View Full Version : In need of diagnosis...

03-29-2008, 10:28 PM
I am a mid thirties woman. Have had panic attacks occasionally since my teens. Have always had panic attacks in car washes, movie theaters, and social situations. What's a panic attack vs an anxiety attack?

I don't like to meet people, don't like my friends, never get visitors, and have good days and bad days in my brain. I have never seen a doctor or even told anyone about any of this. I hide behind a faux personality of strength and confidence. It's all getting worse as I get older but I don't trust doctor or pharma meds.

Today, I started taking St Johns Wort and joined this forum. Good idea, yeah?

03-31-2008, 12:14 AM
Hey paloaca, it sounds like you definetly have an anxiety disorder. You've made a big step by joining a forum and begining to talk about it. Please don't stop here, the bigest reason people suffer w/ anxiety for so long is that they don't get help. St. Johns Wort has helped some people but from my experience ultimate success relies on changing your thought patterns through cbt. Please check out a thread i started with a free cbt course that helped me immencely. But don't stop there find a therapist if you can, research your disorder and read up on it. Also there are other natural anxiety relivers like Inositol, valerin root, holy basil, and if you feel you need it there are several meds for anxiety. You can do this just remember that it will take hard work and persistence.
Heres my thread and a site w/ some good downloads.
(Dr. Weekes has written several books too)
take care, john

04-01-2008, 12:21 PM
a panic attack when u feel like ur dying ur heart races etc
an anxiety attack is when ur heart races but ur okay u dont get all worked up

04-01-2008, 01:48 PM
a panic attack when u feel like ur dying ur heart races etc
an anxiety attack is when ur heart races but ur okay u dont get all worked up

:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

04-01-2008, 04:31 PM
The way I see it, an 'anxiety attack' is just a less severe form of a panic attack. It would be more of a feeling of fearfulness and anxiety out of the blue rather than outright feeling like you are going to die and ending up in the ER.