue to drag them through the dirt just because. This rock has a heart and feelings, but i will never crack. my devotion, perseverance, my dedication to the one i love will not fade. i will not falter,and i will never give up or give in. Call it what you will, i have no regrets.

03-02-2014, 07:10 PM
thanks frankie, im not actually looking for answers. she is what i want. thats why im waiting for her to be ready. i only expect her to be herself. and we are very lovely together, she has just lost her way is all.

03-02-2014, 07:29 PM
thanks frankie, im not actually looking for answers. she is what i want. thats why im waiting for her to be ready. i only expect her to be herself. and we are very lovely together, she has just lost her way is all.

Yeah going by the things she's said about you, I'm not sure there was too much more you could have done, or been. Shes said some very very complimentary things about you.

How long are you prepared to wait for her? What if it takes her a while to find her way again? Would you wait years?

03-02-2014, 07:34 PM
You sound wonderful. Seriously.

03-02-2014, 07:38 PM
You sound wonderful. Seriously.

That's what I was thinking!

03-02-2014, 07:39 PM
Yeah going by the things she's said about you, I'm not sure there was too much more you could have done, or been. Shes said some very very complimentary things about you.

How long are you prepared to wait for her? What if it takes her a while to find her way again? Would you wait years?

I would wait for as long as needed. If it takes years then so be it. I waited a long time just to meet her. Anything else would be just a blink of an eye. If I can't wait then I never deserved her. She would probably say don't wait and even do things that would make a lesser man walk away and never look back. But I am not a lesser man. I am a man in love with a wonderful woman

03-02-2014, 07:42 PM
Janey, Brooke. thank you :D

03-02-2014, 08:29 PM
Jesus.... Why can't you see I'm not worth it? I'm still a girl mike, a young scared little girl... You are a man and deserve a woman... Not a girl. There are some things I can't look past.. Never wait for someone, no one is worth that... Not one damn person. This is YOUR life, take control.

03-02-2014, 08:34 PM
Jesus.... Why can't you see I'm not worth it? I'm still a girl mike, a young scared little girl... You are a man and deserve a woman... Not a girl. There are some things I can't look past.. Never wait for someone, no one is worth that... Not one damn person. This is YOUR life, take control.

I have control of my life, you do not see through my eyes, nor can you feel with my heart what i have for you. push as hard as you want.

03-02-2014, 08:53 PM
This is becoming a theatre act now, it is like I am watching Eastenders here and hate eastenders. Why don't you guys talk to eachother rather than broadcasting it on the forum. Seriously guys some are cringing reading these posts.

You both need closure so move on with your life not one person is not worth this much hassle.

Good luck moving on

03-03-2014, 04:18 AM
This is becoming a theatre act now, it is like I am watching Eastenders here and hate eastenders. Why don't you guys talk to eachother rather than broadcasting it on the forum. Seriously guys some are cringing reading these posts.

You both need closure so move on with your life not one person is not worth this much hassle.

Good luck moving on

Not to be mean, but I was thinking the same thing. I've never understood why adults need to grapple with each other in open forums and on social media as if it's the only form of communication available. Attention seeking much?

03-03-2014, 06:13 AM
Drama kings and queens.

03-03-2014, 06:56 AM
Not to be mean, but I was thinking the same thing. I've never understood why adults need to grapple with each other in open forums and on social media as if it's the only form of communication available. Attention seeking much?
I agree, it is ridicules, like two children. Why people wash their laundry public? it is some kind of exhibitionism?
Btw they have audience so they do this :)

03-03-2014, 08:04 AM
I agree, it is ridicules, like two children. Why people wash their laundry public? it is some kind of exhibitionism?
Btw they have audience so they do this :)

Btw, this whole site is about washing laundry in public. If you don't like my post then that's fine. If I feel like venting, I'm going to do it. People post their problems, everyone that has commented has their issues in some form on this sites. Well pots, meet the kettle.

03-03-2014, 08:17 AM
I hate to say it, but I have become a bit fascinated with the exchanges between the two

I have know Amber here a bit and she is a sweetheart

Mike has been here a short time but seems like a honorable, good hearted guy

Since I look at them somehow as friends here , I keep reading each chapter in the hopes of the great ending

I don't know what a great ending means for the two, just hope it is the best one for each of them

Maybe I just need to get a hobby

03-03-2014, 08:47 AM
Mike I like you both, you are great but do not do this to yourself, I am old woman and I know what I am saying. I promise it is not dementia :))))BTW I do not wash anything in public.

03-03-2014, 08:10 PM
This is an axiety forum people are stating their problems here to let others know and also to reassure themselves of any symtoms they are having and what is helping them tackle the disorder which is not washing dirty laundry in public.

In your case mike, you are playing games here writing stupid posts about Amber who is a member here so she will read it and feel bad about ending the relationship thats a dangerous and stupid thing to do.

Now you got me talking about it now which i really hate. I am sorry you are hurting but writing things like "my heart is broken" and but "i will always love her" will make her feel bad and hinder her progress.

I will not participate in this thread any more.

