View Full Version : All of a sudden..

03-02-2014, 05:54 PM
I feel sad.. :( so here's a little more to my story..

I live with my boyfriend & his mom.. I've lived there for a little over a year. I've had anxiety for about 2 ish years.. But two weeks ago today I had a bad day & anxiety was bad since then.. Then one night I was sleeping at my house & suddenly woke up from an anxiety nightmare & was panicking. I pulled myself together enough to drive all the way to my moms (about 10 minutes away) by myself.. she lives about a minute away from a hospital so I felt safe there.. Anyways, I've been staying at my moms since. I wanna feel better so I can go home! I'm afraid to drive alone now though.. Which I'm praying goes away once my meds kick in..

So point to my story, my boyfriend, his mom & niece are on their way out of town to watch Disney on Ice.. I was suppose to go but then all this happened.. I'm sad. I miss my life!

Okay I'm done.. Just needed to vent!

03-02-2014, 05:59 PM
It's ok.. Yes, your levels of confidence will return, just not in 12 days dear..
You'll be fine, and the meds will be greatly helpful too....
If you are not already in therapy or have a councelor, that may be your next step someone you could visit a couple times a week to start..

Have patience Brooklyn!!!..

E-Man.. :)

03-02-2014, 06:02 PM
It's ok.. Yes, your levels of confidence will return, just not in 12 days dear.. You'll be fine, and the meds will be greatly helpful too.... If you are not already in therapy or have a councelor, that may be your next step someone you could visit a couple times a week to start.. Have patience Brooklyn!!!.. E-Man.. :)

Okay.. & I have been trying so hard to get into to see a therapist. Either they don't call back or they're booked for two months! I'm gonna search for others & spend my day calling tomorrow! Thank you btw, for kind words!

03-02-2014, 06:05 PM
Very welcome...Yes, there has to be at least one therapists that isn't so heavily booked. Try the Adult & Child Mental Health Clinic, plus they're cheaper too...and if you say that you can no longer drive a car, can't be alone, and have to be near the hospital...they may get you in ASAP.. It's worth a shot!! You just have to talk to someone at the front desk, then they'll make a place for you...:)


03-02-2014, 06:08 PM
Very welcome...Yes, there has to be at least one therapists that isn't so heavily booked. Try the Adult & Child Mental Health Clinic, plus they're cheaper too...and if you say that you can no longer drive a car, can't be alone, and have to be near the hospital...they may get you in ASAP.. It's worth a shot!! You just have to talk to someone at the front desk, then they'll make a place for you...:) E-Man..

Well my mom was seeing about going down to the behavioral place tomorrow & seeing if they could hook me up with someone also..

03-02-2014, 06:09 PM
So we shall see what happens tomorrow! I'm determined to get a therapist tomorrow! Lol