P.s Nixonrules You need to watch Jeremy Kyle show if you want this kind of entertainment lol


03-03-2014, 09:12 PM
This is an axiety forum people are stating their problems here to let others know and also to reassure themselves of any symtoms they are having and what is helping them tackle the disorder which is not washing dirty laundry in public.

In your case mike, you are playing games here writing stupid posts about Amber who is a member here so she will read it and feel bad about ending the relationship thats a dangerous and stupid thing to do.

Now you got me talking about it now which i really hate. I am sorry you are hurting but writing things like "my heart is broken" and but "i will always love her" will make her feel bad and hinder her progress.

I will not participate in this thread any more.

P.s Nixonrules You need to watch Jeremy Kyle show if you want this kind of entertainment lol


Thank you for the childish remarks. Never stated that I was perfect. Sometimes it helps me to vent to strangers. You're dead wrong if you think I post these so amber can read. She knows exactly how I feel and where I stand. So i hope you're having fun with this

03-04-2014, 07:54 AM
No girl should have to wait for a bullshitter full of empty promises, if that's in fact what you are (which is my general assumption of a great many on this forum) I do not blame a girl for not wanting to get mixed up with a guy who's mouth is always writing out checks his butt can't cash (however the expression goes). Just my two cents since I don't know much of the situation as of now and I am killing time reading posts here at the moment.

03-04-2014, 08:07 AM
No girl should have to wait for a bullshitter full of empty promises, if that's in fact what you are (which is my general assumption of a great many on this forum) I do not blame a girl for not wanting to get mixed up with a guy who's mouth is always writing out checks his butt can't cash (however the expression goes). Just my two cents since I don't know much of the situation as of now and I am killing time reading posts here at the moment.

Well applecherry I can clearing see that you are basing your two cents on personal experience which is to be expected. I'm not offended by your comment because you simply do not know me nor the situation. Nobody here can say that they do because there are lots of missing pieces.

03-04-2014, 08:12 AM
Mike, being a soldier, does what's happening with Russia and Ukraine concern you?

03-04-2014, 08:23 AM
Mike, being a soldier, does what's happening with Russia and Ukraine concern you?

I'm concerned for the people over there. If needed, i'm ready to go.

03-04-2014, 08:27 AM
I'm concerned for the people over there. If needed, i'm ready to go.

^ Love this guy. Luckily we have people like you.

@frankie, yeah, it's getting pretty tense now. I don't think it'll be the next Cold War or whatever, but you can never be sure with Russia.

03-04-2014, 08:29 AM
Well, I really hope for her sake you are not full of lies. Liars are among the most selfish, cowardly people on the planet.

03-04-2014, 08:31 AM
I must add, to remark on my basing my two cents on personal experience, if you don't know me, how could you possibly know the experience was quote on quote "personal"? Hmm..starting to smell a rat. With that, I leave my last remark to Amber, be careful.

03-04-2014, 08:32 AM
^ Love this guy. Luckily we have people like you.

@frankie, yeah, it's getting pretty tense now. I don't think it'll be the next Cold War or whatever, but you can never be sure with Russia.

Haha thanks jessed, things do seem pretty tense over there. Let's hope diplomacy pulls through

03-04-2014, 08:34 AM
He's no Tom Cruise play acting! It's what I see in my Rory. Mike, did you exhibit the childhood indicators for a future in the army? Rory was always into camping out, survival etc. he's dead set on joining up. If we still lived in oz there's no doubt he'd be in the cadets but not an option for him where we are.

Indeed I was Frankie. Always outside, in the woods having adventures lol

03-04-2014, 08:39 AM
I must add, to remark on my basing my two cents on personal experience, if you don't know me, how could you possibly know the experience was quote on quote "personal"? Hmm..starting to smell a rat. With that, I leave my last remark to Amber, be careful.

Because applecherry I am very observant and can read between the lines. Its in what you say and the words you use. Also the placement of those words that tells me more than what I am reading. There is no need for childish name calling. I'm sure you are better than that.

03-04-2014, 08:58 AM
It's in the blood Frankie :)

03-04-2014, 09:00 AM
It's in the blood Frankie :)

I completely agree. Future general?

03-04-2014, 09:02 AM
Because applecherry I am very observant and can read between the lines. Its in what you say and the words you use. Also the placement of those words that tells me more than what I am reading. There is no need for childish name calling. I'm sure you are better than that.

I like your answer Mike; you are cool. The situation with Ukraine and Russian action is dangerous. It can actually lead to third war... I am not kidding... The last 17 years in Poland I lived so close to Lvov I was there once a months sometimes twice. Ukrainian always wanted to be free of Russian oppression. Generally they are good , and poor people, and they do not deserve it what they get. I worry at lot about it...very sad indeed.

Being soldier is not easy job. My step father was in army. not easy...

03-04-2014, 05:39 PM
I know he wants to be part of something bigger than himself, his words. I recognise that in the way you speak too.

Its an honor honestly but you don't see the other sacrifices til further down the road. Hence why the divorce rate is so high and other relationships have a short lifespan

03-08-2014, 04:41 AM
ugh.. Childish is being thrown around alot. Seriously, im over this all. bunch of bull. Everyone enjoy.